Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Sadie Smiley
Sadie Smiley is the founder of Passive Income Pathways. And she's got a blog and an online course that helps people create passive income streams. She lives in Mexico and is a huge fan of being radically generous. I love that. Now, Sadie is always on the lookout for new ways to help people create more financial stability in their lives.
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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 665
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See Tom's Stuff –
[03:03] Tom's introduction to Sadie Smiley [06:15] What it means to be Neurodivergent [09:39] “I'm too much for people” [11:32] Pinterest graphics and blog posts [12:50] Living in a homeless shelter and getting off food stamps [23:25] Helping hundreds of kids [30:30] Sponsor message [32:42] A typical day for SadieHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
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College Ripoff Quiz –
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Episode 665 – Sadie Smiley
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey, everybody, is Tom here with episode 665 of Screw the Commute Podcast? Wow. This guest we have on was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Well, yeah, she's probably going to slap me for saying that because it's totally opposite, said Smiley, which apparently she's telling me that's her real name. But that's the coolest thing I've heard for a while. But anyway, she pretty much raised herself. She was homeless, she got cancer, and she still rose above it all to help herself, her family, her, her kids and hundreds of other kids. Very inspirational lady. And you know what? She also loves the concept of repurposing, which I've done a program on and have like a transcript and e-book on. So we'll talk to her in a minute. Now, I hope you didn't miss Episode 664. That was Bill Praytor with Scaleology. He's got a really cool freebie for you in that episode that in 15 minutes you'll learn how to get a full day's work done. He's really about getting stuff done, and while I'm at it, I'll tell you about episode 663 that was on Chrome Extensions and and on that audio. I also told you how you can prank people like crazy and it's hysterical the things you can do with Chrome extensions. So so check that out any time you want to get it back episode you go to, slash and then the episode number Chrome extension 663. Bill Prater 664 And of course you'll want to hear Sadie and pass this around because she's a very inspirational lady.
[00:02:08] I mean people have been through what she's been through. Most of them are in a ditch somewhere or in a drug rehab or somewhere, but she rose above it all. I don't know where she got that strength, but hers is episode 665. Now, I want to thank everybody. We started a Patreon that's going to fund my every nickel of it. Other than the patron fees are funding my scholarship program for persons with disabilities. So please kick in. It starts as little as $3 a month and you get all kinds of perks and all kinds of training. I mean, we've had well over 200 training episodes on this podcast, and again, we're episode 665. So just enormously great interviews with people that are giving you tips. I mean, so if it's helped you at all, please kick in and so we can help those persons with disabilities. Beautiful.
[00:03:03] All right. Let's get to the main event. Sadie Smiley is the founder of Passive Income Pathways. I've heard her call that it must be Sadie in the Pips. You know, there's used to be a singing group, I think. Like that. I don't know. And she's got a blog and an online course that helps people create passive income streams. She lives in Mexico and is a huge fan of being radically generous. I love that. Now, Sadie is always on the lookout for new ways to help people create more financial stability in their lives. Sadie are you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:03:42] Yes, Yes, yes.
[00:03:45] How far do you commute there in Mexico? Not far.
[00:03:49] Bedroom? I have, yeah, but I have to commute to the coffee shop every day if I want my good coffee. Oh, well, that's the.
[00:03:58] Doesn't count. You do that out of choice. Well, maybe it's a necessity if you're a coffee freak. Yeah, but I got to highlight this stuff about you. She's autistic. You were autistic. Didn't find out until you were in your thirties. You?
[00:04:16] Yes.
[00:04:17] Yes. And this episode is going to have a word. Never, ever said on 660 episodes is called neuro divergence. I never even heard of the word until I started looking into you. And so we'll find out what that is. She's overboard. Intense. People can't handle it.
[00:04:34] I don't know.
[00:04:36] I'm hoping we can get through this. So. So how did you. Let's. Let's go back. You basically raised yourself. How in the world that somebody that got dealt the hand of cards you got get out of it?
[00:04:49] I think that my driving force was just that I wanted to be a less shitty mom than my mom was. Like, I didn't I didn't have a I wasn't striving to be a great mom. But when I looked around and saw the life that I had, you know, some of it, yes, I had definitely been dealt. But we all make choices that end up where we are, right? So whenever I looked around and I was like, Man, I've kind of I'm kind of in a mess. I just I just wanted to do at least a little bit better than what I was given, you know, in my childhood.
[00:05:23] But you you were a straight-A student and bored to tears. Are you like a genius or what?
[00:05:29] I'm not a genius.
[00:05:31] You know, it sounds.
[00:05:32] Like it at school was very boring. A lot of us that have ADHD, like.
[00:05:38] We forgot learn that.
[00:05:40] Excuse me. That's okay. But whenever whenever you have ADHD, a lot of the times you learn ten times faster because you can hyperfocus and just dive in and learn everything that you want to on the subject. So if it's something you're interested in, then you're going to be ahead of everyone else and then you're going to be really bored. Whenever they're catching.
[00:06:00] Up, you'd be tripling, you'd be quadrupling bored nowadays because they go down to the lowest common denominator to the kids that can't speak English and all the they're canceling the advanced classes for kids. I mean, jeez, you'd really be bored then. So. So what's this term neuro divergence? What does that mean? Is that a city in Mexico? What it.
[00:06:21] Is? So I feel like it would be pronounced, like, way better. Like narrow, divergent, say, right. You know, No, I hadn't heard the word myself either. I had heard, you know, ADHD. And then when I was diagnosed with autism, I had heard stuff about that. But I'm not an expert on the topic. I just I think it kind of encompasses a lot of the differences that people have in their brains. So whether it's autism or ADHD or whatever, I feel like it's kind of an umbrella that a lot of us fit under. And it's kind of nice to have a name. Like whenever you get a diagnosis, sometimes it's like, Oh, that makes so much sense, you know, and you think back to all the things that kind of match up and where you felt out of place. So yeah, for me, my, my diagnoses were just kind of like a light bulb moment and it kind of taught me to just be okay with who I am. Like, it doesn't matter what they label you as, whether it's autistic or ADHD or the plethora of other alphabet diagnosis that you can get. It's just just be okay being you and and just do the thing regardless of what might be working against you and kind of turn those differences into superpowers and things that work really well for you.
[00:07:42] Now you write about that's great advice for sure. Now you write about working from home and home schooling. So did you find out that you were autistic because your kids were autistic? Is that how that worked?
[00:07:54] Yeah. Yes. Whenever I took my middle child in and they diagnosed him with autism, I was like, Holy shit. Like, Oh, that's what it is. So then I went through and talk to them about me and yeah, it what we have like how we act and how we think and all of that apparently falls under the autism umbrella.
[00:08:20] Well, and you homeschooled them, right?
[00:08:24] I did off and on. And then my youngest daughter, she was getting into trouble at school, so I yanked her home to get her on a better track because there were like 30 kids in the classroom. So the teachers couldn't really keep up with all of the kids. And mine, she was she was being extra. So we brought her home to homeschool her. And now she's actually graduating two years early. So that's kind of cool. We haven't got like a cheat code there and didn't have to deal with the fallout ever.
[00:08:54] I have never met a home school kid that wasn't the greatest kid that I ever saw. I don't have kids myself, but I see a lot of them. And yeah, it's it's wonderful because they can learn. But weren't you getting in trouble at school?
[00:09:08] Oh, yeah. I definitely like mommy, like daughter. There you go. Yeah. So?
[00:09:14] So. But I could imagine that home schooling session if both of you were bouncing off the walls. And. But anyway, it worked, right? That's the whole thing about you. You say, Hey, it doesn't really matter. I'm going to dive in and make it work. And that's what so many people lack nowadays. They're afraid to do stuff. And you're not. You're all hustle, no bullshit, right? So that's your moniker?
[00:09:36] Yes, it is.
[00:09:39] Now, it's been said that, and I quote, I'm too much for people like that. Mean you're better for animals or for aliens. What? What? What does that mean exactly?
[00:09:51] Dogs seem to like me a lot more than humans do. Okay. But I don't always say the right things. Like even when we're talking about this topic of autism, I'm sure somebody out there is going to be pissed off about how I described it. Oh, I have Autism.
[00:10:05] Expert is one of my students. Yeah, she's going to flip out probably.
[00:10:10] Yeah. So it's like just the things that I say and the way that I say it, the way that I view the world is the way like those things come out of my mouth. So sometimes that's upsetting to people, sometimes it's surprising. And then the best part is when my people find me and I say like some crazy shit and they're like, Oh, you're my person. And then, you know, I know that I'm not too much for everyone, just certain people.
[00:10:35] Well, yeah, and you do things quote the same way, right, when you come up with that.
[00:10:42] Yes. You know, I've been doing this for a long time. I've been blogging for 15 years, coaching for about three years. And everyone has like a framework and this and that, and it's all so special. And I was like, I don't have a framework. I just do it my way. So I just started telling people, This is just the sad way. Like, try it and see if it works for you, see if you like it and enjoy it. And it goes against what most other quote unquote gurus, coaches, etc. Everything I do is pretty much the opposite of what they do. So some people don't like that. So I just started calling it the sad way because then if they don't like it, I'm like, okay, then go do it the polo way or the whoever way and make up your own way to do it.
[00:11:29] Yeah, that's that's exactly right. You got to be you. Now, I was thinking, if I ever hired you, I think I'd hire you to do, oh, maybe ten Pinterest graphics a day for me.
[00:11:41] Mm hmm.
[00:11:42] And you would say, Screw you, Tom. I hate pictures, graphics. So tell them about the tell about the trade deal you did with somebody. That makes a lot of sense.
[00:11:53] Oh yeah, I do hate making Pinterest graphics, but I love writing blog posts. So one of my VIP clients, she hates writing blog posts and loves making Pinterest graphics, so we just swapped and kind of trade our services to each other so we can both be doing what we like. Because whether you have ADHD or not, like it doesn't matter if you're doing something that makes you miserable, which obviously screw the commute. You guys are used to this, right? But if you're if you're doing something that makes you miserable, like that's just not any way to live. So figure out a way to do what you like and make money with it, you know?
[00:12:32] Yeah. And but it's a great tip because you get so many people that are saying, Oh, I can't afford to hire this out or do this, but they're probably good, something that they like and you can make that deal. That's a really great way to move people forward. Now, I want to tell people a little bit more about you. This is a quote I got from somewhere. I was living in a homeless shelter when I discovered you could work online. Since then, I've bought two houses with my money. Nobody else has gotten a divorce from an asshole, but cancer got married to my soulmate and my babies grew into teens and adults now. Tell us about that moment in the homeless shelter when when you made this revelation that you could be something bigger.
[00:13:22] Yeah, I there were probably about 15 of us there, and it was a homeless shelter, but it was specifically a maternity shelter, domestic violence shelter. So it was all women that were pregnant. And then they almost all had kids as well. And I was one of the younger ones there. I was 21. I was pregnant and I had already had two kids. So I was seeing these other women that were older than me and their kids were older and their kids were having to get like picked up on the bus from a homeless shelter. And I felt like that would be really embarrassing to have to do. And so in that moment when I saw that, I was like, Oh man, I can't do that to my kids. Like, obviously no shade to those women. They were doing what they could. They were doing, you know, they were just trying to survive. But for me, I was like, I'm not that old yet. Like, I'm 21. I can fix this. I can change it. So when they were, you know, looking online for jobs that paid $7 an hour or going online and instead of looking for jobs, setting up dating profiles, those kind of things, I knew that I couldn't afford to live on $7 an hour. So I started doing little tasks online. And one of the things I ended up doing was they would pay me to create their dating profiles.
[00:14:44] Okay?
[00:14:45] So I would write them like I was a really good writer, just naturally. And so I would write their profiles out to where it would increase their chances of getting a date with a guy that had money so they could get out of their situation, I guess. I don't know. But that wasn't the route that I wanted to go, so I just was collecting the money and I was able to move out of the shelter with some assistance and stuff in about four months, and that was faster than anyone else. But I was ready to be out of there. So I did. I did what I needed to and I got the heck out.
[00:15:20] All right. So you got out of there in four months. But another thing I read about you is something that I want you to tell us about. I remember how difficult it was to get off of food stamps. It took years. Every time I got close, I got scared and wanted to quit. What advice would you have for people that are stuck in a rut now?
[00:15:41] Yeah, man. Getting off of food stamps is probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, because as soon as you start to make a little bit of money, they start to cut your assistance in every way possible. So it's like the money you're making just goes to replace the assistance that you were getting so you can't get anywhere. You're barely treading water and at the same time you're having to work 40 hours a week to do it. And why? Why would you work 40 hours a week if you can not work 40 hours a week and get $700 in food stamps and, you know, insurance benefits and all of these things. So me having to go from that transition, that was really yeah, that was really difficult. And I think.
[00:16:23] That you put it that way. I mean, it's it's just like your term treading water was was right. You quit treading for a second and all of a sudden you drown.
[00:16:33] Yeah, exactly. So whenever you are in that type of position, like at least for me, I had to make a huge jump. So I had to go from being broke to making, you know, $60,000 a year to be able to afford insurance for my kids, to be able to afford our house, you know, living all of that stuff. So I had to make a huge jump. And that's. Really difficult to do. So I worked like 15 hours a day on my business to be able to get to six figures. I hit my first six figures in 2016, which was exactly ten years after I had been homeless and I didn't know what the hell I was doing. By the way, that six figures did not do anything for me. I was spending it as quick as I was making it. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but I made that's how I did it. I made the leap to where I just worked like 24 seven and was able to make enough money to tell the food stamps people to go screw themselves, that I didn't need their crap anymore because they treat you like crap while you're getting the help and make you feel like less than a human. Anyway. So I was like ready to just give them the middle finger. And I was so, so happy when I was able to.
[00:17:42] Yeah. And, and there's a trait that you have. I'm not sure where it came from, but, you know, it's a good trait. I mean, I'm, you know, I really related to you because I have a lot of the same traits. I didn't have a lot of the same cards that you were dealt. But but when I oh, here's here's what it says. It says when I'm interested in something, I dive in and I don't come up for air until I'm an expert.
[00:18:08] Right.
[00:18:08] And that's why I do.
[00:18:09] I'm yeah.
[00:18:10] I mean, at this point in my life, I could have quit 20 some years ago, but I'm I'm learning. I learned how to fell trees and without killing myself, I'm learning how to rebuild carburetors on the side. I have to don't have to do any of this stuff, but it's just.
[00:18:27] A.
[00:18:28] Drive that's in me to continuous learning. In the Japanese, they call it kaizen, continuous improvement and learning. And that kind of was instilled in me from my dad. So where did you get it? You raised yourself and some lightning bolt hit you or what?
[00:18:45] Yeah, I think it's one of those things where sometimes when you're raised by a certain type of parent, you do the exact opposite, like you flip a complete 180. And so for me, like, yeah, both my parents were alcoholics. Like I was raising myself and my brother from like, since I can remember. So for me it was just like, This is a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to do this. This isn't the life that I want to live. So I just obsessively still to this day, like I could stop working and just kind of chill, but still to this day, obsessively learning new things. And I always monetize what I learned. Like any time I learn something, I'm like, Oh, I could sell a guide, I could sell a course, I could make a website. So here I am with 15 websites with different topics. Yeah.
[00:19:33] Wow, I know that feeling. I mean, I've been teaching for over 20 years. Make your hobbies tax deductible, you know? So, you know, I started doing it in 1994 when the commercial Internet started. You were probably in diapers or weren't born yet. And and then I have Fatso tennis site. I have a protection dog site, you know, so I make hobbies tax deductible. And in that way, I can enjoy them without guilt because I'm making money while I'm doing it. So. So now let's see.
[00:20:08] I absolutely I absolutely love that.
[00:20:11] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, not only for me personally, but what I teach people is their family interests. Everything is expensive, camping or whatever, the kids, soccer, all of that stuff with a simple WordPress site with a responsive theme. And and even if you don't want to create a product, you can have an affiliate product on there. And if you're making money now, I'm not an attorney or an accountant, but I've had hundreds of them in my classes and courses and they all say, Yep, that's business right there, you know, so. So yeah, make your hobbies tax deductible.
[00:20:45] That's so I've never heard anybody teach that. Tom and I. That's what I do. I've never, you know, talked from that angle. But yeah, that's like a light bulb moment for me because I just like two weeks ago I told my husband, I said, Hey, babe, I'm setting up a fishing website so we can deduct all this shit that you're buying for fishing because he's been going fishing all the time. I'm like, Okay, we have a fishing blog now.
[00:21:11] Hey, do they have pangas down there? That's a type of boat. Yeah. I love ponies. Yeah. They're like, supposed to be unsinkable and. Yeah. Oh, someday I'll tell you the stories of me and Cabo San Lucas. Bet they're just.
[00:21:26] Crazy. Yes.
[00:21:28] Yeah. So you live in the Baja Peninsula, right?
[00:21:31] I do, yes. Yeah.
[00:21:32] Yeah. And what made that decision? How was it? Was you married to the new guy when the. By the way, The new guy when I say that is really nice guy. Apparently, because I heard the story of how when you were freaking out on going the grocery store, you know, you'd really freak out at the prices. Now you have to stay in the closet for forever. Oh, but you had a story of of how you were freaking out at the grocery store. You went home and laid down in a closet, and he came and was so sweet to you, right?
[00:22:01] Yeah. I thought he was going to freak out and think I was a weirdo, because, I mean, you kind of are.
[00:22:07] Hey, Sadie, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you are a weirdo. So am I. And that's why we're successful.
[00:22:15] Yes, but, yeah, I couldn't imagine, you know, dating someone and then being like, okay, I need to go lay in the closet after the grocery store trip. Like, I don't think I would be nearly as kind as my husband was. But he yeah, he was wonderful. He came in, he he laid down with me. And then shortly after, he bought me this big, huge teddy bear, like five foot, four foot tall teddy bear. So when I needed to go and hide in the closet, if he wasn't there or he couldn't go in there, like I would have comfy, I would have like something comfy to be in there with. But yeah, I'm thankfully. I thankfully don't have to do that anymore. He's definitely helped me calm down and not be as anxious in life. I used to be way more tightly wound.
[00:23:02] I heard that. Yeah. I'm trying to go fast on this interview because you're known for cutting people off and.
[00:23:09] In a hurry, so I get.
[00:23:11] All the good stuff in. Right. She's laughing, but she knows I'm telling the truth.
[00:23:20] So maybe. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah.
[00:23:23] So tell us about before. You definitely want to get into telling about how you're helping people. But the I heard you talk about helping hundreds of kids or feeding them or something. What's that all about?
[00:23:36] Yeah. Yeah. So we moved to Mexico. And my plan, like, I always have these grand plans, right? So my plan was to move to Mexico and set up these little, like, Internet cafes so people could have access to working online. We could coach them, teach them how to make blogs, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I didn't I, I severely underestimated the language barrier, the time it would take me to learn Spanish. I'm I'm a year in and still very much caveman Spanish level. So so that idea is still an idea, but it's like a 2025 kind of idea. And so in the meantime, we were connected with these families that they're migrant families that live in camps by our house. Most of them don't have electricity and just live. I guess primitive would probably be the word that most people would use, just like very basic, kind of like old school type living compared to what you're used to in the States. Are there and.
[00:24:45] United States, is that what we see on the news all the time?
[00:24:48] No, no, no, no. These are like, that's actually a good question because migrant camps by our house, they're migrants that came from Oaxaca to work in the fields here because.
[00:25:00] They're Mexican citizens.
[00:25:01] Really? Yeah. So when in Oaxaca, you only get paid $4.50 US dollars a day, and in Baja the minimum wage is $9 a day. So people come from all over Mexico to come and work in Baja for the wages, and also because the growing season is much longer. So they have work pretty much year round there. They're able to work the fields. Mm hmm.
[00:25:26] Okay, great.
[00:25:28] But so.
[00:25:29] But are you helping them?
[00:25:32] Yeah. So they do have very obviously not a lot of money because of the minimum wage being so low. And a lot of them have a lot of kids and a lot of the kids even have to work in the fields. So we go every week and we feed the families and then every month we bring them a big it's called a dispenser, but it's got like flour, sugar, eggs, beans, oil, you know, the stuff that they would need, like the staples to get through the times when they don't have enough food.
[00:26:05] See, they wouldn't hire me to do that stuff because I'd pick something. I'd say one for me and I'd eat it and then one for you. So that wouldn't last very long there. But but you're you're financing this yourself.
[00:26:18] Yes, we are through Pips.
[00:26:23] Beautiful.
[00:26:24] Yeah. Through Pips. That's a.
[00:26:26] Transition. So tell them about Pips.
[00:26:29] Yeah. So passing pathways. It should be passive income pathways. It's a financially accessible coaching membership. So I have a I have a $7 a month membership to where people can learn how to log. And then I've got a $97 a month membership, which is like top level hands on coaching. And yes, I know that's ridiculously cheap, but I, I do group coaching so I can have 100 people come in and I can still pay my bills, but they can get coaching in a financially accessible way. And I teach them how to build six figure blogs.
[00:27:13] Wow. That's that's a great deal for them. Ah, the where is your is your market. Do you have any Mexicans in there?
[00:27:21] I don't. I'm trying to add Spanish resources so I can I do have a few friends locally that I'm helping. And once I've proven that the process can work here locally, then I'll be able to expand that way. I do have a handful of VIPs from South Africa and from Jamaica and from a few countries where, like the dollar doesn't translate very well, so the earnings are less. So I do have several people from those countries, and they are they're doing really well. They're they're working hard, even though they have a lot more obstacles than we do. People in the US, they don't understand how easy they have it for working online. People in Jamaica, they have to figure out how they can accept payments. People in South Africa are dealing with load shedding and only having access to electric and internet Like 5 hours a day is one of the. One of my students only has electricity and internet 5 hours a day and she's still showing up and doing the thing.
[00:28:23] Wow. See, those people are going to make it because they're used to not having everything handed to them. They have to work for it. And that's the that's one of the main traits of the people in my programs. You know, if they know how to work, you know, this is not that hard. There's just lots of stuff to learn and know and do. And a lot of them just say, Oh, I want to get rich online, but then they won't do the work. And so so these people that grew up learning how to work and and suffer and scratch and crawl will be the ones that make it. And they'll be hiring these these idiots that won't.
[00:28:56] So, yes, they're very they're very inspiring to me because as you know, I'm like a no bullshit all hustle like mentality kind of thing. I don't think that people should have to hustle. 24 seven. I ditched that a while ago, but I still have that like hustle mentality that nothing is going to get in my way. Like if there's a barrier, if there's an obstacle, if I can't go through it, I'm going to go around it, I'm going to go over it. I'm going to climb under it like I'm going to get through.
[00:29:23] That's the that's the attitude. And I was given that and see, I don't. So it's crazy because you got that attitude somehow. But I was given to it before I could before I could walk because my dad was a came from Syria on a cattle boat in the early 1900s and he was 50 when he had me. And he I always tell people I always tell people about the old Johnny Cash song that was boy named Sue. You know, he named an old drunk cowboy named the boy Sue to make him scrappy and fight because the dad knew he wouldn't be around. So my dad figured he wouldn't be around. So from the time I could crawl, he would put pillows in front of me and put my toys on the other side to teach me how to overcome obstacles. You know, he only went to the second grade, but he was the smartest guy I know.
[00:30:10] That's so smart.
[00:30:12] Yeah. And so it's same thing. You know, I won't step anybody or cheat anybody to get where I'm going. But if you tell me I can't do something, you better get out of the way because I blow by doing it. Yeah. And when somebody tells you they can't do something, what it means is they can't do it. That has nothing to do with you.
[00:30:29] Yeah, Yeah.
[00:30:31] Well, we got to take a responsive break. When we come back, we'll ask Sadie what a typical day looks like for her. And she's going to tell you she's got a nice freebie to give you that I think you'll want to jump on. So hang in there. So folks, about, oh, I don't know, about 25 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head and that people at my level were charging 50 or $100,000 to teach you what they knew. And and I knew a lot of these people they'd be hiding out in in Mexico, if you came 50 grand, you'd never see them again. So I said, that's too risky for people. So I said, I'm going to flip this. So I turned it on its head in that I charge like 10% of that as an entry fee. And then for me to get my 50,000, you had to net 200,000. So people kind of like this idea and 1800 plus students later. I think we're over 1800 now. It's still going strong and it's the longest running, most successful, most unique Internet and digital marketing program ever. I triple dare anybody to put theirs up against mine because I'm a crazy fanatic and I actually accidentally threw a tele class on Thanksgiving because I didn't notice it was Thanksgiving. That's really beautiful. I know, but it's good to.
[00:31:44] Have.
[00:31:45] A fanatic on your side. So you get an immersion weekend in this great Internet marketing retreat center in Virginia Beach. We have a TV studio here. We shoot your marketing videos for you, and it's all one on one. Sadie likes group so she can keep it very, very cost effective. But I, I am one on one with myself and my entire staff so that I don't have to lump you in with anybody more experienced or less experienced. And you have unlimited by appointment consultation. So and you also get a scholarship to my school, which is the only licensed, dedicated Internet and digital marketing school in the country, probably the world. And you can either use it yourself or gift it to someone. That's to keep them out of the crazy wasted four year indoctrination camps they have is pretending to be colleges.
[00:32:36] So check it out at great Internet marketing training.
[00:32:43] All right. Let's get back to the main event. I heard a big yes out of there. I guess we're on the same page on the waste in your money for four years on A to learn how to protest.
[00:32:55] Oh, man. Yeah. I feel like we. I feel like I. I really wish I would have discovered you long ago because. Yeah, everything that you're saying is is awesome. I'm going to be binge listening to everything you have out there now.
[00:33:08] Well, I don't blame you. Yeah, I've been. You know, I've been selling on the commercial Internet since it began in 1994. So I've seen it come and go, but I've also and when I you know, I was valedictorian of high school and I went to college, I got good grades. But it's a different world now. That was a long time ago. And now kids, you know, you say boo to them, they got to cry and go hug that giant teddy bears for fact. They should just sit the teddy bear up there as the professors because they'd get as good as education. So, so so anyway, so it's a typical day look like for you there, Sadie.
[00:33:50] As soon as you said you were going to ask that, I was like, Man, I've got to pretend that I do something.
[00:33:55] Well, no, tell us. Tell us. I mean, you're in what we call a lifestyle business. You move to Mexico, the costs are cheaper. You can get a place on the ocean. How much would it cost in the United States to get a place on the ocean, you know? Oh, yeah.
[00:34:09] Man. Ridiculous. Yeah.
[00:34:10] So you. You made choices that gave yourself this lifestyle. And that's cool with me. If you sit around and eat bonbons all day, I don't care.
[00:34:20] Yeah, it's funny that you use that as an example, because when we started looking at Mexico, I was like, Oh, there's so much fresh fruit and so many vegetables. We're going to be so healthy. And I'm over here ordering like quesadillas every day at the restaurant. Yeah, and learning about all the delicious Mexican food. Everything is covered in cheese.
[00:34:41] Are you in an expat community or what?
[00:34:45] No. You know, when we moved here, I was. And I hated it. I never want to be near expats like that again. It was not fun. Now we live amongst locals and it is So it's a million times better. I'm so thankful that we were able to do that.
[00:35:02] There's a course. There's a course sitting in your head. They're saying.
[00:35:07] Yes, yes, if you want another. The list is so long.
[00:35:10] Yeah, you're here to go. You hear about going to Mexico, but like, how do you do it? What do you do? Where do you live? What? How do you get by?
[00:35:16] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:35:18] So. So you get up and you eat bonbons and quesadilla.
[00:35:22] All right? Yeah. Usually I get up on schedule. Yeah, I schedule my podcast interviews for the morning. So usually I do them up until about 10:00 am is when I have my window. So I'll wake up, I'll do a podcast interview and maybe do a video for my Facebook group. And then we go to town because we're like probably 25 minutes from town. So then we'll go into town, get coffee.
[00:35:51] Or what do you how do you get in?
[00:35:54] No, we, we, we drive to town. There are donkeys, horses, all kinds of stuff all around us that people ride. Yeah, but yeah, we we drive to town, we get our coffee, we go to our favorite little restaurant at least a few times a week. We'll eat there, and then I come back in any type of work that I have on my to do list, I have an assistant that she handles, you know, the team and as much of it as she can. And then anything that I absolutely have to do, she'll put her right to do list and I'll work through that. But I usually I would say 3 hours a day is how much I'm doing actual work. Most of the time I'm kind of in a busy season right now, so I'm working a little bit more. But yeah, yeah.
[00:36:36] 15 minutes.
[00:36:40] Yeah, something like that. Yeah, but that's I mean, that's pretty much it. And we'll, we'll go sit outside. Look at the.
[00:36:47] Beer. Are they grown up?
[00:36:49] Yeah, there's two. We have two left at home. We have seven between the two of us, but we have two left at home. They're 16 and 17, so they just kind of they're here, but they do their own thing. They're starting their businesses too.
[00:37:01] But are they home schooled or are they going to school or.
[00:37:05] Yeah. So 17 year old is done with school and the 16 year old is graduating in a few months.
[00:37:12] Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. So. So did you actually ever ride a donkey down?
[00:37:19] No, I haven't. There's so many opportunities to. But I just. I have not know.
[00:37:24] Can you rent donkeys, I wonder?
[00:37:27] Yeah, you can. There's even a donkey that a guy spray paints as a zebra, which you're probably going to get, like, hate mail from PETA, PETA people now. But he spray paints it and it looks like a zebra. So that's kind of cool. I might write that one.
[00:37:40] But you can you know, they they dress up dogs for Halloween up here with this paint that doesn't hurt them, you know. So.
[00:37:46] So yeah.
[00:37:47] Yeah. So. So no Avis, rent the donkeys or anything. All right.
[00:37:52] So no.
[00:37:54] So. So tell them about this freebie you have for them.
[00:37:58] Yeah. So I have a freebie that talks about different ways to make money online. So it can be active income, it can be passive income, and it just kind of gives you a little bit of insight as to how we do business, my husband and I, how we do business. And so you can translate that to how you can do business because everyone can work online. They just like you said earlier, it's a lot of different steps and moving parts, but it's not difficult work. It's not You've just got to do the thing and you've got to decide every day that you're going to get up and do that work until it starts paying your bills instead of doing whatever else you're doing, like binge watching 87,000 episodes on Netflix, you know? So that's what you've got to do. You've got to just wake up and make the decision to do the thing every single day until it starts to pay off. You've got to be patient and and and just do it. But yeah, that it's a little guide that kind of gets you started in this mindset of working for yourself.
[00:39:03] And where do they get this?
[00:39:21] And we'll have that in the show notes folks, for you. But when, when Sadie said the term 87,000 just is throw it off top of her head. I brought up an actual question for her. In the United States, they're proposing 87,000 new IRS agents. All right. So so just wondering, do you pay taxes in the United States as a US citizen? Do you have to pay taxes to Mexico? How does that.
[00:39:47] Work? Yeah, So I'm not really involved in the numbers side of things, but from what I understand, we we pay the taxes in the US. I do know that for sure. But there's some type of I don't know the right word for it, but you get like a tax break or something. Like you're first however much. Yeah.
[00:40:07] You're bringing business to Mexico.
[00:40:10] Yeah. So like you get your first however much you earn isn't taxed in the US or something like that. Like I said, I really don't understand. So if the if the IRS is listening like I don't do my taxes, my husband does.
[00:40:23] Well they'll be down there like a couple of thousand of those will be down there at your house. If they write in on donkeys, then you know that's.
[00:40:32] In trouble.
[00:40:34] Because they've got everybody around. He's surrounding you.
[00:40:36] So. All right.
[00:40:38] So, boy, it's been a blast talking to you. Say you're a very inspirational lady. How you overcame that? I still don't quite understand going through what you went through, but I know you're inspiring lots of other people in the world and you're doing great things for those those migrant kids in Mexico. So thanks so much for coming on.
[00:40:56] Thank you so much. This was fun. I had a blast and now I've got to go stalk you because all the things you said made me very excited.
[00:41:03] Well, I'm used to it. I'm not that fast, though. So you can see I'm easy to stalk. You know, you could. You could even have a lame donkey and follow me around, so. All right. Thanks, Sadie. Good. Everybody go to and really, really an inspirational lady. So glad I had her on. All right. We'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.