921 - Get to the Nitty Gritty: Tom talks Specific Sells General Doesn't - Screw The Commute

921 – Get to the Nitty Gritty: Tom talks Specific Sells General Doesn’t

Today, we're going to talk about specific sells and general doesn't. I've been seeing all kinds of stuff coming into my email for years as examples of this.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 921

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Specific Sells General Doesn't

[01:08] Basic copywriting technique to make more people buy

[03:34] “Specific” appears to be more credible

[06:10] Exact figures also appear more credible

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Episode 921 – Specific Sells General Doesn’t
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute, the entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 921 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about specific sells and general doesn't. I've been seeing all kinds of stuff coming into my email for years as examples of this, and hope you didn't miss episode 921. That was the benefits of digital products. Now, you got to listen to episode 920, and any time you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, then the episode number. That was 920. Benefits of digital products. And also, while you're at it, grab a copy of my automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com.

[00:01:09] Now today's episode is a basic copywriting technique. This is makes more people buy your stuff. While I'm at it, let me tell you about another thing you hear about people going viral all the time, right? Well, did you realize that going viral is under your control? Now, I'm not saying you take a picture of your cat and you'll get 10 million views. You might, but probably not. I'm just saying that there are techniques that can absolutely guarantee that whatever you're doing will have a virality aspect to it. In other words, people will share it. So check out my book I wrote a couple of years ago, but still the same techniques apply at screwthecommute.com/viral.

[00:01:56] Okay, let's get into the topic today. This is a basic copywriting techniques. And and it's especially important for case studies which are geared towards analytical Political people. So if you happen to have a scientific or engineer type market or people that are analytical, this is really, really important. But it works on all the all types of people. And I was thinking about this because I get literally, literally hundreds of emails per day. Something like this. Make $262.51 from Amazon every day, or the super Affiliate program, or this super affiliate program pays you $612.79 a day, or each click pays you $12.22. I mean, things like that right now. You can overdo this, and it doesn't really work on me, you know, sitting here for 30 years now, remember, this is my 30th anniversary of selling online since the commercial internet started, right? So I'm not real susceptible to that kind of stuff. But the general populace is. And you may not be either. If you if you're really into marketing and you get lots of these emails every day. And and especially it doesn't work on me since I bought a lot of these programs. And usually they're garbage. They're, you know, put out that have great sales copy, but the program is lousy. So so I don't want you to get sucked into stuff like that. But if you're selling something and it's good, this is a technique that will help you.

[00:03:33] But just don't overdo it. Why does it work? Why does specific sell in general doesn't work well when it's specific, it appears to be more credible. It appears that you really work through these figures and found exacting numbers. And so that's why it works. Now here's some ways to use it, and I'll show you how to make them better. So the bad way to do this, let's say you were selling to a mother's and, and you said, uh, I surveyed hundreds of moms and they said X, whatever it was, they like dawn dish detergent or they read fiction or whatever your results were. So let's make that better. So I surveyed 212 moms and they said X. All right, let's make it better again. I surveyed 212 moms living in the Midwest and they said, X, let's make it better. I surveyed 212 moms living in the Midwest between the ages of 32 to 45. And they said X, okay, and let's keep going. Let's make it better. I surveyed 212 moms living in the Midwest between the ages of 32 and 45, with a family income of 48,000 to 79,000. All right. So keep making it better. And then you could take that whole section that I just did and put single moms in it. Now, of course you'd want to target your sales promotion to that group that you just named, because people like to be in groups. They like to know that people like them would buy this thing or like this thing.

[00:05:18] See. So that's one way. Now let's talk about numbers. So you could say approximately 42% of bear hunters think the bear is cute. I don't know, before they shoot it I don't know whatever the whatever the answer is. All right, let's make it better. I don't know how you make shooting bears better. And I'm not against hunting by any means, but but this was a dumb example, which is how my brain works. So 42.7% of bear hunters think that bears are cute before they shoot them. Now make it better. In a study done by the Bureau of Land Management in northern Pennsylvania, 42% of bear hunters thought the bear was cute. All that stuff. So you see, making more very specific things and credible, making it credible. And when you're talking about money, like I said before, exacting figures appear more credible. So use this in your sales copy. And when you're trying to sell stuff, the more specific you can be, the more credible you appear. And if you're going to do case studies that that analytical people really love. I mean, I'm a skimmer, you know, I won't read all the details. Mostly. I mean, most some people are skimmers most of the time and analyticals on extremely important things to them. And some people are analyticals most of the time. And then skimmers when something's not real important to them.

[00:06:51] Like like if an analytical engineer spouse came and said, do you like the the blue napkins or the the pink napkins? An analytical is like, I don't give a damn, does it wipe my mouth off? I don't care, you know, so you can be both. But if you're targeting a group of analyticals, this is extremely important. And it works on skimmers too, because they notice these exacting figures and it makes them feel like it's more credible. All right, check out my viral book, Screwthecommute.com/viral. And then also I have my full copywriting course at copywriting901.com goes into great depth on 31 different things that will make you sell way, way more just because you're using these kinds of psychological techniques and none of them are manipulative. They're just showing people their techniques that have been proven to help people make decisions to buy your stuff or not to buy your stuff. And it's better that you get them to to say no than to have them messing with you and asking you questions for 20 years and then still saying no. It's better to get them to make a decision and all the stuff in copywriting901.com helps them do that. Plus you get some consultations in it. All right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Specific sells. General doesn't.