861 - Help yourself to fast money: Tom talks Promotions That Bring Quick Cash - Screw The Commute

861 – Help yourself to fast money: Tom talks Promotions That Bring Quick Cash

Today, I'm going to talk about promotions to make you quick cash. We all love a sale and these are different sales you can put on to make people buy your stuff, and in a hurry, and set a deadline on when the sale is good for all those kinds of things. But there's a lot of different ones you can do to keep things interesting. And I want to emphasize, again, people love a sale. So giving sales can really give you some quick cash flow.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 861

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[00:23] Tom's introduction to Promotions That Bring Quick Cash

[01:35] Works best with digital products

[03:09] Seasonal sales and holidays

[04:47] Make coupons for specific groups

[06:37] A Thank You sale

[09:11] A bunch of promotions that bring quick cash

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Episode 861 – Promotions That Bring Quick Cash
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode 861 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, I'm going to talk about promotions to make you quick cash. We all love a sale and these are different sales you can put on to make people buy your stuff, and in a hurry, and set a deadline on when the sale is good for all those kinds of things. But there's a lot of different ones you can do to keep things interesting. And I want to emphasize, again, people love a sale. So giving sales can really give you some quick cash flow. All right. Uh, make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book at screwthecommute.com/automatefree, and check out our whole copywriting series starting at episode 836. Screwthecommute.com/836 and then 837, 838 and so forth. Have a bunch of things that'll help you make more money. Copywriting is the number one skill in my entire 47 years now in business. And you can learn it. And all the tips are from my copywriting901.com series.

[00:01:36] All right, let's get into the promotions. First thing is a flash sale. This is just any time you feel like it, you can just boom, give some super deal that's got a limited time frame. And a lot of these things work best if it's a. Digital product because you got 97% profit to play with. But these will work for all kinds of things. But they even work better and you can do more of them and make more money if you have digital products.

[00:02:05] That's a flash sale. Another one is one that I kind of I think I kind of invented this because I was the first one on the internet ever to be seen doing this was a pick your price sale, where again, digital products, whatever they gave me was better than nothing, right? So so we popped. If they if they didn't purchase on exit, they got a pop up, said, hey, pick your price. And we did this on the eulogy books and the wedding books and all kinds of other digital products. So pick your price sale. All right, have a contest. Whoa! People love contests also, and everybody can be a winner. And the winning. You know, if everybody wins, then that prize can lead them to purchases of other stuff. The. It gives you a chance. Doing a contest gives you a chance to describe your products without any sales resistance, because people are trying to win it. They they want to know, what are we going to win? So you get knocked down the sales resistance. So contests are great. Have seasonal sales. So if it's spring or turn back the clock or summer or uh oh we did uh, we, we used to do it the nightclub. Um. 4th of July or summer in July or summer in January sales. And so you'd have a beach party in the middle of January.

[00:03:34] So you could do those things all online now. Uh, holidays we just passed. Uh, what do you call it? Uh, Saint Patrick's Day, and and you can have a Saint Patrick's Day sale. And one of the things nice about holiday sales and when everybody on earth is expecting a sale, is that you don't have to have a reason for the sale. We talk about in copywriting, the reason why technique, which gives you a legitimate reason why you would drop your price and it keeps your original price legit. Well, when holidays and everybody are expecting a sale, you don't have to do the reason why you can just have a sale. So any kind of holiday, any kind of event that you're having, you can have a sale. So you can have a sale around my live, uh, my Wednesday live streams. We have a sale on a different product every Wednesday or something like that. Um, buy one, get one or Bogo sales. Those are powerful. And I've seen I mean, I was at the grocery store yesterday had buy two, get two. Right? So you can play off of those kinds of promotions. You can have coupons for specific groups. So you could just out of the clear blue sky, make up a coupon for home schoolers and, you know, give it to home schoolers. And a bunch of them will take advantage of it because a lot of them are frugal. And Girl Scouts, boy Scouts, any kind of group, you could give them a discount coupon specific for that group.

[00:05:11] And it's even the coupon is even has their name in it. That's how cool it is. With KickstartCart, you can make coupons that have the name of the group as the coupon. All right. Uh, subscriber only sales. That's kind of illogical for me because everybody is a subscriber to my email list, so that's the only way I reach them. Really? I guess I could, uh, uh, not count the people that just visit my websites, but but subscriber only sale, uh, attendee only sale. So if you're having an event, let's say you're having an online event. And anybody on that event, not even the people that come to the replays, if you're on there live, you get a discount and it's good until an hour after the show or something like that. So attendee only sale. Another important thing you can do this does good for everybody is to tie whatever you're doing to a charitable donation. So you could say, okay, well 10% of the profits are going to X, Y and Z. You know, I did, you know, whatever I've done them, you know, because I have this, uh, program for disabled persons to attend my school. So sometimes I do a promotion. It says, okay, all the profits from this thing are going to help disabled people get educated, you know, that kind of thing. So tie it to a charity. Uh. Thank you. Sale. This would just be, uh, some for customers. You're just thanking them, you know? So, hey, this is special for customer only sale.

[00:06:48] And here's a deep discount for you as a thank you for doing this or the other. Uh, and also, you don't have to do a sale and get extra money from them. It's nice to just do a thank you and give customers a freebie of some, some sort. That's a nice thing to do. And it usually leads to more loyalty and more sales in the long run. And you can also divvy it up like a VIP customer sale. So like in my shopping cart Kickstartcart, I can tell how much. You know, I can run reports on who spent the most money and then those that and I can broadcast an email to that group, call them VIPs or whatever you want to call them, and then, uh, have a special deal for them. You know, those people are spending the most money. And I promised a dozen of these promotions, I think, in the name of this, but I'm already at 13 or something. Um, and one more I'll give you. So this is a really cool thing. You can use it in all kinds of settings, especially with digital products. All right. So I'll give you a for instance. And I call it like a x dollar giveaway. So I was speaking at the National Speakers Association as a breakout session. And there were lots of different breakout sessions going on. So ahead of time, I knew the room maxed out at like 310 people, something like that.

[00:08:16] I checked with the fire marshal, and a lot of times they have it written on the wall, maximum people in this room. And so. I went and put flyers around the day before and the morning of. Uh, I'm giving away $31,000 worth of prizes at my session. Right. So I was standing room only. People were standing on people's heads to get there. And I gave away my click e-book, which is $97. Everybody knew it. You know, I was well known in the industry. And so I gave away everybody that attended, uh, just by putting a link on the screen. There you go. There's your $97 times 310 people is $31,000 roughly. Right. So so that's a cool way. And you can do that online with, you know, if you have if you're doing live events online or speeches or, uh, you know, in live settings like I just told you about. All right. So there's a bunch of promotions that they'll bring you quick cash if you just diligently do them. And there's so many different ones, you can vary them up. So nobody gets sick of any one kind of promotion, even though it's basically, remember, people love a sale, so you're giving them a sale. All right. So this is just one of the billion things I'll teach you if you're in my mentor program at GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com. And, there we go. Go out and do some promotions, make some money. Catch you later.