419 - Wow! She's got degrees AND the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz - Screw The Commute

419 – Wow! She’s got degrees AND the Entrepreneurial Spirit: Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom interviews Dr. Morissa Schwartz

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    Dr. Morissa Schwartz is the owner of DrRissysWriting.com. It's a marketing and writing company. And she also has GenZPublishing.org. She's got a doctorate in literature from Drew University and a Master's in Communication. She's been featured in Forbes and MTV. She broke a Guinness World Record for creating the world's longest chain of bracelets, and she's a best selling author. Morissa seeks to inspire others through words and a positive attitude.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 419

    How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

    Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    See Tom's Stuffhttps://linktr.ee/antionandassociates

    [04:24] Tom's introduction to Dr. Morissa Schwartz

    [08:57] Working with clients and changes during the pandemic

    [09:55] Family was big on higher education

    [14:03] Entrepreneurial little girl at the family's carpet store

    [16:57] This current generation IS reading

    [19:45] Projects most proud of

    [23:44] Sponsor message

    [27:08] A typical day for Dr. Rissy and how she stays motivated

    Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

    Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    Screw The Commute Podcast Apphttps://screwthecommute.com/app/

    College Ripoff Quizhttps://imtcva.org/quiz

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    How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

    Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

    Dr. Rissy's websitehttps://www.drrissyswriting.com/

    Gen Z Publishinghttps://www.genzpublishing.org/

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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    Value of Ebooks – https://screwthecommute.com/418/

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    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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    Episode 419 – Dr Rissy
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode four hundred nineteen of Screw the Commute podcast. We're here with Dr. Morissa Schwartz, and she's commonly known, along with her website, as Dr. Rissy. And she started her career. You're going to love this because the people who listen to this show know that I love copywriting. She started as a freelance copywriter and I have coined that as the number one skill in my entire 44 years in business. So I love that that that's how she got started. And she actually if I get in trouble, she worked for a criminal defense attorney one time. So I'm going to hit her up if I'm in jail. So anyway, we can't wait to bring her on in a minute. All right. Now, the last episode. Oh, my goodness. I did an episode. Actually, I want to tell you about Monday. I did an episode (415) on cell phone automation. And this is without additional apps, just all the kinds of really great automation things your cell phone will do. So make sure you listen to Episode 415 and check that out now. Speaking of automation, we give away and Automation eBook for you listening to the show, this ebook.

    [00:01:42] And I'll just say you're welcome right now because you will thank me if you even implement a portion of what's in this book, we sell it for 27 bucks, but it's yours free for listening to the show. Just one of the tips. One of the tips. This is not hype. We figured that we estimated it saved me seven and a half million keystrokes, allowed me to handle one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers without power in my area. So use this and you can spend more time with your customers and making money. So grab it at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. While you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app, where you can put us on your cell phone and tablet and take us with you on the road. Now I know people are suffering and I really feel for them with this pandemic and they tell you your kids can go to school or they can't go to school or they're going to burst into flames. I don't know what kind of ways they're scaring you, but people have had to quit their jobs and come home and take care of the kids.

    [00:02:49] And I really feel for all that. However, I have been preaching for over twenty three years. I've been selling on the commercial Internet since it began twenty seven years ago. Twenty three years ago, I started teaching it and been preaching this to be able to sell from home. That way. You're not affected by these things. I'm not affected by the pandemic at all. I sell my students sell all around the world. And you could too, if you knew what to do. So about thirteen years ago, I formalized this training and the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country, probably the world certified to operate by SCHEV, the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia. However, you don't have to be in Virginia. You can be anywhere. It's good quality distance learning, unlike these four year colleges that all of a sudden have a distance learning program and they're still charging your activity fees. I mean, they'd be in jail if they weren't schools the way they're treating kids. And then you get out, you learn how to protest and then you compete for jobs at Starbucks. Well, that's not the way it works. Around here in my school, we have people making money a few months into the school because we teach the hard core techniques.

    [00:04:00] I've been using my entire career online to sell things directly and to help other people sell things. So every business on Earth needs these skills and they're thrilled to death to turn it over to somebody from my school, to take it off their backs. So check that out at IMTCVA.org. And a little later, I'll tell you how you can get a scholarship to the school if you're in my mentor program.

    [00:04:26] All right. Let's get to the main event. Dr. Morissa Schwartz is the owner of DrRissysWriting.com. It's a marketing and writing company. And it is ranked in the top one social media firm in New York for this topic by Thumbtack. I'm going to tell her she's probably going to keep that forever since everybody moved to Idaho from New York to be able to maintain that forever. Awesome. And she also has GenZPublishing.org. She's got a doctorate in literature from Drew University and a master's in Communication. She's been featured in, listen to this, Forbes, MTV. She broke a Guinness World Record for creating the world's longest chain of bracelets, and she's a best selling author. Morissa seeks to inspire others through words and a positive attitude. Morissa, are you ready to screw? The commute?

    [00:05:29] Yes, absolutely.

    [00:05:31] All right. So you're going to screw the commute from New Jersey today. And we're thrilled to have you on here. We met you online, actually, so that's typical for us. We do a lot of stuff online. So tell everybody about what you're doing now. Then we're going to take you back to see how you came up through the ranks.

    [00:05:48] Yes. So I own Dr. Rissy's writing, marketing. We are a three sixty marketing company. That's just a fancy way of saying that we do PR, SEO and social media and we used all of those things together to just get people a lot of attention online. And I also own a book publishing company, GenZ Publishing.

    [00:06:08] And you were a best selling author. What was that book?

    [00:06:13] Well, I've had a few of my own books that have reached that, the first one was my book Notes Never Sent, which was a young adult memoir. I just kind of detailing my different educational experiences. And then I went up to that was a business book, Be a Digital Entrepreneur Today. So, yeah, beautiful.

    [00:06:33] Now Gen Z Publishing. Now the old farts like me can't keep track of all these different generations. So what exactly is that?

    [00:06:42] Well, I started GenZ publishing before Gen Z was a thing, you know, like before people just knew millennials. Nobody was calling the generation that Gen Z. So I thought I was being clever and creating this new thing called Gen Z. Fast forward two years later and everybody is calling the generation of people born after nineteen ninety five generations. Now I just happened to be a Zenennial like right on the edge between millennial aged and GenZ. So I kind of make it work with, you know. But really I was just saying by GenZ we are a new generation of publishing. You know, I like futuristic and their colors blue and orange. And, you know, we do it. We publish a lot of innovative and young authors and authors of all ages, but a lot of young adult fiction and stuff like that. So the GenZ name does go well, but it was originally just me trying to be cute here.

    [00:07:37] But you should claim that is you invented that for the whole world. That's what I'd do if I were you. So if you were using it for anybody else, that's for sure. We actually had a guy on here, David Meerman Scott and his daughter is a GenZ, I believe, and they wrote a book together called Fanocracy. And so he coined that term and he also coined the term newsjacking, which is where, you know, basically in media, you jump on something that's already in the news. But he got it in the dictionary. So, I think you should claim GenZ. You invented it.

    [00:08:15] That's a goal I never knew I had. That's a new goal for me. Now that you just put that on my head, I need to get a word, a new word into the dictionary. I love that.

    [00:08:23] Well, you know what he he specifically did that is they, by the way, just his name, David Meerman Scott, it's not that he's some aristocrat that just in love with his middle name. It's just there's 10 billion David Scott. And so he started using that. And there's nobody else on Earth that David Meerman So he's really a sharp guy. But getting a term coined after you is is a great idea and you'd be perfect for it since you're already figured out one didn't even get credit for it. So so tell how you how you work with clients and what's changed since the pandemic's it.

    [00:09:04] Yeah. So I work with I've always worked with clients remotely. My first time I ever got was in Brazil, you know, and I've worked like ever since I've had clients and basically every area of the world that you can imagine. But prior to the pandemic, I did also work with a lot of local people here in Jersey. I would meet with them, you know, that helped to really cement the relationship. I don't do that now. I met with one client this entire year just because of the situation, but I've always worked remotely. I do have a home office. Team members mine have come to the Home Office and work prior to covid. But, you know, I've always had just my client's remote, my team remote. So in that way, I'm lucky that, you know, not a huge amount like I had to go from working in an office to working at home like my friends who are still having trouble adjusting. Right. Yeah.

    [00:09:56] Yeah. So now you kind of heard me ragging on higher education a little bit a minute ago. And you've taken it about as high as you can go with the master's degree and the PhD. What made you do that? Were you did you come from a family that was big on education or how did you decide to go all the way with the your education?

    [00:10:18] That's a great question. So my family definitely pushed me and encouraged me and from a young age said, you're going to be a doctor and they want me to be a medical doctor. But it's, you know, my my family, there are more people that they learn through smaller courses. Like my mother has a degree in interior decorating law. She took a social media course before. And I was doing socially, she's taking a lot of courses, but she's not like a doctorate. So they raised me with that to always be curious and learning. I am the first person to have a doctor and a master's in the family. That's a cool thing, but it's not like they really, you know, it was always just the thing or you're going to be Dr. Schwartz someday. You are. Yeah, but with me, you know, I feel like a jerk saying that sometimes, but the degrees I got, they're not completely. Necessary, I've learned way more. I know I've learned way more outside of the classroom than I have learned inside the classroom, but having those degrees, that was just a different way of learning, a very focused kind of way of learning.

    [00:11:28] And, you know, I did it more for you professionally being able to differentiate myself. You know, I knew coming into this, I started out freelancing. I was a teenager and I had to compete with people quadruple my age. So I think the doctorate was also a way to show people, hey, I have this piece of paper saying, I know what I'm talking about. You should trust me with your writing and marketing because I have this education in it. I think that what's crummy, though, is there are people who have studied just as much as me by reading on their own and learning on their own. I mean, it's easier than ever udemy you ten dollars or so. There are a lot of people who they are just as smart, just as educated, but they don't have that degree and that piece of paper. I find that pretty, pretty crummy. But in the, in the long run I got it to show people, hey, I have this education, I did all this. You can, you can trust me. I know what I'm talking about

    [00:12:24] Right now with what you know now. Would you do it? Would you have done it again?

    [00:12:29] Yes. OK, simply simply the main reason is to because it does show, hey, you know, I learned all this, like we say, have the proof. You know, I think that there is something there's definitely a difference. It's funny how people get I went into a women's business meeting with, you know, I'm in my 20s and everybody else was probably in their 50s and 60s. And I wasn't getting a second look from any of them. They were, I think, thinking, whose kid is this? And then somebody said, this is Dr. Schwartz. And I became the center of everybody's attention. There is a difference. I'm not saying that's the way it should be or the right way, but that's one of the benefits that I've seen from.

    [00:13:13] Yeah, I get it. I get it. In the end, you are unique in a way, because, you know, I've been through a lot of people with my long time in business, and most people with doctorates are terrible or not even nonexistent entrepreneurs. And you are both and to a great level. And so that's an extremely unique part of it. Now, I wouldn't have gone I probably couldn't get it, but. But the fact that your entrepreneurial set you apart even further, because there's so many people that can talk a good game at high level. I actually bought the website, I got to tell you, highly educated idiots. I love it. Yeah, I'm going to develop one of these days, but because it's easy to find them. So you're not one you're an entrepreneur, so take us back. So you did have some influence from your parents, but take us way back to where you're a little girl. You're doing lemonade stands very entrepreneurial at all in the early days.

    [00:14:14] Yeah. So my parents own mom and pop carpet shops. Well, when I was little kid, they only owned one mom and pop carpet shop. And I grew up there literally from the time I was a week old. My mother had me in her arm while she was throwing carpet samples down. That's the story I always hear about carpet samples down with me crying in her arm or whoever babies do. And I stayed there like after school weekends. I was at that carpet store and when I was like three, I started making little string bracelets and trying to sell them to the customers. No, don't don't sell them. We're doing our own thing here, you know. And then, yeah, when I was ten, I did start a lemonade stand. When I was eleven, I started selling my jewelry, like at actual events and then actually. Oh, you know what? No, I got my first PayPal account when I was eight years old. I wound up writing beans. My beans were PayPal.

    [00:15:11] Oh, I you know, it's like I need my username Rose the Princess eight. Did you know that I was eight years old? But when I asked for my birth year, I made it a few years older. But yeah. So I was really into mighty beings there. Almost this little beans lately come dressed up in all different things. So you had to collect the sets and I only had so many. So I knew, OK, to get the ones that I really want, I need to sell these and get those. So that's why I started that and I started selling maybe being on eBay at age eight. So that was my first online business. And then when I was 16, I started freelancing online and that just grew into having a company online.

    [00:15:51] When you say freelancing, you mean handling social media. Doing what?

    [00:15:57] Yeah, no. Actually, at that point I had published a book and I saw somebody online looking for an editor for her children's horror book, and I just published my own book. And, you know, I love children's horror. It's a very nice genre. So I applied and I didn't tell her I was 16, obviously, but I told her I was an experienced published author because, you know, I was a published author and she hired me and I edited a book. It went great. She referred me to a friend and that from refer me to another friend. And before I knew it, I had this little editing book editing business in high school.

    [00:16:32] When did they find out how old you were or did they.

    [00:16:35] I don't think they ever found nobody.

    [00:16:38] Nobody would ask, you know, unless you sounded like a little, you know, kindergartener. But you don't.

    [00:16:44] So that's good. That's what we never. Yeah, it was so much their typing, too. I don't even know. We in start we talk on the phone for like a very long time was mostly. Oh yeah.

    [00:16:57] Now have you noticed, I mean you're a highly learned lady but people can barely read nowadays. I mean and spell. And did you see that statistic out of Baltimore that 13 high schools, not one child could pass a math? Test and I'm thinking, man, it's very doubtful that they are or are idiots savants in the English arena. So how are you? You know, what are you seeing in your age group and below? That's coming up with the ability to write.

    [00:17:34] Yeah, I actually I might be a little bit naive, but I do think that this generation is in a lot of ways. OK, so I'm not as concerned with it because they're constantly on devices, you have to read if you're on tick tock, if you're on a social media platform, you are reading and people who say, oh, well, they just use emojis, they just use this, just do that. I think emojis are a new language. Language evolves. So I'm actually not super concerned about them. You know, I remember in college I dated a guy who couldn't leave a tip without pulling out his phone calculator. I remember thinking to myself, this is insane. But I realized almost everybody is like that. And then I thought, OK, you know what? Why why do they need to know the tip calculation you had you have in your pocket? Are teachers used to say to us in school, oh, well, it's not like you're gone the calculator in your pocket all the time. Now we actually do. So why is it so important to know, you know, little little details like. So that's why I'm not as concerned. I think the human race will survive. We shouldn't be too reliant on computers, that we can't do anything ourselves. But I think that a lot of that fear is misplaced. People said the same thing when computers replace typewriters and typewriters open. So I think I think they're there. All right.

    [00:18:59] Well, what are you going to do when somebody gives you a book for your GenZ publishing? It's all emojis.

    [00:19:06] Yeah, we'll cross that bridge.

    [00:19:10] And yeah. And if they keep improving the battery life of these devices and your argument is even better because, you know, if your battery goes dead and all of a sudden you can't can't do anything, then that's not good. But I kind of like you know, I'm old school. I like to be able to do stuff, although I depend on it to you know, I think my mind is going south on me because stuff that I could easily calculate in my head, I say I'll just look at the phone and, you know, because it's much easier, probably deteriorating my brain. So what kind of projects over the years that you've been doing are you most proud of? That's a great question besides your Guinness Book of World Records. You got to tell us about that.

    [00:19:58] Yeah, absolutely. I mean, so I have, you know, GenZ publishing. We've published one hundred and fifteen books at this point.

    [00:20:06] Wow. Are you are you like a major publisher in the way you the business dealings with the authors

    [00:20:14] Were an independent like, you know, we like to call ourselves like a mid-sized independent publisher where we are now offering our books in hardcover, but we don't have audio books out, but we have one of our books that's going to be turned into a film. So that's exciting.

    [00:20:31] What I mean is that a typical situation author comes to you, you accept the book, they get a royalty.

    [00:20:38] Yeah, exactly. So they're. Yeah. The publishing industry. Oh, my gosh. I mean, you have your family publishers parading around as independent. Right. Right. Like our enemy. Yes. We are an old school method of you know, we decide to publish your book. We're very selective. We publish it used to be 10 percent. Now I think we're down to five percent because we're all the way up to twenty, twenty two scheduled for releases. So we literally just can't publish many new people anymore. But yeah, so we're we're very much that royalty. If we are working together, we really believe in your book, we're going to just split royalties rather than. Oh yeah, you pay us and then we'll publish it. But that's a scam.

    [00:21:22] Well, here's the thing. See, I spoke all the way back. Oh, jeez. In the past 20 years, I was the the headliner at the Chicken Soup for the Soul stuff in author 101 twice a year. And I could just see it declining, declining, declining. The it turned out, you know, since I'm a marketing guy, the whole thing I'm talking about is marketing your book. It could be the biggest piece of crap on Earth. But if you can show a big platform and you're willing to buy 5000 copies in advance, will publish it. That's the way that's the way it got to the point in that industry.

    [00:22:01] Yeah, it's really sad.

    [00:22:03] Yeah. They they'll take anything as long as you can sell it. That's yeah. It's, it's a sad thing. But on the other hand, what's sad to me is when people are great writers, but they refuse to spend any time marketing their book. So they're great writing. Here's crickets because nobody reads it. So that's the other end of the spectrum.

    [00:22:25] Yeah, no, that's very true. Or when it's very niche, like there are a lot there's one book we're working with. The other book is so awesome, the sci fi book. It's really out there because it's so out there and so nesh. I mean she came to us like she said, I know I'm not gonna reach a lot of people, but I want to find the people who will appreciate this.

    [00:22:44] And that's a hard decision financially for a publisher to make, I imagine,

    [00:22:48] Yes, yeah, yeah, is

    [00:22:50] I mean, that's the time maybe to send them other directions or self publishing or something.

    [00:22:55] But but you you know, there are a few different things. So when I first started, I had a few poets come to me and asked to be published and I was you know, poetry is not an easy sell right now to Barnes. I think it's poetry. So it really was was like, what do I do? And I wound up publishing a few of them. And I'm so glad that I did, because, first of all, there was less competition. There weren't very many people publishing poetry books. So they got to number one right away, which means once you're number one, you get promoted more. So it was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. They just kept selling books. So sometimes those gambles do pay off. But yeah, a lot.

    [00:23:34] Yeah, it's hard to base your business model on gambles like that. But I'm glad that they did because I mean, so many people want to be Maya Angelou and and nobody's nobody's reading their stuff. So we've got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we'll ask Dr. Recy how a typical day looks like for her and how she stays motivated when she's sitting in that beautiful home and in New Jersey. So so, folks, about 23 years ago, I kind of turned the Internet marketing guru world on its head. And the people at my level were charged in 50 or 100 grand up front. And I and I knew a lot of these people. You give them 50 grand up front, you'd be chasing around Mexico. They disappear on you. So I said, you know, it's too risky for small business. Not it's not right. So I said, I'm going to just charge an entry fee to my program and then I'm going to tie my success to your success. So for me to get my 50 grand, you have to net 200 grand. Well, people people like this idea in seventeen hundred plus students later in 23 years, it's still going strong and they know I'm not going to disappear on them because I want my 50 grand. So so it's been going beautifully. It's I call it I have no trouble saying what I'm going to say.

    [00:24:54] It's the longest running, most successful, most unique Internet marketing and digital marketing mentor program ever. And the proof I have of that is just I beg people to try to put their program against mine and nobody will do it because I'm just a crazy fanatic. We have unlimited one on one consultation with me and my whole staff. We don't lump in with more advanced people or less advanced people. You have an immersion weekend where you actually live in this big estate. With me in Virginia Beach, where we have a TV studio, we shoot marketing videos for you and one of them when at a conference for seven hundred bucks for just one of these marketing videos. And we had a couple here shot. Fifty three of them, and we edited them, put the graphics on and send it to them after they got home. So it's just crazy unique. You can't get this kind of service anywhere. I mean, nobody on my level will even talk to you, let alone teach anything. And then you do get a scholarship to my school that you can either use yourself or gift to somebody. We had one guy spend eighty thousand dollars on a crappy education for his daughter and she's working a crappy job. He joins the mentor program. Gives it to her within four months, she's making 6000 dollars a month as a side hustle and quits her crappy job and now she's got a full time agency and didn't even graduate yet.

    [00:26:21] So these are skills that are in high demand everywhere. And if you want to think about this in a selfish manner, your kids aren't going to come home and live in your basement if they have money. So. So it's a great legacy gift for nephews, nieces, grandchildren or your own kids. And if you have your own business, you're probably paying out the butt for services that sometimes are 100 times what they should cost if you knew what you were doing. So check it out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com, easy to get a hold of. Like I said, I'm a fanatic. I do consultations evenings, weekends, holidays, accidentally through a teleclass on Thanksgiving one time. That's how pitiful I am. 60 people showed. So anyway, check it out. GreatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

    [00:27:10] Let's get back to the main event. Dr. Morissa Schwartz is here. She's right on, I guess, the cusp, you might call it, of a Gen Z, but she's a highly successful young. People call him a young person. I don't know if that's politically correct or not, but she's a hell of a lot younger than me. Yes, sir. Can I call you received just for fun? Oh, heck, yes, Missy. All right. So tell everybody what a typical day looks like for you and how you stay motivated.

    [00:27:40] Yeah, so a typical day is, you know, spending my my first hour or so working out, eating, just getting ready, and then I since everything is remote, I just check out my team, virtually check all my messages from them. I have an assistant now who goes through my emails with me, which is amazing. Just like a free phone call I guess. Tell them yes. Tell them no. It's it's amazing. I was always very apprehensive about doing that and it's the best decision I've ever done. Good for you. Yeah. And, you know, I typically a workday can be anywhere between four hours to eight hours. It really depends on the demand and all that fun stuff. But then once that's over, nowadays, I usually have virtual video game video games for a couple hours. Like tonight, my friend were playing Detroit, were very excited about that. It's a great game. We're playing as Android robots. We play that for a few hours.

    [00:28:39] I hardly listen, Rosie. I hardly ever hear that on the spot. So, yeah, I play I pretend to be a robot for a couple hours or so.

    [00:28:50] Fun. I can't recommend this game highly enough. I'm a big game person though, so yeah, we typically I do that with a friend. Then I visit my parents in the five minutes from me. So my mother makes me dinner at least four nights a week.

    [00:29:06] So do you have it?

    [00:29:09] I do. So I drive over her house with my puppy and I visit her and her puppy and my father. So, yeah, she she provides the dinner.

    [00:29:18] You make her call you doctor.

    [00:29:21] It's actually very funny that you said that. She said she was you know, we do this thing where we give each other like attitude, like jokingly. And she's like, hey, listen here, Miss Burset. I said, excuse me, Miss Morrison. And she's like, I have to call you. That literally happened two nights ago.

    [00:29:39] Yeah. You should have told her that carpet store would have been nothing without me here. There's one. You can use that.

    [00:29:48] Exactly. Oh, so then, you know, we play a board game or watch a show last night, watch Golden Girls together. That was fun. And yes, when I come back home, I usually do something creative. I painted the other night,

    [00:30:00] Oh, you are a musician. It does end up on Google or.

    [00:30:05] Yes, or I'll do something music related or I'm big into puzzles. I'll do a puzzle for a few hours and then it's it's lights out by one a.m. and I do it all over the next day. Beautiful. Beautiful.

    [00:30:18] How do you stay motivated. What's that.

    [00:30:20] Well, it's very different from my life. Pre covid prequel. It would have been, you know, rather the video games. I would have been going to a business meeting or going to a network meeting. So things have changed a lot. But it's quieter this way. I don't mind it.

    [00:30:35] Yes, I would have never I never liked those networking functions and everything were, you know, everybody wants to to tell you about them. And so they they force themselves to listen to you for ten seconds, though. So. Yeah. I don't like that I could reach ten thousand people in the same amount of time. So I'm thrilled with this. So. So how do you stay motivated in that big old gorgeous house? You got a couple of acres and you know, you're by yourself most of the time, I guess. So how do you stay motivated?

    [00:31:10] Um, I you know, in my head, I just always have this thing. I want to make my family proud, a very family oriented person. So that's probably the biggest. But also, I do like my lifestyle very much and I just want to continue living this lifestyle. So I know there's a certain amount of work that it takes to upkeep my lifestyle. And I also do have a team of people. My team is great. I have forty people on my team and I've known a lot of them for years, like our team member I've done the longest. James, we went to elementary school together, so. Yeah. So, you know, I let down all forty eight of those people. If I'm not, you know, at my best, you know, this is where they work. I never want to have to downsize or anything like that, like, you know. So there's a lot, there are a lot of people that, that rely on me to work hard and work my best.

    [00:32:04] Good, good for you. That's very conscientious. And, you know, I got to admit it, the people in my generation don't don't feel like your generation has that kind of conscientious attitude. And, you know, there's a lot of examples where they don't. But I'm thrilled to have somebody like you on that does, because it gives me a reason to live so well. Thanks so much. Tell me about your website, how they get a hold of you. And if they have any questions or thinking about working with you, tell them. Tell them how to find you.

    [00:32:39] Absolutely. So I have the easiest way is just https://www.drrissyswriting.com/. And then also on social media, my handle is Morissa Schwartz. Dr. Rissy everywhere. So if you type in Morissa Schwartz or Dr. Rissy, you'll find me. Send me a VM.

    [00:33:07] Beautiful. Well, thanks so much for taking the time to be on with an old fart over the hill. You know, decrepit individual you're saying about that acts like he's 12. So, yeah. Thanks so much. I'm thrilled for your early success. I mean, I wish the Internet was around when I was your age, boy. Imagine what could have done, but you're really taking advantage of it, helping a lot of people, employing a lot of people. Love it.

    [00:33:37] Thank you.

    [00:33:38] All right. So that was Dr. Morissa Schwartz. Check her out at https://www.drrissyswriting.com/. And we will catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.

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