911 - Using AI responsibly: Tom talks Reputation Management In An AI World - Screw The Commute

911 – Using AI responsibly: Tom talks Reputation Management In An AI World

How do you keep your good reputation intact in the face of artificial intelligence? And I'm not sure I'm going to be able to give you a definitive answer. I'm going to give you things to work with and to help your reputation and to try to knock down things that are against your reputation.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 911

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Reputation Management In An AI World

[01:25] Keeping your good reputation intact

[04:14] Analyze customer feedback immediately

[08:27] AI can monitor across many platforms and the downsides

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Episode 911 – Reputation Management In An AI World
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute, the entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 911. I don't want to say 911. All right, that brings back too many bad memories. That's 911. And this is on reputation management in an AI world. Hope you didn't miss episode 910. That was on VPNs, which is an inexpensive way to improve your security and privacy. Plus, you get to see things online that you normally couldn't to help your business out, things like that. So that was episode 910. Anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to screwthecommute.com, slash, then the episode number. VPNs were 910. That's virtual private network is what that stands for. And today is reputation management. 911 all right. I hope you didn't forget to pick up a copy of my automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and check out my world famous mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com.

[00:01:26] All right, let's say, How do you keep your good reputation intact in the face of artificial intelligence? And I'm not sure I'm going to be able to give you a definitive answer. I'm going to give you things to work with and to help your reputation and to try to knock down things that are against your reputation. But, I mean, there's lawsuits happening, too. I know Scarlett Johannson I saw on the news is suing one of the I places because they used her voice without her permission. And and I'm hearing Joe Rogan's voice everywhere.

[00:02:02] I can only imagine there's lawsuits behind the scenes, because his voice is being used to promote all kinds of stuff that I'm not sure that he's he's agreed to. So reputation management. Well, what is it? Well, it's influencing how people perceive a business or brand and responding to good, bad, neutral, all kinds of things that happen to you online could be offline too, but most of it's happening online nowadays with reviews and things like that. So the upside and how you can use AI to better manage your reputation is you can use it and there's programs coming out every day. I'm not even going to mention any because this is such an emerging field. This AI stuff is just every day there's some new program that comes out with AI based. But anyway, you can look for a program that manages and responds to reviews whether they're good, bad, neutral, or whatever. But here's the thing, folks. You gotta spot check this with a real human that speaks English. If you're in an English speaking country and you know whatever language you're native is, you need to double check. And I would stay on it like crazy in the beginning to make sure it's not sounding like a robot. But anyway, you you definitely should respond to all reviews whenever possible because it shows you're right on top of things. And if there's something negative, you're right there to make it better for the people and the other people that read the reviews, See this? See? But if you're a big business or if you're a very if you've got lots and lots of orders and reviews coming in all the time, very difficult to manage that manually.

[00:03:54] And a lot of men or women power to do it. So I can help you with that. But remember, spot check and get all, you know, be white on rice the whole time in the beginning to make sure that it's not saying weird stuff in response to legitimate reviews, or it'll actually backfire on you. All right. Another thing it can do is analyze customer feedback immediately. A lot of people will send out surveys and things way after the fact when people forgot about you and they don't want to bother to respond to it because it's all old news. And so I can be used to analyze your customer feedback immediately and then make immediate corrections if need be. All right. So that's a good thing. Now for a long time we've had chat bots. But most of the time you've had to to program them manually. I had many chat I think is still on one of my Facebook pages, and I had to put in everything. If somebody says this, you do this, and I had to do the whole thing with a big spreadsheet and all that stuff. So, so chat bots are getting more sophisticated. But here's the thing. They're they're the smaller business you are, the more risky it is to automate too many things like this.

[00:05:24] Now I'm all for automation. I give you an automation e-book that we charge 27 bucks for, because I'm totally into automation to knock down my workload on things that don't affect customers. Okay, that's a whole different thing. So other than auto responders, but the the auto responders are always triggered by the customer asking for certain information or purchasing a specific product. That's cool. But chat bots are usually where people asking questions or needing help with something. So if the thing sounds too robotic during normal business hours and your business is based kind of on your reputation like mine is. Well, it's not going to sound like me. They hear me on 900 episodes of this and a thousand episodes where I've been on interviewed other places and they think they know me. And then this chat bot puts in some, you know, automated thing that doesn't sound like me. That's very risky for somebody where it's a personality based business. But if you're a bigger business, it's, uh, it can. There's less risk in that because, you know, if it's Verizon or something. I already know they're a bunch of idiots. So, so so you expect stuff like that from them, but for smaller businesses, too risky Now, even if you're a small business, it's not necessarily risky. If it's in the middle of the night, you know, if it's turned on during, you know, weird hours so that people still get help and you can even make it clear that, hey, this is not a rated response, automated response since we're not open right now, but we want to help you.

[00:07:14] That's perfectly cool. And that's amazing thing for a small business that's only got a couple of people. There's a there's a mushroom place. Um, I don't really care about it, but my my girlfriend and my landscape lady are all into mushrooms and stuff. So they said, oh, come on, Tom, take us down here to this place. And it closes at 2:00. So we go down at 1:00, they're closed, and I run into the lady at the farmer's market and I say, hey, what's up? We stopped by at 1:00. She's got a baby there. She said, well, you know, we only have one car and we couldn't get there that morning. And, and the, the other business didn't put out a sign for us. I mean, this is some dinky, dinky little business, all right. But they could use this to, you know, so when we went online, it could have told us, oh, we can't make it in today, stop by tomorrow or, you know, whatever. So it's fine for little businesses when you can't be there. But if it's normal business hours, it could look pretty robotic. If you're a, you know, if you're a personality based business. All right. Now another thing you can do, there's so many platforms nowadays that where people can leave reviews and talk about you.

[00:08:37] So I can monitor across many, many platforms and do some canned responses there on places. I mean, there's probably 30, 40, 50 places that are very powerful out there at least. I mean, I don't keep up with all of them myself. I couldn't possibly take care of you and do these podcasts if I was monitoring all of them by hand. So, uh, you got online monitoring across platforms with responses from artificial artificial intelligence, AI. All right. Now let's look at some of the downsides and what kind of what to do about it. Now with all these what they call deep fakes. I mean, your voice can be cloned easily. I mean, there's they're they're actually promoting programs right now that you can buy to clone your own voice in about 15 seconds. All right. So so it's not hard to clone somebody's voice. And they have programs that can make it look like you're saying whatever words they, you know, they put a piece of text in it, spits it out in your voice and matches it to your lips. I mean, just crazy powerful. But this can be very damaging. Like like I said, with Scarlett Johansson and probably Joe Rogan going to be suing people now in in light of these bad things that can be done with fake reviews about you and, uh, you know, some competitor, you know, generating enormous amounts of negative stuff to hurt you, that makes it even more important that you monitor and respond.

[00:10:22] And there's already, like I said, AI programs being offered to do all this kind of stuff. And like I said, I'm not going to mention any because tomorrow there could be ten more doing the same thing. So. So I'm not going to mention any because it's such a fast moving business, but it's really important that you monitor and respond. And so if it's some negative thing, you could probably have I connected to a database of yours and say, folks, this appears to be a fake generated I thing because we've monitored our database and don't see a customer name, don't see any prospects. Somebody on our email list that matches this description. And we have no personal knowledge of what this person is saying. So please take it with a grain of salt. We believe this is fake, so have some kind of response ready to go for those fake reviews about you that can hurt you really bad because it's so important to have good reviews. All right. So that's a little primer on reputation management in the AI world. And it's something you really need to pay attention to now, especially if you've got an industry that's got a lot of shitheads in it that are, you know, instead of doing a better job themselves, they want to cut you down. And of course, any time you respond to good reviews, that's a good thing because people appreciate it.

[00:11:49] They see that you're on top of things and that you appreciated what they said, and they're more likely to do business with you if it's a neutral review. Yeah. Respond to it. Yeah. Say thanks for doing business with us. We're always going to strive to do great for our customers and anything we can do to make it better for you, let us know. And then a bad review. If it's fake, you tell people, hey, we don't have any idea what this person is talking about. We feel that it's a fake review or AI generated. If it's a legitimate one, that's the one that can make or break companies. If it's a legitimate bad review that you did something wrong, you got to own up to it. Not like this idiot dipshit. Uh, Secret Service director said I'm taking responsibility. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. You know? So. So, uh, bad reviews, though, you say. Okay, we take full responsibility. We're going to give you a coupon. Please contact contact us. We're going to make this right for you. And then people see that also, because if you just get a bad review and there's no response to it, people assume it's true and then they're not going to do business with you. All right. So there you go. There's your primer. Check out my mentor program. GreatinternetmarketingTraining.com and I will catch you on the next episode. See you later.