Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Done For You
Today, we're going to talk about done for you programs more appropriately called Done to You programs. All right. So you can see I'm not in favor of these things. They try to rip you off.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 928
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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Done For You [01:54] Really should be called “Done To You” programs [03:37] People that buy these programs are clueless on what to do [05:55] Do NOT get sucked into thisHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
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Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
KickStartCart –
Copywriting901 –
Become a Great Podcast Guest –
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Disabilities Page –
Tom's Patreon Page –
Tom on TikTok –
Top 20 Seminar Scams –
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Internet Marketing Training Center –
Three Prong Attack on a Seven Figure Income Part 1 –
Three Prong Attack on a Seven Figure Income Part 2 –
Three Prong Attack on a Seven Figure Income Part 3 –
Wasting Time and Money on SEO –
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Summary by ChatGPT
In Episode 928 of the "Screw the Commute" podcast, host Tom Antion discusses the pitfalls of "done for you" programs, which he feels are more accurately described as "done to you" programs. Tom argues that these programs are designed to exploit people who are inexperienced in online business by promising to handle everything for a low fee. However, they often fail to deliver quality services, leading to wasted money and frustration for the buyer.
Tom emphasizes that running a successful online business requires a lot of effort and numerous components, such as website management, email marketing, customer service, social media engagement, reputation management, and paid advertising. He warns that the idea of someone managing all these aspects for a small fee is unrealistic and likely a scam. He advises listeners to be wary of such offers and to avoid them.
Throughout the episode, Tom also references his previous podcasts on related topics, such as his series on achieving a seven-figure income and advice on not wasting time with SEO. He encourages listeners to utilize these resources and consider his mentor program for genuine guidance in online marketing.
Episode 928 – Done For You
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 928 is Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about done for you programs more appropriately called Done to You programs. All right. So you can see I'm not in favor of these things. They try to rip you off. All right. I hope you didn't miss that. So 927, that was. Quit wasting time on SEO. There's way better things you could be doing with your time and effort than waiting six, eight months and then being disappointed and then spending a lot of money. So anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to, slash, and then the episode number. That was 927. Quit wasting time on SEO. But I also want to tell you about episodes 924 through 926. My three prong attack on a seven figure income. It's a series that I developed in 1996, updated it recently to make sure it covered all the bases, but it makes it easy for you to understand the different parts of your online business to work on. So it was 924 to 926. Pick up a copy also of my automation book. It saved me millions and millions of keystrokes and gives me more time to develop products and services and take care of customers, and that is where the money is. So pick that up. and check out my mentor program at Now a little bit about me health wise is I virtually I mean almost never throw up.
[00:02:04] I can't remember in the last 20 years throwing up, But you know what makes me want to puke frequently is done for you programs. Like I said, they should be called done to you programs. I mean, 99% of these are just to take money from people that don't know any better. And usually they seem like they're reasonable price or actually cheap or very affordable. Sometimes there are really high price. If the scammers that put these things out think they have a bunch of easy targets that have money, or if they get you all riled up at a live event. And if you want to hear about the scams pulled at live events, I have a famous article at, so make sure you listen to that. Like I said, they're designed to to target people that don't know any better. Frequently There's terms in this promotion for these stupid things. No experience necessary. They want to make sure that you don't know what you're doing, so you'll never be able to evaluate the thing within any kind of reasonable refund period. If they even bother to respond to refund requests. And then they take your money. See, the people that buy these things don't really understand all the things that are needed to actually be a successful online business. Now, if you ask me to run your e-commerce business, I'd ask for at least $100,000 retainer and 5 to 15 or $20,000 a month, depending on the complexity of of your operation. Plus, I might even ask for a percentage of profits because there's a lot to this.
[00:04:13] You have website or websites and maintenance of those sites to make sure they don't get hacked. You got your email, your autoresponders, you got your coupons, you got your shopping cart system, you got product fulfillment. Even if it's a digital product, you still have service. People will mess up the downloads or they won't get the link to download, and somebody's got to take care of them, or it's an immediate refund request. You got other customer service, you got social media, plus the engagement for social media. And even if you use some of these tools that can automate your social media, if you don't get engagement, it's just a waste of time anyway. So for somebody to really do this, well, you've got enormous amounts of stuff. You've got reputation management. Even though I'm against SEO, there's still basic SEO you need to do on pages. You've got bots to create. You've got paid ads, which are highly complex to get them profitable. So for somebody to come and tell you that they will do this for small amount of money is just ludicrous. There is no possible way, especially if they're selling hundreds of these things to people. How are they ever going to give you the attention that you need to do all of these things? Well? They might slap together some something just to get you past the refund period. But guess what? It is never, ever, ever going to do anything for you and make money ever, ever with a capital V, ever.
[00:05:55] Okay, so do not get sucked into this. You see that term done for you? Guard your wallet and run the other way, okay. Or be prepared to pay enormous amounts of money. Like I said, I'll do it for you. $100,000 retainer. And I'll give you a monthly price to do all this stuff for you. Well that's crazy. Nobody's going to do that So, you know, I don't get jobs like that. I don't even want jobs like that. Because people that have that kind of money, you know, are a pain in the neck to deal with. Right. So, so so, I mean, I'll take it if somebody out there is crazy enough to do it. But the thing is, if I did take on the job, I'm credible. I've got a track record longer than most of you have been alive. All right. So I will actually do the job for you. But if when you see done for you just think done to you, guard your wallet and run the other way. All right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Don't get sucked in on that stuff, but make sure you go to the 924. 925 and 926 for the three pronged attack on a seven figure income. And there's all kinds of resources of other episodes that tell you exactly how to do this stuff. So there you go. And also check out my mentor program at, and I'll catch you on the next episode. See you later.