Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks File Transfer Services
Today we're going to talk about file transfer services. Let's say you shot the coolest video of your life, and you want your friends and colleagues to see it right away, or it's a business thing, you need to get somewhere quick. Well, it's probably way too big to email, and if you text it, it's compressed so small it loses its quality and power. So that's where file transfer services come in.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 833
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[00:23] Tom's introduction to File Transfer Services [01:52] Sending a big file can be problematic [02:57] Email attachment limitations [05:35] Using YouTube's “unlisted” flag for videosHigher Education Webinar –
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College Ripoff Quiz –
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Episode 833 – File Transfer Services
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody! It's Tom here with episode 833 To Screw the Commute podcast. I'm still nursing this voice, so I'm pulling out all stops to be able to get something in intelligible for you. Maybe my other episodes weren't intelligible, I don't know, but without regard for The Voice. But anyway, the show must go on. So today we're going to talk about file transfer services. Let's say you shot the coolest video of your life, and you want your friends and colleagues to see it right away, or it's a business thing, you need to get somewhere quick. Well, it's probably way too big to email, and if you text it, it's compressed so small it loses its quality and power. So so that's where file transfer services come in. And we're going to talk about that today. Hope you didn't miss episode 832. That was the hack your own website. Yeah I said hack your own website. You know to protect yourself. And you could innocently be hurting other visitors to your site if you don't know what's going on. And so that's what that episode is about. Anytime you want to get to a back episode, you go to, slash, then the episode number. Hack your website was 832 and today is 833 for file transfer services. Make sure you check out my mentor program at and grab a copy of our automation book at
[00:01:53] And here we go. All right so everybody uses email right. But but if you try to send a big file and lots of times it's a video, it could be other kinds of files. If you try to send it through email you could be causing on your end any other end. So if you're trying to send it, well it might not. It might be too big. And the person, if you did actually get it sent, the person receiving it might be mad at you because it took forever to download. And a lot of those people have emails that delete attachments or segregate them so that they don't get infected with stuff. People won't open attachments, especially if they don't know you. Well, even in today's environment, even if they know you, that could be, you know, if they're paranoid, which they should be, maybe they think, oh, it's a spoof. It's not really you and somebody trying to infect their computer so they won't open it. So, so email and big attachments. Not so good. And let's talk about some of the email services. And then we'll talk about some of the ways to get around these limitations. All right. If you use outlook it has a 20 megabyte. Now some of these figures may be off because they might be raising that a little bit depending on when you're listening to this.
[00:03:08] But outlook has about a 20 megabyte limit for attachments. Apple mail is 25 megs, iCloud emails 20 megs. Gmail is you know you can. All the attachments you have can't add up to more than 25MB. And if it if it is on Gmail, they automatically add or try to send it to Google Drive instead of including it as an attachment. Yahoo's 25. And by the way, if you're using Yahoo and AOL and and Hotmail and all that kind of stuff as your business, you look like a goober to your potential customers. You've got to graduate. This mean Gmail is okay because it's highly credible and regarded. But Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, it just makes you look like a Yahoo if you're using those in your business. Anyway. Yahoo's 25 megs, AOL's 25 megs. But anyway, here's how we get around that. I happen to use a file transfer service called Wetransfer, where I can upload up to two gigabytes gigabytes folks for free, and they do have a paid version if your files are even bigger than that. But in all the stuff I do, I've only had a couple times when I exceeded that two gigabyte limit. Maybe I had an hour long, high quality video, so I had to send a hard drive to somebody or pay extra to use the big file rather than the free version.
[00:04:44] And I use this service all the time, folks, over 800 times. What is this episode? 833. 833 times just for my podcast. Not counting all the video work, the thousands of videos I've done over the years and all that. You know, I send this podcast after it's edited to Larry, who puts it up and distributes. It's on our own hosting service. Okay, so that's the one I happen to use, but I'm going to have a link to an article on, I don't know, 5 or 6 other ones that you can check out, and I'll leave a link in there. And the link happens to be written by the first service on the list called File Stage. And then they have Wetransfer. They have send anywhere, Google Drive and a couple of other ones. The article gives you the pros and cons of each, because some are better for some types of businesses than others. But here's a way I typically deal with videos. I upload them to YouTube as unlisted, not public and not private. So unlisted means the person I give the link to can watch it. I mean, they could give the link to somebody else too, so if it was a really confidential thing, I'd try to warn them. Don't give the link out to anybody, but don't do private, because private means you have to be logged in and only you can see it.
[00:06:03] So if you send them that link, you'll look stupid and they won't be able to open it. Now, I know this is a short podcast, but I try to only give you things that massively improve your business. This is one I've needed and used tens of thousands of times over my nearly 30 years of selling online. So get used to using this service and also the YouTube technique, and you're going to save yourself and the recipients of your stuff, not just videos, any kind of big file. You're sending lots of aggravation. And speaking of videos, the next episode, 834, is going to be tell you what you can and can't do to make money on YouTube. How about that? So watch for that. Also check out the mentor program. You know, I've been around a long time. You get some of these people that have that made $2 on the internet, and they want to tell you how to get rich. All right. Well, I guarantee you they don't have the success I've had over many, many years and helped thousands of people make money online. So I'd love to help you. So check out and give me a call. We'll see what your future is going to look like online.