936 - Be a Profitable Coach: Tom talks Profitable Coach Summit - Screw The Commute

936 – Be a Profitable Coach: Tom talks Profitable Coach Summit

I'm here with Roberto Candelaria, and we're going to talk about the Profitable Coach Summit that's coming up this week. And if you happen to be listening to this year's later, go back and check the replays. Roberto has been known as a sponsorship expert, but I know he and Warren, his partner, have been doing a lot with community building.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 936

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Profitable Coach Summit

[04:30] Personal connections and relationships

[07:29] AI and SEO in the coaching space

[12:08] Live panels are recorded and lots of sessions

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Episode 936 – Profitable Coach Summit
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 936 of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Roberto Candelaria, and we're going to talk about the Profitable Coach Summit that's coming up this week. And if you happen to be listening to this year's later, go back and check the replays. I don't know what you're going to do about that, but Roberto, he's been known as a sponsorship expert, but I know he and Warren, his partner, have been doing a lot with community building. So anyway. And he's a graduate of my school and he is a massive, massive person in his own right. So and he's a wonderful person who takes care of his mother. And that's a that's another good thing. So she's been having some health problems. So and he's got two German shepherds. So you know we got to like him for that. So Roberto, what's going on, man?

[00:01:21] Hey. Yeah. You know, we got two German shepherds, Walt and Lillian. And, you know, I'm sitting about £200. There was a time I was almost 300. So, you know, not as massive as I used to be. Good. Um, but, uh. But we're still here.

[00:01:36] Well, you're you're all over the place now because, uh, uh, hurricane hit where you were. So, you know, you're in Nashville recording now, right?

[00:01:46] Yes. So I am in Nashville recording this, um, and in fact, you and I just recorded a session for the summit here in Nashville. The other session we recorded, I was in Orlando, and, you know, I it may sound crazy to be like, oh my gosh, we recorded this in Nashville. The other one in Orlando. But I think one of the things that I learned from you and that I've been able to implement and then just, you know, kind of evolve in my own way too, is that, you know, when you diversify revenue streams as an online business owner, as a coach, as a speaker, you have a few more options. When you're not, as you say, stuck in the commute, you get to screw the commute. But also there's so many people that are just stuck in one on one sessions that you know you don't have time to be there when mom has, you know, emergency heart bypass surgery and get to care for her. And so I'm in these different places because it's not just one revenue stream. I'm not just tied to zoom calls 40 hours a week. And it's just such an amazing thing that I want other people to know. Much like you want people to know, hey, you can screw the commute. I want people to know, like, hey, there's more than one way to make money. And how do you bring more of those into your business?

[00:02:57] Yeah. And and this, um, this summit is is not in person folks. So this is an online summit. I don't know if you if you caught that or not, but I've been on lots of summits. So this one is a little bit different. This is a lot of you listening to this have seen me on lots of other summits, but this is different in that it's a little bit shorter. But you none of the other speakers have been on the summits with me, so you'll have an entirely new experience. So. So the first thing I want to ask you, Roberto, is how did now, is this a collaboration with you and Warren? Or there's another woman, a sherry.

[00:03:36] Okay. So yeah. So this summit is actually I came up with it. It is just me. Funny enough, Warren actually isn't even speaking at this summit. Um, which which is a first? Um, but, you know, we've just we've we've kind of, as you know, been busy with taking care of mom and trying to figure out where we're going to, like, where the next spot we're going to live is we put all of our stuff in storage. So we truly are nomads at this point. Um. And Sherry is Sherry runs a comet. A comet. Uh, a company called, uh, the summit host. And she actually produces and hosts summits for people. And she we've hired her to help us with this. But one of the unique things about how this summit came to be is, you know, I think so many people, when they get into business, they're it's so much about the transaction. And it's like, I made a sale, ha ha. Got you by. And what's really unique about this is including Sherry. Most of these speakers are either a people that have been clients. They've been in our coaching programs, been in our memberships, been bought, our digital programs and products, or they have been people that I have hired, such as yourself, uh, as mentors. And so every single person speaking on this summit, we have a personal connection and a personal relationship with it wasn't just like, let's go see who can pay the most to be on this summit.

[00:05:02] Or let's do a big call for speakers. It's like, no. Who are the people that I know that have been our students who have been absolutely amazing and built successful businesses, and then also who are the people that I look up to in business, the people that have helped make it where again, I can be there to help take care of mom when when oh crap happens. And how do we kind of be this bridge to bring together my mentors and my students, to be able to help people diversify their revenue, build more profitable coaching businesses from everything from learning about the legal essentials of their business. Because, y'all, you got to have a structure. You got to have contracts to. What are the different revenue streams? It's not just one on one coaching. It is speaking. It's podcasting. It's how to actually create a group program and also how to market and get leads. Even with things like Pinterest, you know, so many people think like, oh, Pinterest is for crafting. It's like, no, y'all, there's so much visibility Ability and SEO in terms of like driving traffic to your site. That's something like Pinterest can help with. So that's kind of how this one came to be. Yeah.

[00:06:08] And if you want to register, folks, this is totally free to register and you'll get a masterclass from me when you do register and you go to screwthecommute.com/pcs for profitable Coach summit. And now when is this coming up?

[00:06:27] So the actual summit is October 16 to 18, 2024. We've got a welcome call on October 15th. And like Tom said, you can register at screwthecommute.com/pcs. It is three days just right at 24 sessions. A couple live panels that we'll be doing inside the Facebook group. And like Tom mentioned, zero cost. And I got to tell you, probably the panel that I'm most excited about is the panel. Oh my gosh, I forget which day y'all Because I'm going to mess up the day.

[00:07:02] But if you told me I'm supposed to be on that or not, I don't remember.

[00:07:06] So there's a few of them. I think you're on one. We. I actually need to check with Sherry on that because y'all, this getting out of Florida with Hurricane Milton to get somewhere else kind of got me a little backlogged on the email, but, um, one of the ones I'm most excited about is we have, um, Alex Wang, who's the lead customer training specialist over at Kajabi, and, uh, Julia McCoy, who is the president at a company called brand Will, talking about what they're seeing in AI in the coaching space and not just like, hey, ChatGPT, but how technology and long form SEO writing are really helping with SEO, with driving people traffic to your website, and how AI can be used as another way of leverage in your business and your online business versus, you know, that way you don't start every email with, I hope this email finds you well, unless you really write like that. But you know, most of us, when we see that we're just like ChatGPT.

[00:08:07] Yeah, really? Now, um, um, just to bring people that have not attended summits before the or maybe they did in the old days. And I got to tell you folks, it's a whole different experience now. In the old days of summits, online summits, you had to sit there all day long to watch what you wanted to watch. And that was the end of it. If you missed it, you missed it. So the New Style Summit that that this is is where you can, uh, the the presentations are pre-recorded and when they're released, you can watch them for free for a certain amount of time and just pick and choose when you can watch them in the middle of the night if you want. So it's much more user friendly. And also if you if you just can't fit them in, there's tell them about the premium. You call it a premium pass or what are you, a VIP pass or what?

[00:09:04] Yeah. So we're calling it an all access pass. And much like Tom said, you may have heard it called a premium pass. You may have called called a VIP pass. There are different names for them. And so each day of the summit we are actually doing a mix of live and pre-recorded talks. So each morning of the summit, October 16th, October 17th and October 18th, 2020 for y'all, uh, you will get an email around 8 a.m. central time that'll say like, hey, here's today's talks and you will get a link to a web page where you can watch those for 24 hours. And in addition to that, I will be doing a live session inside of the Facebook group. Just kind of a welcome call each day. Be like, hey, here's what to expect today. Here's what I want y'all seen. And then each day they'll also be a live panel with different speakers each day where we'll talk about a very specific topic. This is your chance to come to the live panel on the Facebook group. Literally ask questions, live in the comments, and have the speakers be able to answer your questions. The videos are up for about 24 hours after they're released. I say about y'all. They'll always be a minimum of 24. But you know, sometimes it's 2728 if we miss it by a little bit. But if you want more time to watch them, you're just like, man, this is really good. I need to go back and watch this. I want to take some more notes. That's why we created the All Access Pass. And what that looks like is you get all of the audios, the video sessions, you in addition to all the video sessions, you have access to them for as long as you want.

[00:10:39] There you have a private podcast feed, an audio feed, which means hey, maybe you don't want to watch the videos. You want to listen to Tom's voice. You want to listen to my voice because you love our voices so much. You want to listen to them while you're on the treadmill because you just want to run faster to get away from us, or you want to listen to it while you drive or on the plane. So you'll have that audio podcast feed to be able to listen to it. There's a few extra bonuses from our speakers. And then on October 19th, I'm doing a separate live workshop that we will be selling. And when you get the All Access pass, you automatically get access to that workshop and the recordings of it as well. So it's really a way to learn on the go, learn throughout the year, and to listen into your learning style to the sessions that you want to go back to and take more notes. And one of the things you all know about Tom is he always gives so much value. And so the two sessions with Tom, I just know, like, you're just going to want the all access pass to be able to stop and take the notes, especially y'all. The podcasting one was great, but especially the speaking one. Like if you are somebody that's like, man, I'm doing some speaking, but I'm not making the money that I want to make or getting the exposure that I want to be able to command higher fees. Then you definitely want to catch Tom's session there on how to maximize every speaking opportunity to create more value and more money for you.

[00:12:03] Yeah, I'm definitely not going to argue with you about that. Yeah. Hey, I have a question. Are the live panels recorded and included in the All Access Pass?

[00:12:15] Yes. The live panels are recorded, so we will be streaming them into the Facebook group. And then for some reason, you can't make it. You're at work or you got a client meeting, whatever that time. Yes. The panels will be recorded and put into the all access pass.

[00:12:32] All right. Now, how will people consume this? What happens? How do they are going to log in? How are they going to watch these. Can they do it on a cell phone tablet? Uh, what what's the mechanism?

[00:12:47] Yeah. So the great thing about being able to watch these sessions is when you get the email each morning. So again, the morning of October 16th, October 17th, October 18th will send you an email. There'll be a link there. You click that link and we'll take you to a web page that is good for. And I say good for 24 hours before it redirects you and says, hey, these videos expired. So really any device that you have that has the internet that you can open a web page on, either in, you know, whether it be Chrome or Safari or Firefox. I know some of y'all might still use Internet Explorer. Wherever it is that you can access a web page, you'll be able to watch the videos directly from those pages there. Now, if you decide, hey, the all access passes for me because I want the podcast audio feed. I want that extra bonus workshop. I want to be able to listen to this when I want on my schedule. Then you will be sent after you upgrade a an email with a login. You can it'll have a generic password preset for you, but you can change that password at any point and you can watch them at your convenience. It'll also have the link in there that you can click to get the private podcast feed, Whether you are an Apple podcast person or on an Android, any device you have, you'll be able to click that RSS feed to be able to get the audio podcast after you upgrade.

[00:14:11] Okay. And I don't know if you have the list in front of you. I know it's a lot of great people on this, but can you can you give us some ideas of the topics, exact titles of the the sessions and who's doing them? Yeah.

[00:14:27] Oh for sure. So I'm excited about all these people y'all. A few highlights for me that I'm just like, oh my gosh, I can't believe these people agreed to come do this and waive their speaking fees and just serve y'all. Uh, so one of the first ones I would say outside of Tom, y'all, know Tom. He's got a session on, uh, on podcast guesting, as well as how to maximize the value and monetize your speaking even when you can't sell. So y'all need to catch those. Uh, would be Liz Wilcox. Uh, Liz Wilcox is a dear friend. She's a client of mine. You may have seen her have a breakdown on national TV. She was in season 46 of survivor. Was the fourth place person in Survivor Season 46. Never actually had a vote cast for her. So she was eliminated. Not voted off the island. And Liz runs a very successful $9 a month email marketing membership. Does Multi-six figures with it, and she's going to talk about building community and sales through email because, hey, it's great to have a list. Everybody else wants to tell you to build a list, but they don't tell you how to make money with it. And so she's going to teach you how to build a sense of community and increase your sales through email.

[00:15:39] One of the things Liz says is she's like, hey, as soon as I learned I could send an email and make money, I was like, move over Jeff Bezos, because y'all been lying to me. And so she loves email. Um, we also have Molly Mahoney, and Molly's going to be doing a presentation called authentically AI creating an AI brand voice that actually sounds like you because, you know, like we talked about, there's so much of the I that's like, I hope this finds you. Well, we're going to delve into the journeys of the world. And she's been actually working on AI and teaching it since 2021. So before ChatGPT, she was already using AI tools and teaching people. And for those of you that might be Broadway lovers, she was actually in the touring cast of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And so there's a reason her brand is called The Prepared Performer. Um, we have Dharma Joo, and Dharma Joo is going to do a presentation called do you really need an evergreen sales funnel? Now here's the key right for every digital product. And we're going to dive into like what are the different types of funnels. And does every single product you have really need a funnel? We have April Franks. Wait, who was.

[00:16:56] Who was that last one? How do you spell it?

[00:16:58] A Dharma Joo Ju Dharma. J u e um. And actually, you know, something else that I really love about Dharma's business model is she's diversified her revenue streams with a bunch of low ticket digital products. One of my personal favorites that we use in our business is called on Brand Fillable Workbooks, where for nine bucks, she teaches you how to create Google workbooks that actually are on your brand. And it's a great tutorial to be able to do that. It's nine bucks. Um, and as an affiliate, we make a decent amount of change promoting that offer. Um, Sherry, who's actually helping produce this summit for me, is going to be talking about three big wins from virtual summits and five steps that you can get started. We have Teavana, Denise, talking about the Oprah effect on how to get more eyes on your business by doing less, aka without dancing on social media. Because y'all, y'all ain't going to find me doing that. What was the first name?

[00:17:55] And then.

[00:17:56] Uh, Teavana. Tavon. And a Denise. And you notice, like Tom said, these are some people you may not have seen on a lot of the summits. These people are all running six figure businesses, some multi six figure businesses, a couple running seven figure businesses by staying in their lane. So as you've heard Tom probably say here on the commute or if you've attended his boot camp or other events like you can be the celebrity in your own sphere, you can be a household name in your space. And that also doesn't mean that everybody knows you. And so that's what's really cool about this, is we've got a bunch of people that are all successful in their own right that a lot of people may just not know yet. In fact, Amanda Ray is one of those people. She is the CEO of a company called 17 hats, and most people would be like a software company. She's going to come and she's going to try to sell us. And it's like, no, Amanda, Ray and the 17 hats team really believe in small business education. In fact, they are always bringing in speakers to create education for their company, for their blog, for their email list. And her entire presentation is about how do you increase client experience through your onboarding? Because once you get that client, are you actually able to like, bring them on to like, you know what, I feel good that I gave you money and they are able to stick around. And on the legal side, we've got an attorney by the name of Autumn Whitt Boyd, and she's going to be talking about legal essentials for coaches.

[00:19:34] And like, what contracts do you need? What is intellectual property? How do you determine when you need a contract? The different types of contracts you may need. And so these are just some of the sessions in addition to Tom sessions that the last one I'll mention here. Um, actually the last two I'll mention is Jenny Lankinen. And gosh, y'all, her and Tom would get along. I actually need to make sure that they meet. But she's doing a session called Why Profitable Beats Pretty. Creating websites that convert because you can have the prettiest website in the world, but it don't matter if it don't make money. And so she's going to talk about why profitable beats pretty. And then Nathan Hirsch is going to talk about how to hire and keep a-players and most of it through outsourcing. Um, he runs a company called Outsource School. And his last company, he actually had an exit to a little company called the Hoth. And so he's going to talk about how he built that company with an offshore team and how you find and hire a players offshore teams. And he's actually the person that I learned outsourcing from. And so if any of you have ever interacted with, uh, John G. Who's my assistant, uh, or some of the other customer service people in our team, you've more than likely, uh, interacted because of what I learned from Nathan on how to work with offshore teams. And so those are some of the sessions there. Tom.

[00:21:01] Beautiful. And there's, uh, that's not all either.

[00:21:04] There's no that's not all. That's all. Just like, oh my gosh, now.

[00:21:07] They're all listed.

[00:21:08] A two hour podcast just to talk about. Yes. But they are all listed.

[00:21:11] At screwthecommute/pcs. If you go there and register, you will be able to read all of the sessions so you can start picking and choosing. Uh, has the schedule been put out yet for which is what day?

[00:21:27] You know, it has Tom and. That is an amazing thing that I don't have access to right now, because I'm still trying to. To get my my life together over here after. Oh, yeah. Getting out of scrambling.

[00:21:41] Because of the hurricane.

[00:21:42] It is done. And so what I will say this is after you register, go to screwthecommute.com/pcs. You will end up on a welcome page. I like to call it the welcome. Hub. And on that page it will give you all the details of how to attend, how to join the welcome call on the 15th when the panels are. There is a trainers page where you can see all of the trainers. You can also get the virtual swag bag there, so you'll be able to get different free gifts and bonuses from the speakers, as well as be able to watch the special bonus masterclass that Tom put together on the Email Marketing Masterclass, so you'll be able to watch that right after you join at Screwthecommute.com/pcs is that welcome page will get you access to Tom's Masterclass as well as the virtual swag bag. And then there should be a button at the top on the menu bar. And it's going to say event schedule. And when you click that Event schedule button, it will let you know the day one, the day two, the day three schedule, as well as what the panels are, what time they are, who is on what day so you can decide. You know what I really want to see these people. I don't want to watch that one today. Or maybe, hey, I want the all access pass so I can just listen to it all as an audio feed, as a podcast, or catch the sessions I really want later.

[00:23:11] Yeah, folks. And when we talk about these all access passes, we're talking about, I mean, it's basically just to get rid of the tire kickers because it's so cheap. I mean, this is $1 million worth of free training from these people when you put them all together. So, so if you if you get behind, you can't get them all the sessions you want to read. Just grab a copy of that. Um. All right. Well, great. So it's happening, uh, this coming week, folks. This is, uh, this is showing on Friday. So what day of the week is next week? It starts.

[00:23:48] It is the 16, 17 and 18. And for those of you all that are speakers, the reason I gave the dates versus the days versus because I wasn't sure of the day of the week, but I knew the number. But it is Wednesday the 16th through Friday the 18th. And so hey, sometimes you can just repeat the question in a different way while you get the information you need.

[00:24:08] But now, if they want it, if they want to visit that Facebook thing on the 15th, what what do they do?

[00:24:16] Great question. So as soon as you register for the summit at screwthecommute.com/pcs, you're going to get an email that'll say hey, here's how to access everything. It will also take you to the Summit Welcome page, welcome Hub as we call it, and it is going to give you the exact link to the Facebook group. Let you know what time you can add it to your calendar. Um, and all the details there right after you register for the summit.

[00:24:43] Sounds good. Well, can't wait to to be in the middle of that thing. I think I'm supposed to be on one of the panels, but you'll. I'm sure you'll let me know. And, um, uh, looking forward to it, folks. This is going to be a powerful event. It's like I said, it's shorter than the ones I'm used to. And the power packed with new information that you haven't heard on any of the other things that that I've been on. So. So thanks for coming on, man.

[00:25:09] You know what?

[00:25:10] Tom is on a panel. I just figured it out, y'all, because I. This is the joy of slack. I messaged somebody, so Tom is going to be on our day two speaker panel at 1 p.m. central. Um, and that panel is called Digital Tools to propel your Coaching business. And so that'll be Tom, it'll be Meg Brunson, uh, Ashley Jane Crowe and Christine Jerry. Uh, and then Devon will be there as well. So, yeah, it's going to be a great time with these people. Tom will be on that panel October 17th at 1 p.m. central. Make sure you catch it by registering at screwthecommute.com/pcs.

[00:25:48] Sounds good man. Go do it folks, and we will catch you on the next episode. See you later.