Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Pinterest for Intermediates
We're going to talk about Pinterest for intermediates. I'm going to concentrate on getting set up and the two main parts of Pinterest, which are boards and pins.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 514
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
See Tom's Stuff –
[00:23] Tom's introduction to Pinterest for Intermediates [04:27] Convert to a Business Account [05:40] Claiming your websites [07:25] Making boards [16:04] Pin basicsHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Disabilities Page –
Pinterest –
College Scams Quiz –
Pinterest Now Webinar –
Email Tom:
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Keyword Research –
Voice Search –
Pinterest for Beginners –
Ask Me a Speaking Business Question –
Ask Me a Great Speaking Question –
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Episode 514 – Pinterest For Intermediates
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode five hundred and fourteen of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about Pinterest for intermediates. I'm going to concentrate on getting set up and the two main parts of Pinterest, which are boards and pins. Now, if you're really interested in this topic, last Monday I did Pinterest for beginners, and I talked about the benefits of Pinterest over other social media. Why you should bother doing this, you really should know why. And and you can really get a lot of fast results compared to the other social media and the types of pins that get lots of attention. Keyword research a free place to make pins easily. And the reason that you can get results really fast without even a website on Pinterest getting higher quality traffic to your websites. And the whole thing was inspired by a webinar by Daniel Hall and John Kremer. It's the only webinar I've ever hosted, ever, where the attendance increased from people. Referring it during the middle of the webinar was amazing. I've never seen that before. All right, now, last week, on Wednesday and Friday, I did a little speaking stuff. So on Wednesday was the business of speaking. That was episode 512, and on Friday was how to be great on stage, which actually is part of the business of speaking.
[00:01:55] Because if you suck on stage and if you think you're great and you really suck, which I see all the time, all right. From the professional point of view where you're getting a lot of money, you've got to be top top notch. So I gave you a lot of tips there on Friday on that. So how'd you like me to send you big affiliate cheques? Well, refer my stuff and you can make, in some cases, up to five thousand bucks or even more if you refer me to a really great speaking engagement. And I have all kinds of products and services, and you can make a lot of money by referring them. So email me at if you are interested. Now, pick up a copy of our automation e-book. I've been hammering you this the whole five hundred episodes that we've done because I mean, it just amazes me. People download the book and then they don't do any of the stuff, and then they have to fight it out and they wonder why they're tired all the time and they can't reach as many people and they they got their work load. It keeps getting bigger instead of smaller. So I downloaded it. While you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app.
[00:03:10] It's, where you can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. Now we're going strong. Still, we got people moving along in the pilot program for my school. And, you know, I've been really hammering this because I'm so thrilled to be helping these persons with disabilities so that they can get hired and or start their own business or both. Yeah, I guess and-or means both, but for anybody considering higher education, you ought to take the quiz the college rip off quiz at We'll have that in the show notes for you and see all the way major colleges are ripping you off and causing enormous debt and charging enormous fees for nothing, basically. And then you get out, then you're competing for jobs at Starbucks. So check that quiz out at and then also do slash disabilities and check out the Go Fund Me campaign. We have to help these people with disabilities, and that'll be something you can really be proud of because I'm just thrilled to death, to be able to help them.
[00:04:29] All right, let's get to the main event. We're talking about some stuff to get you going on Pinterest. So the first episode last Monday was beginners. Like why and how and and what you should be doing.
[00:04:41] But now we're getting into the nitty gritty. So what you do is you sign up for an account. If you already have an account, you want to convert it to a business account costs you nothing, but it gives you access to analytics and a thing called rich pins, which I'll cover next week. In the advanced next Monday, we'll do advanced. A promoted pins, more advertising stuff and and the one thing you want to pay attention to is extra brand visibility. So when you. Have a business account rather than a personal account. You're sending a message to. Pinterest that you're more serious, and so they give you a little boost and, you know, it doesn't send you to the top of the heap, but it's just one of the steps that tells Pinterest, Hey, I'm serious about this and I'm in business and I'm going to be a great content creator for you. That's the kind of message you're sending now to send an even bigger message. You want to claim your website or websites, I think I have about 15 or 20 of them claimed. And that sends the message to Pinterest that I'm really serious. I have websites or a website and I'm in business and I'm going to be a great content creator. And the other thing that you'll hear a lot when you deal with people that know about Pinterest is what's called priority content distribution, priority content distribution.
[00:06:15] That means when you make a new pin and you do it properly. I like they tell a teacher in the Daniel Hall and John Kremer course. I mean, I can't possibly in these, even in these three episodes, go into the depth that they went on just in the webinar, not not counting the course that they have. But you can, I mean, you basically can use any website you want to pin to, but claiming them raises you up higher, and it means that you're going to be put at priority above people that haven't claimed their website when it comes to showing your pins to more people say. So do those two things business account and claim your websites, it's all very easy stuff, the claim your website is the only one that's a little bit tougher, but again it weeds out the riff raff, so you've got a piece of code that you got to put on your website. And if you have certain kinds of websites, they have an app that'll do it for you. But anyway, get it done, and all of a sudden you raised up before you even made your first pin. Right. So, so there you go. All right, now, the next thing is making boards see the two major parts of Pinterest or boards and pins. Well, first of all, when you make a board, it's very easy.
[00:07:42] Make sure your first pin is an original content pin of yours. All right, don't rip in somebody else's stuff. Now, if you want to make a board and you don't already have a pen ready to go, you can make a board called a secret board. So it doesn't. It's just you can see it in any administrators that you have. Nobody else can see it. It doesn't apply to your. It doesn't affect your analytics, doesn't do anything but give you a place to save stuff or to to do stuff before you're ready to make it go public. And you can also make a secret board. That you can save pins where you may not want to rippin them to any of your stuff, but you want to save them and maybe emulate them, maybe they did a really good job with their color scheme or their headlines or whatever the graphics that they used. So you can save all that stuff to a secret board to give you ideas and inspire you and give you templates for things that you could do. I'm not saying copy their stuff exactly, but it gives you a place to save all the stuff that you really like so that when you're ready, you can come back and and look at them. Now, boards can be very specific. Now, for instance, a tennis coach could have a board on forehands, another board on backhands went on serve, one on volley went on, the mental game went on, racquets went on shoes one.
[00:09:17] Our practice drills. I mean, all kinds of stuff. Very specific. And let's take the back hand board, for instance, the backhand board could have a section. One or two sections, one for one handed backhands and the other for two handed backhands, or you could have separate boards for those. See, when you have multiple boards, it gives you opportunities to show your content at different places. I'll give you more examples of that in a minute. But but having a lot of boards is a good thing as long as you can maintain them. And in the advanced section, we'll show you ways to to really automate stuff that doesn't get you in trouble. In fact, you use a partner with Pinterest to automate the stuff, and so it's you're not going to get in trouble. In fact, they warn you if you're doing something not right. All right. So it's awesome. And then like, you know, like I said, you can break things down in sections like the racquet board. The Tennis Racket Board could have sections on strings, tennis strings and tennis frames. Those are two different things you got to work with, even though they work together. And then here's where it gets cool. See a pin that you put in, let's say, on the practice drills board. It could be put both in the practice drills board and if it was a practice drill for, let's say, four hands, it could go in that board too.
[00:10:54] Now you don't do it at the same time, though. I'll talk about that in a minute. But you made one pin that goes in more than one board. Great. It's efficient now. You've heard me harp about key words ever since episode one of this podcast, also episode one 30 is on voice search, which is keyword related. And I'll probably be coming out with some new tools for you in a future episode here, but you definitely want to use keywords, see, because Pinterest is a search engine in addition to being a social media platform. So you really have to play the keyword game. And so when you name your board, you want to name it with keywords and you want to keep the keywords as as close as possible to the beginning of it so that when it gets seen places a lot of times the entire. Name of the board gets truncated, it gets cut off, so you want to have people to be able to tell right off the bat what it's about and you want the search engine Pinterest search engine to be able to find your board say and know what it's about. All right. So that's naming boards now your board covers. This is a cool thing, folks. See, if you don't take special effort to put a graphic, that's clear.
[00:12:25] When your board shows up in a search, it's just random pins and even a part of a pin that's totally legible. You can't see what it's about. So there's ways that you can edit your board after the board is made and you might make a special pin just for this purpose to be your cover your board cover. And after the boards up and running, you edit it and it'll ask you, what do you want, which pin do you want to be your board cover? And you just click on it and save it. And then when your board comes up, that pin is like blaring, like exactly what the board is about. Now there's a, you know, the title of the board is underneath, but the graphic is what grabs people's eyes. And so you want your boards to be easily recognizable. And so I've been doing that on three or four of my boards already, and it's just beautiful compared to what it was say. So you have to pay attention to board your board covers. Now, your board descriptions, a lot of people ignore this and don't even know or fill it in. So this is another place where you pack key words in. Although I don't, I shouldn't use the word PAC because that's kind of like stuffing keywords. You don't want to look spammy, but you need to describe your board something like in this board, you will find and then public speaking tips and public speaking anxiety tips and in the business of speaking and professional speaking, say so.
[00:14:04] I'm explaining what's in the board, but I'm using keywords. Say so you want to do that when you edit your your board? If you don't, you're really shooting yourself in the foot with stuff that's really easy. You don't have to get a geek to go into the code or anything. There's no code involved here other than getting you're claiming. When I mentioned earlier, you claim in your website. All right, so make sure you do your board descriptions and also you can use hashtags so you want to search out hashtags that are good for your topics. You know, there's hashtag affi and there's different services that'll help you use hashtags, but they're also very welcome in the descriptions of your boards and your your pins and everything. So don't ignore hashtags. Ok, so that's about boards, if you do that stuff, you'll be ahead of 99 percent of the people on Pinterest. All right. And that's that's just a little intermediate step. All right, so let's talk about pin basics, and also I got to remind you, you got to watch the webinar with John Kramer and Daniel Hall. I mean, John, I think, has been on eight years and millions and millions and millions of views on his stuff and clicks to his website, visits to his website.
[00:15:25] I mean, I think one one pin that he made got one hundred and sixty five thousand visits to his website. And and it was pushing an affiliate product, made a fortune on the affiliate commissions, so they all from one pin that he did years ago, and it's still working today. That's the beauty of it. See, these things last forever. And it's and see. And so in regular social media, the stuff fades away real fast. Well, the same thing with Pinterest. Maybe this pin is pushed way down in your board, but when people are searching for certain things, it can still come up, say. So that's the beauty of this, of being a search engine and social media. All right, so let's talk about pin basics. And this is part of the Daniel Hall and John Kremer course. You can get templates where you can just change the text and the colors and make as many fantastic pins as you want. And I mean, you've got to I can't like I said, that's the first one ever that the attendance increased in the middle of the webinar never happened to me before. So anyway, that'll be in the show notes. Now here's some some very interesting things about pins, but you have to do it correctly. You can have multiple pins. Going to the same content, like if you have a great blog post, you think, well, I make one pen and it goes to that blog post.
[00:16:55] Uh huh.. You can make loads of pins. All you have to do is change the graphic. No, you don't want to load them all up the same day. All right. Then that does get a little goofy, although you could as long as they're on different boards, say so. That's another reason you might want to have multiple boards, but generally it's suggested that you wait about three to five days in between. And you can even do that on the exact pin. You don't have to have a different pin to do that. If you wait three to five days and pin a pin to a different board, still leading to the same piece of content. You're cool. Just don't do it all on the same day. Now, another thing that's very interesting and why things get easier over time, if you put some time into this, is you can use the exact same pin on the exact same board. Four or five months later, I think the term for this is looping, I'm not sure. See? What happens is, is once you get into this for several months, things get easier because you can take your best performing pins, and Pinterest is a business account, gives you really great analytics, so you'll see the pins that people loved and you'll see the pins that that nobody cared about.
[00:18:25] And so you take the best performing pins and you can reuse them on the same board, but you got to wait four to five months because by that time, you're going to have a bunch of new followers who haven't seen those old pins and you won't look spammy to Pinterest. So if you took the same pin and once a week you repaired it, you're going to make it band. You look like you're spamming your boards, but four or five months, nobody knows. Nobody cares. But the new people can see your best performing stuff, and you didn't have to create it again. See? So every day that goes by, you get more and more stuff that you can reuse and that makes your life easier. Ok. Let's see. Now you can schedule pins through Pinterest, but there's a better way that I'm going to tell you about next week and the advanced Pinterest that you can. It tells you the time of day that you probably should post or pin and warns you if you're doing something that doesn't look right. And also, I'll show you another way that you can create loads of pins, you know, just in minutes. All right, so that are all good and all about you. You know, it's not just generic stuff. So anyway, there's some intermediate stuff on boards and pins. Like I said, if you just did what I told you there, you'd know more than 99 percent of the people on Pinterest.
[00:19:57] Sorry, they're not the regular people that aren't doing business, though, so go in and watch that webinar and then let me know what you think. It's really inspired me. I've been going great guns doing all this stuff and and I went from, let's see. I think I saw that webinar two weeks ago. And, you know, I had my Pinterest stuff was just handled by a social media person with some automated thing. And I never even opened it for years and years, you know, just to keep my name on there. But when I looked at it, I was getting the five hundred monthly views of my stuff, just from throwing crap up there. Automated. I just looked this morning. After two weeks of part time, just doing some of this stuff for Daniel and John told me I'm up to twenty four thousand views a month. All right. When you look inside the analytics, I'm up like thirty six hundred percent just by doing some of this little stuff. So this is really powerful. And next week, I'll give you some advance things about this. So but definitely go watch that webinar. You'll thank me for it. All right, please also visit Check out the quiz in case you are thinking about spending a load of money to to ruin your kid's life, okay, and put them in debt for the rest of their life with no skills.
[00:21:37] Or you'll see what's happening to you. And then please, you know, come sign up at my school. It can be done concurrently with other colleges or even high school. We've had high school kids, so and they're making people can make money. I mean, we have one girl make an up to a thousand dollars a month in the first month. After three months, she was up to three thousand four months. She was up to four thousand a month. After six months, she was up to No. Eight. I think it was between four and five months he was up to six thousand a month, started her own agency and took off where she had this crappy job and her dad had spent 80 grand on her, her college education worthless. So this is really powerful stuff and then kick in anything you can on that Go Fund Me campaign or really help run this program where you use some of the money to hire people with disabilities to help run the program for us, too. So it's pretty inspiring to see two blind people that are in the program doing better than a lot of people that can see, right? So. So check it out. All right, that's my story. And I'm sticking to it. I'll see you over on Pinterest. Hey, how about that?
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