Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom talks Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique
A sneaky Craigslist technique. Now, here's the idea. This is experimental. I'm trying it out to see how it works. It costs me twenty five dollars to try this, but it could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. So I think that's a fair amount of money. To pay for an experiment, you could pay as little as ten dollars and as much as seventy five dollars, depending on which Craigslist version you go to, because they're different all over the country, in different parts of the world.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 343
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Higher Education Webinar –
[01:52] Tom's introduction to Sneaky Craigslist Marketing Technique [03:37] Using this technique for [05:19] Referrals to Tom's school [06:13] Sponsor messageHigher Education Webinar –
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Episode 343 – Sneaky Craigslist Technique
[00:00:08] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey, everybody is Tom here with episode three hundred and forty three, Screw the Commute podcast. Now, normally on Mondays, I gave you something that's made me a fortune or saved me a fortune. But this is going to be a little bit different.
[00:00:38] This is going to be one of the shortest episodes I've ever had. But I'm going to let you in on an experiment I'm doing on a I call it the sneaky Craigslist technique experiment. And I do experiments all the time. I try only to bring you the things that have proven to work so that it saves you a lot of time and money. But I thought it'd be a good idea, since I'm in the middle of this to go ahead and tell you about it and then I'll report back later on the results. But in the meantime, you can try it if you want. It cost very, very little to try this and it might work really great for you. So let me tell you about it in a minute. Now, I hope you didn't miss Episode 342. That was Lane Belone, Special Forces Green Beret guy as part of yet another month. What an inspiring guy he is. And they're doing really great things. And I also read excerpts of the new book, Humble Alpha. Unleash your humble Alpha. You don't want to miss that. All right. So like I said, there's going to be the shortest one ever. Yeah. I want you to join my school. You've heard me talk about that a million times, and I want you to join my mentor program. You heard me talk about that two million times.
[00:01:49] OK, I'm going to get right to it here. The main event, a sneaky Craigslist technique. Now, here's the idea again. This is experimental. I'm trying it out to see how it works. It costs me twenty five dollars to try this, but it could be worth tens of thousands of dollars. So I think that's a fair amount of money. To pay for an experiment, you could pay as little as ten dollars and as much as seventy five dollars, depending on which Craigslist version you go to, because they're, you know, they're different in all over the country, in different parts of the world.
[00:02:25] All right. So here's the idea. You're going to visit the job section of a Craigslist site. Any in any country, any city you want, OK, you will pick out a subsection of the job section and look at the job postings. Now, most of the people visiting that section are obviously looking for a job that means they want money.
[00:02:52] You're going to put a job posting in that section offering affiliate commissions for referrals to your business. Now, you got to make the posting look super legit because there's a lot of scammers out there and also emphasize the money comes from who they know and they won't have to do additional work to get this money and they can work from home. And it's not really work. It's basically they're referring you to people that they know for commission. So that's the idea. So you got to show them that, hey, it doesn't even conflict. If they do get a job, they can still do this unless there's a conflict of interest.
[00:03:37] Now, I'm using this for my school, I went to the education job, I went to the job section and I went to the education subsection and I put an ad in there, I put the school logo and the state certification logo, everything, so that that looks really legit, which it is.
[00:03:58] But like I said, you got to go overboard because people are very skeptical.
[00:04:03] Now, if they reply via email, I have an entire page on the school website giving them all the details.
[00:04:12] So that's the experiment. OK, idea in a nutshell, if this works out, I will see if I can expand to other areas.
[00:04:22] See, Craigslist normally is only allows you to put an ad in one area, but it's kind of a gray list or it's not a gray gray list.
[00:04:30] Craigslist, it's kind of a gray area that if you pay for an ad, which you usually have to pay for ads in the job section, anywhere from 10 to 75 bucks, 75 would be the biggest markets.
[00:04:43] Ten dollars would be the smallest markets. I paid twenty five dollars for Virginia Beach area, Hampton Roads, they call it all these seven cities right around here.
[00:04:52] They have a whole page on my website for it. But the gray area is as if it works here in Virginia Beach. Can I expand it? And I've asked Craigslist four times and they come back with either stupid, unrelated answers or no answer at all on. If a paid ad can be put in multiple cities, I think it can because you're paying for the ads. But that's all part of the experiment that I'll report back to you.
[00:05:19] Now, in the meantime, you can grab the same commissions I'm offering educators, and maybe you'd like to see the page I created for them with all the details. And you can make up to thirty eight hundred dollars for a referral to my school. So it's worth your time to take a look. But the page that I put with this experiment is This of course will be in the show notes but IMTCVA is Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. And just keep in mind you don't have to or somebody you refer does not have to live in Virginia because it's distance learning. Now that commission does not apply to you or your immediate family has to be someone you actually refer outside of your family. All right. So if you want direct one on one help start in a new online business or improving your business, you already have. Check out my unique mentor program at And I told you the shortest episode ever, but you're right in the middle of an experiment that I do all the time so that you don't have to. But I thought you'd like to see the inner workings of one.
[00:06:35] Whether it works or not, I'm taking the risk. But like I said, it's a very low risk for you to try this one yourself. All right. We'll catch y'all on the next episode. See you later.
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