Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Even More Phone Tips
Today, we've got even more phone tips this whole week 966 967 and today's 968 has been on phone tips to make you lightning fast and do all the cool things your phone will do. Although saying the word all is kind of ridiculous because it'll do thousands and thousands of things, so I try to pick out things that are very useful to you.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 968
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Higher Education Webinar –
See Tom's Stuff –
[00:23] Tom's introduction to Even More Phone Tips [01:44] Use your Notes app as a calculator [03:31] Making a graphic out of thin air [05:35] Use your calculator to convert thingsHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
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How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
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Copywriting901 –
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Tom on TikTok –
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Internet Marketing Training Center –
More Phone Tips –
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Want The Transcript for this episode?
In this episode of Screw the Commute, host Tom Antion shares more productivity-enhancing phone tips, focusing primarily on iPhone features.
Key Takeaways:
1. Notes App as a Calculator – Instead of switching to a separate calculator app, you can type equations directly in the Notes app, and it will solve them instantly. Handwritten equations can also be solved using a "Click to Solve" feature.
2. Notes App as a Graphic Generator – You can sketch a rough drawing in the Notes app, use an AI-powered tool to refine it, and customize the result by describing desired features like colors, styles, or additional elements.
3. Calculator App for Conversions – The iPhone’s built-in calculator has a conversion tool (accessible via the hamburger menu) that can quickly convert units like temperature, weight, and currency.
Additional Mentions:
• Tom promotes his automation book (
• He encourages listeners to explore his mentor program (, which includes a scholarship for digital marketing education.
• Upcoming Episode 969 will cover how to keep devices safe by reducing synchronization.
This episode emphasizes simple yet powerful phone tricks that enhance productivity, with a focus on making the most of the Notes and Calculator apps.
Episode 968 – Even More Phone Tips
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 968 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we've got even more phone tips this whole week 966 967 and today's 968 has been on phone tips to make you lightning fast and do all the cool things your phone will do. Although saying the word all is kind of ridiculous because it'll do thousands and thousands of things, so I try to pick out things that are very useful to you. Anytime you want to get to one of those back episodes of, slash, and then the episode number. 966, 967 and today's 968. But guess what? I've got loads of phone tip episodes. So what you do is you go to and just search that page for anything that has the word phone in it. And I think there's 15 or 20 other ones, short ones that give you a couple tips that increase your productivity because we're all on our phones all day anyway. All right. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation book at and check out my mentor program. The longest running, most successful, most unique ever in the field of internet and digital marketing at
[00:01:44] All right, let's get into our first tip here. Now I remind everybody that this is iPhone stuff because I don't have an Android. But Android will do a lot of this stuff. You just have to get a YouTube video to see how to do it on androids. But anyway, let's get into this now. Did you realize that your notes app can be a calculator? You don't have to switch over to a calculator app and go back and forth and all that. So what do you do? You can either open a note that exists or open a new note, and then you can just type in for instance ten plus two and then the equal sign and instantly the answer appears right. It's really crazy. But even crazier is that you can open your notes. A note or, you know, a new note. And you can choose a writing tool at the bottom, and you can just draw it with your finger ten plus two equals. But in that case, it's going to come up with a little thing that says click to solve to make sure you're you're writing wasn't just part of, you know, some picture you were drawing and you click it and boom, there's the answer, and you can even do it vertically. So you can go ten plus two plus seven plus four and put a line under it as if you were just adding up a list of numbers and the same thing will come up, click to solve. You click it and there's the answer. That is just crazy.
[00:03:20] All right. So that's your notes app acting as a calculator. And it can be in the midst either a note by itself or in the midst of another note that you're working on. All right. Next thing is how you can make a graphic out of thin air or a gorgeous graphic. And people make fun of me all the time, because if they say draw a dog, I mean, it looks like like a prehistoric something with pointed feet. I mean, it just it just you can't tell what it is. All right. But here's the deal again, you can open up your notes app and you go to a drawing tool at the bottom, and you just make a sketch of anything, an elephant or a dog or a cat or whatever. You're trying to sketch a car. And then you go down and click the image wand, and you take that and you circle the part that you want to be turned into a nice image. And of course it's going to use AI and it's going to ask you to describe what you really want. Like, do I want a dog with a heart around it and make the heart purple or, you know, whatever you want to describe it as? And then it's going to ask you, do you want an animation? Do you want an illustration or do you want a sketch? You pick what you want and hit done. And it'll give you like 3 or 4 different iterations of a gorgeous picture based on what you just said.
[00:04:52] You just swipe, you know, one, two, three, four to see the different ones and pick the one you like. But let's say you don't really like it and you changed your mind about the Purple Heart. It's going to say describe it some more and you can say, well, instead of Purple Heart, make it a red heart and hit go again. Boom. And it changed it for you. So it's just you can keep adding more descriptions to keep, you know, revising what you want or tweaking it, and then you can save it. So that's crazy, crazy crazy. So you're making a graphic out of thin air. All right. So we had the notes app can be a calculator. And the notes app can be a graphic device for you. All right so speaking of calculators let's go to your calculator again the actual calculator app. And this can be used to convert things because you know if somebody says oh it's seven degrees Celsius I'm like oh man I cannot remember that 59 degree thing to convert it or how many cups are in a gallon. How many ounces are in something, you know, whatever. So what you do is you open your calculator app and up at the top left you have this hamburger thing, hamburger icon, which is like three little lines. You tap that and it's going to say, do you want a basic, do you want an advanced calculator or do you toggle on convert? And when you toggle on convert, it's going to remember what the last thing you converted was.
[00:06:25] Or maybe you haven't done it yet, and then it takes a little bit to get the hang of it. But basically you're going to get a horizontal line with one thing on top and the conversion on the bottom, or vice versa. And then to the right of those things, the numbers is going to be a little tiny up and down arrows. So what you do is, is if when you want to figure what you want to convert, you tap on one of the up and down arrows and it gives you a horizontal list of all the things that you could convert temperature ounces, pounds, I think money, all kinds of things. And so you pick what you want and then you put in if it was a £1 and then it's going to say 16oz. If you chose ounces, pounds to ounces if you say, oh, well, I want to do £3, you got to look closely at this because the, the, the one that you're working on is going to light up Brighter and that's the one you're working on. So you tap, you know, instead of £1, you tap the number one and then it'll it'll be lit up. And then you change that to £3. Just put three and then the top will, you know, do the multiplication and do the conversion for you right there. So so anyway play with that because that comes in so handy I gotta tell you.
[00:07:53] So this episode we talked about the notes app can be either a calculator or a graphic generator. And the calculator app itself can do conversions for you. All right there. Very simply. All right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Uh, let's see. Monday, 969 I'm going to tell you about a really critical thing about what not to do or what to do to keep your, your iPhones and, and your, uh, it's not just iPhone, it's anything. Keep it safe by reducing synchronization. That's what we're going to talk about on Monday. And then check out my mentor program, and that gives you a scholarship to my school, the only licensed, dedicated internet and digital marketing school in the country. Probably the world that'll give you or your loved ones a highly, super and highly, you know, with a capital I or highly in-demand school or in-demand skill that you can get in as little as six months. And we've had people making money, lots of money long before they even graduated. So it's better than the four year crap that they're trying to shove down your throat to where they just teach you how to protest. All right, well, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Check it out. or the school is But you don't have to be in Virginia because it's distance learning. All right, we'll catch you on the next episode. A very critical one coming up Monday.