297 – Great brain chemistry means great business: Tom interviews Dr. Joan Kent - Screw The Commute

297 – Great brain chemistry means great business: Tom interviews Dr. Joan Kent

Dr. Joan Kent has a PhD in psychoactive nutrition. This is how foods affect your brain chemistry and hormones. And she was the first to document the brain chemical pathways of sugar addiction. And Joan helps clients reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammation, mood swings. And her book, Stronger than Sugar, is about kicking sugar addiction addiction. And she's got to apply this to how this can help us in our business.


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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 297

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04:20 Tom's introduction to Dr. Joan Kent

06:18 Comfort foods affecting your mental state

08:03 Being alert and productive

12:30 How entrepreneurs can use psychoactive nutrition

16:59 Getting protein will help avoid an “energy dump”

20:47 What to look for and avoid when shopping

23:11 Breakfast may or may not be the most important meal of the day

26:13 Foods affect sleep in three major ways

34:08 Helping clients with lots of different issues

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Dr. Joan's websitehttps://www.lastresortnutrition.com/

Via email: drjoan@lastresortnutrition.com


Hemp protein powder – Manitoba Harvest 70

Also, keep in mind that as you use protein, the time it takes to feel the effects decreases down to about 30 to 45 minutes.

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 297 – Dr. Joan Kent
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode two hundred ninety seven of Screw the Commute podcast. You think about that, two hundred ninety seven. That's a lot of episodes and every one of them have been great. But boy, this is one that's going to really help you out. I've been following this lady on Facebook for a long time, and I don't I never really met her. But boy, she has some awesome information that will help you out in your business in a way that maybe you haven't thought about for a while. So we'll bring her on in a minute. Hope you didn't miss Episode 296. That was Dick Bruso from Heard Above the Noise. He's a branding expert that I've known for 20 some years. He's helped create all kinds of brands for small business people. This one lady is the divorce whisperer. That's her brand. And she's gotten all kinds of awards from the courts and everything for keeping the horses, you know, halfway respectable. So a really cool guy. Lots of good tips on that episode. How would you like to hear your own voice here on Screw the Community? Well, if the show has helped you out at all in your business or given your ideas to help you start a business. We want to hear about it. Visit screwthecommute.com and look for a little blue sidebar that says send voicemail. Click on it. Talk into your phone or your computer and tell me how the shows helped you put your website in there and you'll get a nice big shout out in front of thousands of people in a future episode of Screw the commute. So do that. Not now. You want to listen to the show right now. All right. While you're over there, grab a copy of our automation e-book. This e-book has allowed me the techniques in the e-book has allowed me to handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 thousand customers without pulling my hair on this. And we figured it out. Just one of the tips. This is not any kind of hype. People thought I was just making this number up. We actually kind of estimated that. Just one of the tips as of two years ago when I wrote the book has saved me seven and a Half Million Keystrokes. So this is seriously all the things I used to respond lightning fast to customers, which allows me to steal business off competitors who say, oh, well, we'll get back to you in 48 hours. I think in 48 hours I could be dead in 48 hours. Come on. You know, so you want to really with lightning speed. So this is a book we sell for 27 bucks. You get it free for listening to screw the commute. So visit screwthecommute.com/automatefree, and while you're at it, pick up a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app so you can take us with you on the road, on your cell phone. Your tablet has all kinds of cool things and we train you on how to use it. All right. Well, we're sitting here in the middle of this pandemic and people were freaking out and you were just starting to open up a little bit. But a lot of people were really got hit in the head with like, wow, I wish I could make money from home. And I'm thinking, yeah, I've been telling you that for over 20 here. It's just so so I actually have a school. It's the only license dedicated Internet marketing school in the country called IMTCVA.org that teaches all the stuff that I've been using, the nuts and bolts, email marketing, blogging, you know, social media, marketing, all this stuff that we do that I've been using every day for, I don't know, twenty six years now since the commercial Internet started to teach you how to do it so you can have a nice lifestyle business. And it's a great legacy gift for your grandchildren or children or nephews and nieces because it's a high, highly in demand skill that they won't be saddled with debt for the rest of their lives and competing for jobs at Starbucks. When they when they get out of these, I mean, they will learn how to protest. That's a good you know, one good thing about the big colleges. All right. So check that out at IMTCVA.org.

[00:04:22] All right. Let's get to the main event. Dr. Joan Kent has a PhD, and listen to this, in psychoactive nutrition. Now, I have dealt with lots of psychopaths. I don't know if it had anything to do with nutrition. Maybe it did. And they we'll find out. But this is how foods affect your brain chemistry and hormones. And she was the first to document the brain chemical pathways of sugar addiction. And Joan helps clients reverse diabetes, high blood pressure. I don't know what PCOS is. She'll tell us inflammation, mood swings. And her book, Stronger than Sugar, is about kicking sugar addiction addiction. And she's got to apply this to how this can help us in our business. So, Joan, are you ready to screw? The commute?

[00:05:16] This Joan lady that we're talking to gets up with three forty five in the morning. I never saw that time of day other than going to sleep very well. I'm glad she's with us today. So the first I got to ask you is what the heck is psychoactive nutrition as opposed to just nutrition?

[00:05:34] Nutrition tends to focus on foods as a collection of nutrients, calories in the foods, grams of fat, grams of carbs, grams of protein, the vitamins and minerals they contain and things like that. That's all important. Psycho active nutrition focuses on how foods affect brain chemistry and hormones. The reason I find that fascinating is that anything psychoactive will affect mental state and that also means behavior. So whether we're talking about prescription drugs like antidepressants or recreational drugs, like marijuana beverages, like alcohol or even coffee, all of those affect mental state foods can be psychoactive, too. They can affect mental state as well.

[00:06:20] A lot of them are just packed full of sugar that we don't know about, right?

[00:06:23] Not necessarily. Not necessarily. If somebody decides, let me use as an example, comfort food. Comfort foods usually affect mental state or we wouldn't use them as comfort food, for example. Most vegetables don't affect mental state. And that's why we don't get emotionally hot some broccoli or asparagus.

[00:06:44] Sometimes I think there was a president that was emotionally hooked against broccoli. I think it was Bush.

[00:06:55] Anyway, we don't use vegetables as comfort foods because there's no psychoactive effect, on the other hand, comfort foods do affect mental state. They don't necessarily have to contain sugar. Although many of them do.

[00:07:09] But let me give you an example, something that doesn't. Some people would find mashed potatoes with gravy or even baked potatoes with a lot of butter. There's no sugar there.

[00:07:21] But it does change mental state. It changes the brain chemistry. And as a result, we feel different and we feel many people would say we feel better after eating those foods. So that's basic.

[00:07:31] So are you saying that's good or bad or you can't really say.

[00:07:37] I would just say it's neutral. It's what we do with it. This is just knowledge, you know, because fruit foods can go one way and keep us alert and focused or they can make a sleepy and feel what I call foggy brained. You know, we we decide which ones we're gonna use and as a result, we'll get the effect. So it's not what's good or bad. This is just a reality about food. And knowing about it means we can use them. Why?

[00:08:05] Yeah, because a lot of people just kind of, you know, fog their way through life having the, you know, a big bunch of bagels for breakfast. There's like really high carb stuff and sugar laden stuff. And then they wonder why they can barely keep their eyes open a couple hours later.

[00:08:22] Good point. Very good point and absolutely true.

[00:08:24] So what does a person do about, as you said, simply changing? So if they change away from their comfort foods, do they feel slighted now or deprived, deprived?

[00:08:36] That might go on. But when we eat protein food, we are alert and focused and productive throughout the day. And that's a great thing. And that's because the brain makes two chemicals that are actually the same ones that we release when we have caffeine. You know, people drink coffee to feel alert and productive. And you can actually do this simply by eating protein foods in the name of those chemicals are dopamine and nor epinephrine.

[00:09:07] So I have I have clients who say, well, why should I eat protein? Why not just drink coffee?

[00:09:13] And that's it.

[00:09:15] But at the same time, the the answer lies in how they work. I'll get fancy and say the mechanism of action. And basically when we eat protein, the brain makes more dopamine and more epinephrine throughout the day. So it keeps us awake throughout the day. And when we drink caffeine, we're just using up the dopamine and norepinephrine that have been stored in the brain. So as the day wears on, if you keep drinking coffee, you may find that each cup of coffee is giving you less of that wake up kit that you're used to. And maybe even at the end of the day, you feel more fatigued than if you hadn't had any.

[00:09:54] So things like for me, like if I have caffeine in the morning, I don't know.

[00:10:01] I guess everybody, of course, is different. But I can't get I can barely sleep at night. I stay up way later than if I had just drank water all day. So I kind of avoid it if I know I have to get up. I don't want to have a lot of caffeine because it just keeps me awake all night.

[00:10:19] That's a very good point. Some people are much more sensitive to these things. Everything we're going to talk about today is probably a case where some people are more sensitive than others.

[00:10:27] I've never been accused of being too sensitive. Maybe, maybe caffeine is the one thing.

[00:10:38] Yes. So its effect on you is stronger than it would be on someone I know, people who could who could drink a cup of coffee at 11 p.m. and be sound asleep by 11:45.

[00:10:50] Let me take a sidebar here. I am allergic to alcohol and I used to live in Washington, D.C. And when I'd say that people would like, whisper like, oh, I understand you're alcoholic. Okay, well, we won't know what I said. I mean, if I take one drop of anything, including some liquor that's in a dessert or something, I break out in hives and I'm looking for an air conditioning duct to stick my head in. So what do you think? That scrub.

[00:11:23] It actually means that you lack the enzymes to process the alcohol and you don't have to be, as you just pointed out, you don't have to be alcoholic or a recovering alcoholic for that to be true. You just lack the enzymes that you need.

[00:11:35] Well, I'm thrilled to death about I mean, if there's something to be allergic to. That's a good thing. I mean, especially I owned a nightclub for six years and most of those people turned out to be alcoholics. And I'm always the designated driver, never, you know, out of control, drunk. So I think that's a great thing to be allergic to. But I don't know why I would do.

[00:11:56] I do. I don't drink either. And the reason I don't is I just didn't. I know people think I'm crazy when I say this, but I don't like being high.

[00:12:03] Yeah, I don't like feeling out of control. One time before I understood what was going on. I didn't feel right. And I like to be in control and situation out in public.

[00:12:13] And that's that's, I guess, the same as being high. But yeah, I didn't like it at all.

[00:12:19] Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. I just I like I like clarity. I prefer reality. I don't want to be. Often some, you know, drug induced anything with no matter what the drug is, alcohol or anything else.

[00:12:31] All right. So this how can the entrepreneurs use this idea of psychoactive nutrition and manipulating their brain chemistry to their advantage?

[00:12:45] Ok, let's let's talk about which foods are protein foods and which will get that effect of alertness and protect. And it will do standard ones and the things that vegans can do. OK. OK. So let's start with protein foods like fish, chicken, beef, eggs, shrimp, crab, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. You know, these are all things that people know. I shouldn't say that. But most people know that those are protein foods. And for vegans, vegans often use things like lentils, beans, chicken, or they use cardboard.

[00:13:23] Got to tell you, when people come to my retreat center, if I see vegan on their thing, I'm thinking, man, I'm going to go buy a six dollar cookie at Whole Foods that taste worse than the cardboard that it's wrapped.

[00:13:38] And then what happens, Joan, is they get here and we've got all this other stuff and they say, well, we'll take off this weekend as a vegan and then they don't hear any of the vegan stuff.

[00:13:47] Oh, yeah, you've got the solution real hard core with the stick. Bring their own. I don't know what they bring with them, but I know it's it's not one of those things that I get emotionally attached so.

[00:14:03] Well, what I was going to say about the choices that vegans usually make, you know, lentils, beans, kaen wah, garbanzo beans, those things are mostly carbohydrate. It's not that they don't have any protein in them. But if you really want the effect that we're talking about the psychoactive effect of protein, you probably have to go with foods that have more protein. Not to the same way people use nuts thinking that they're protein, but they're not. They're fat and they have very little protein. So what I recommend for vegans is getting plant based protein powders and they're made from brown rice, from hemp, from peas, from vegetables. There are many different kinds. But here, I'll say to everybody, write this down. Don't skimp on protein. If you want the brain chemical effect of protein, don't go with something that's a fake protein. And I consider nuts and Kiewa cake proteins because they don't have much. They're really, you know. Yeah. Most fruits have a combination of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and some have only two of the three. But it's very rare that you have a food that has only one. But just because of food, has some protein, doesn't make it high protein. So I went to a retreat that I knew was going to have vegetarian cuisine. And I know how important protein is in my well-being. So I went to I think it was Whole Foods and I got myself fifteen envelopes. We were there for five days, three meals a day, 15 envelopes of vegetable protein powder. So every time we went into the dining hall, I take one of those envelopes with me, tear it open, dump it in a cup, add some water, stir it up and drink it. And then my attitude was okay. My protein needs have been taken care of. And now I can just enjoy myself, my vegan meal. And that's how I handled it.

[00:15:59] So, yes, I thought you said it was vegetarian. That's not the same as vegan, right?

[00:16:03] No, it's not. I probably should have said vegan because there was nothing there that I could have used for protein if I hadn't brought my.

[00:16:12] This is a good idea. And prefaces, of course I'm teasing, but so if if vegan did. Which you said and added the protein.

[00:16:22] Their brain chemistry is going to change. And they'll be more alert and more cool in their mind.

[00:16:27] And then maybe they'll figure out maybe I shouldn't be V. Tom.

[00:16:38] You know how I think you know, the comments I put on you to say.

[00:16:44] So I'm going to leave that to the one who said the picketing out my call the sack here pretty soon.

[00:16:52] But I have to throw some card word out there and they'll run for it.

[00:16:58] Oh, so.

[00:17:00] So you're saying that bottom line is if you add a reasonable amount of protein, your brain chemistry will change to the point to make you more alert, less likely to fall asleep or have an energy dump and a meal a day is outside.

[00:17:15] Absolutely. And you won't need as much caffeine. You know, for the people who rely on caffeine to stay awake and feel productive, they won't need quite as much.

[00:17:25] How are these these packets of stuff that you bought? Are they tasty or are they just like I'll just, you know, force this down before I throw up or what? What is a you know, or what are some brands or some flavors? How does that work?

[00:17:42] Ok. The one that I took to the retreat was Garden of Life, that's the brand, and said raw protein. So it was not just vegan. It was raw. So this is like very helpful stuff. And I would say it does not taste good. But all I wanted to do was I didn't have to mix it up with a whole glass of water. I mixed it up with just enough water to get it, you know, moist enough to drink. And I drank that down. And then I finished with a fresh glass of water. And I know it was not horrible, but everybody has taken at some point some medicine they didn't like to do.

[00:18:16] Fifteen times in a row. Come on. Yes, I did. But is there more palatable stuff that maybe isn't quite as good but still better than the diet people were, even though.

[00:18:29] Yes, let's let me think, because there's a hemp protein that I like, some brands I don't like and now I'm trying to move to or what I do is sit there, dinner, smoke and say, well, that and protein to my head. Most people would dispute that you're kill your brain cells. But you know what?

[00:18:53] All right. So so can this be a Tom something?

[00:18:58] Ok, I'm trying to think there is. Now, you now you're catching me like a senior moment because I'm trying to remember the name of the drink.

[00:19:08] Some of your stuff. How fast is that taking effect?

[00:19:12] Oh, that's that's a very good question. As a matter of fact, maybe we should talk about that instead of the specific names. But if somebody goes to Whole Foods and just goes to the aisle with the protein powders, they'll find these things. And it's very easy. And, you know, any ordinary store.

[00:19:29] What do you look for on the label?

[00:19:31] You want. You want to see that? It's protein, basically, with no junk. And the junk would be things like I shouldn't I shouldn't say this, but there are some places that sell a lot of protein that is mixed in with a lot of sweeteners and all this kind of stuff. Don't look for something that's going to make it taste good.

[00:19:52] I had to try to do it.

[00:19:55] Yeah.

[00:19:56] Yeah. But there was there was a there was a hemp one that begins with an M.. And I, I actually thought it was an odd case, but I actually thought it was kind of good.

[00:20:07] I like to think of it later. We'll put it in the show notes. But now you have to drink this stuff. Can you mix it into your food?

[00:20:14] Oh, you absolutely can. You made yourself, let's just say a bowl of oatmeal and you stirred again. That's a perfectly good way to get your protein in the morning through protein without suffering any fear of your taste aversive.

[00:20:30] Right. Exactly. And you can add you can add some helpful facts to the oatmeal and then it becomes really tasty. People love walnuts in their oatmeal, for example. So that's just one way you can put some berries in there. I mean, there you are. So now you've got something that will give you the protein through the protein powder and not paste it.

[00:20:50] Got a boat. But again, what the what things do you want to definitely avoid when you're looking at the label?

[00:20:55] Because, you know, you walk into those aisles, there's like hundreds of things and you're standing there looking like you're you know, you're in a tray. It's because there's so many to pick from. So what are some specific things you definitely want to avoid?

[00:21:10] Avoid sugar, avoid sweetener, add sugar, can called a lot of things right? Yes.

[00:21:16] What are some of the names of serger that they hired this serger with sucralose, sir? I don't know for sure, cause it's one that's an art.

[00:21:24] That's an artificial sweetener. Fructose is from fruit. Sometimes it'll say fruit juice concentrate. And people think because it comes from fruit, it's automatically good. That's a really true. Fructose itself is not really halacha. So, yeah, but anything that makes it anything on the label that makes it sound as if it's going to be tasty.

[00:21:47] If it says chocolate. Yeah. Seriously. If it says chocolate, it probably has a sweetener. If it even if it says vanilla, it probably has a sweetener.

[00:21:55] And I had a client that I was trying to get away. She really had a serious problem with sugar. I was trying to get her weight from sugar completely, especially first thing in the morning. And I told her which protein I wanted her to buy and to mix it up with water first thing before she had anything else. And she went out and bought a vanilla protein powder.

[00:22:15] And she used to stir it into her orange juice. And then she told it. And then she told me that the protein shakes, as she called them, were delicious.

[00:22:25] And, you know, I'll say this delicious is suspicious and like, it tastes delicious.

[00:22:33] It probably has something sugary in it. So it was not doing her any good to start her day with that, because that was exactly the opposite of what I wanted her to do.

[00:22:44] So I avoid the flavors. If it says unflavored or unsweetened, those are then the words on the label that will lead you in the right.

[00:22:53] So that's good. But I know that I can mix it in with something else is always good if you really like this. I've got a sweet tooth.

[00:23:01] Okay, so back to how fast does it work? Does it depend on your size and her metabolism or what?

[00:23:08] Well, I think you could be feeling it within within a matter of hours.

[00:23:11] Ok.

[00:23:13] So maybe even less than a you're a big proponent of the old breakfast is the most important meal thing I know.

[00:23:20] I've always felt that it gets my day off to the right start. But some people are against it for a lot of reasons. And now that people are doing it and fasting, that's usually the meal that they tend to skip.

[00:23:33] And they'll start later. I would I just feel right now I need to keep my mouth shut on this and let people decide what to do. But I will say the first thing to start your day with it is good.

[00:23:47] You know, rather protein is a good thing to start your day, whether than a high carb bagel or toast or, you know, doughnuts or any of that stuff.

[00:23:58] Absolutely. Yes. So, yeah, so I've been doing intermittent fasting where. And so I would guess you would say you experiment and then, you know, to chart how you're feeling maybe and see what works best for you. So I can easily go to noon with just drinking water in the morning. And then between noon and eight that don't eat anything after 8:00.

[00:24:20] And that seems to work fine. Fine for me. And I sleep better and I eat if I eat too late. I really burping and now it's just uncomfortable sleeping. Intermittent fasting. What does that 16 hours has been working for me. But to eat like a good plan.

[00:24:41] And you've got it worked out for yourself and a lot of people are probably trying to figure it out. Maybe what you just told them could help.

[00:24:47] Well, the thing is, yeah, you have to. The only time I've ever been successful at this is the pay closer attention to it. And that means write stuff down because literally I can eat something. And then half hour later, I don't even remember what it was or that I did it or I did it unconsciously.

[00:25:05] So the my best success has been to have a notebook and then write down the time, what I eat and how much water I've consumed. And, you know, just keep track of that. And then I don't have to you know, if I get busy or stressed, I don't have to just keep shoveling food in and without any any any knowledge of how many calories I piled into myself. I wasn't thinking, you know, because we're in business.

[00:25:32] So during our business day, there's a lot of things can happen good, bad and indifferent. But if we ignore, you know, what we're shoveling in our face and if we're talking about working from home, too. So the refrigerator is right there. It's not like you got to get out of your cubicle and go down to the cafeteria, three floors down. It's like, you know, ten second walk to go stuff your face. That's fine. So but you're saying within a couple hours you should be able to feel the effects of of what you have ingested?

[00:26:06] Yes, and sometimes even earlier than that, you know, sooner than that, it might not even take a full two hours.

[00:26:14] Mm hmm. Yeah. So I mentioned sleep well. What are your thoughts on the sleep and your psychoactive nutrition?

[00:26:22] Ok, well, foods can definitely affect our sleep, and they do it in three ways. And I'll tell you what, I'll just list the three ways now and then we can talk about them individually. I don't want to go ahead.

[00:26:33] Ok.

[00:26:34] You can have trouble falling asleep when you get into bed. And that's usually due to brain chemistry. You can have trouble waking your you can wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble going back to sleep.

[00:26:45] And that has more to do with glucose or blood sugar.

[00:26:50] And then the also has to do how old you are and how many times you've got to pee.

[00:26:59] Ok. I don't know if food's going to have that, but it's like falling asleep, waking up and not going back to sleep. And what's the third one?

[00:27:08] At the third one would be poor quality sleep. And that has to do with brainwaves.

[00:27:13] So let's just let's just take a look at these and I'll try to make these brief. You know, if you have trouble falling sleep, it could be. This goes back to something you said at the very beginning of the show that you had caffeine too late in the day. And some people are more sensitive to that than others.

[00:27:32] And you obviously are one of the sensitive ones or having to screw the crude broadcast that I had a terrible guest and that could help you go to sleep or you can read my dissertation.

[00:27:49] Ok, but that the half life of caffeine is like four to six hours. And so some people in the afternoon will have multiple cups of coffee or tea or whatever it is. And so there's a cumulative effect and that can affect them. So that's one way.

[00:28:05] And the other thing is eating protein late at night. Here's this food that keeps us wide awake. And, you know, if you have, like, a gigantic portion of protein with your dinner, that might contribute to your staying awake. OK. So what you want to do is avoid caffeine late in the day, especially multiple cups e protein all day long so that you don't feel as if you need as much caffeine that can help and then limit the size of your portion at dinner. Got it. All right. So then waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to get back to sleep, OK? Sugary foods before bed. Things like a piece of cake, piece of pie, a bunch of cookies. Again, some people are more sensitive to this effect than others, but that can keep you awake.

[00:28:53] I can give you that effect and not keep you awake. I meant to say wake you up in the middle of the night. And now people are going to want to throw things at me. But alcohol can do this, too, especially a mixed drink that has like a sugary mixer. Let's say something like a daiquiri. There's a lot of sugar in the mixture. So between the alcohol and the sugar in the mixer, that can that can affect our sleep in the same way. Wake us up in the middle of the night.

[00:29:19] So what to do? Avoid sugary snacks before bed. And I know. Avoid alcohol before bed. And this this is a stressful time. And many people are using alcohol as a go to sleep inducer. And while I can understand the need for that, it can mess up your sleep in the way I just described. But also, when we talk about poor quality sleep and brainwaves, alcohol at night will do the same thing. We don't get into the really deep stages of sleep until the alcohol is completely metabolized. So we might stay in this very light stage of sleep and never really restful. You wake up in the morning and you feel as if you really haven't had a good rest. And that's especially true for women. Smaller body size, lighter weight, less muscle mass. All of those things can be reasons that women are more messed up by alcohol at night than men. But it can mess man up as well. So the answer, again, would be to avoid alcohol before bed. So what's what's a good general way to get yourself to sleep? Well, let's say about 80 to 90 minutes before bed. Have some starch. Now, these are the things that people call carbs, but I don't use that word because vegetables are carbs and so are fruits. So I get very specific starches, such as Shinhwa yams, potatoes, pasta, rice and even a slice of bread or something that will help you get to sleep. It just you don't have to have a big portion of this. It's just about changing your brain chemistry, not eating an extra meal. And so for people on, let's just say people on ketogenic diet, they might think, oh, I can never have that.

[00:31:09] That's not really true. And I've been thinking about this because I have clients who are on the Keto diet. And how do I work around this?

[00:31:16] Well, if they avoid all kinds of carbs at breakfast and they avoid carbs at lunch and maybe even avoid carbs at dinner, I think you're allowed some of these rahmaniya for it for heavy duty weight loss.

[00:31:29] That's 20 grams a day. That's 20 grand.

[00:31:32] Ok, see, you can figure out how much, 20 grams of starches. But now you're talking about weight loss. I think it goes a little higher.

[00:31:40] You can go 50 grams for maintenance in Keto.

[00:31:44] Oh, OK. OK. So somewhere in that range, depending on what you're doing with Keto diet, you can have 80 to 90 minutes before bed.

[00:31:54] All of your starches that you're allowed for that day, all of the carbs that you're allowed for that day. And you can use this technique to make sure that you get a good night's sleep. It's not going to have the effect that sugar will or that alcohol will.

[00:32:08] It's not going to have. Yeah, it'll just change your brain chemistry so that you get to sleep. And if that doesn't work, it's rare that it doesn't work. But if it doesn't just add a little bit of saturated fat like butter or coconut oil, you know, put some butter on a potato or have some coconut oil on a slice of bread or something like that.

[00:32:30] And if that if that doesn't work, we'll call out the industrial strength sleep do, sir.

[00:32:37] And that would be like having some turkey plus some starch plus some butter or or coconut oil, some saturated fat. And that's almost guaranteed. Again, I'm gonna say the the portion doesn't have to be big. I'm not trying to give you an extra meal or make anybody gain weight. We just want to make have this be enough to change.

[00:33:00] Our brain goes go to a ball bat and hit himself in the head to be walking away.

[00:33:07] I was thinking about the alcohol stuff.

[00:33:10] Do you remember the comedian Rita Rudner? She was like a very demure and very, you know, always doing an evening gown.

[00:33:18] And she says, I don't know why they don't want women to drink alcohol when they're pregnant. She says if it wasn't for alcohol, most women wouldn't be pregnant in the first place.

[00:33:32] Oh, OK.

[00:33:34] So those are some good tips for falling asleep. What if you if you have the symptom waking up in the middle of the night, what to do? And if you what was the last one? Poor quality sleep for quality sleep or falling, not being able to be the first one, not being able to fall asleep. And I'm just saying it would take some effort for me to use that positive thing because I would lay a great giant thing is spaghetti and six meatballs and a whole bunch of really acidy sauce and bunch of garlic, I guess as though to have my.

[00:34:08] So that's not what I had in mind.

[00:34:10] But these are some of the people that were who are your clients who comes to get help from you.

[00:34:16] Oh, I have people with lots of different issues. Some people with mood swings or people who binge eat or people who have inflammatory conditions. And since inflammation underlies all chronic disease, that means people with diabetes or high blood pressure, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, PCOS.

[00:34:40] You mentioned this is a it's polycystic ovary syndrome.

[00:34:45] Now, the. My family sold my feminine side.

[00:34:52] You know, I used that mood swing thing with the baseball bat and the collar.

[00:34:59] Ok, OK. Women with polycystic over syndrome basically have insulin problems, and that's what it's all about. But also irritable bowel or M.S., multiple sclerosis and then something called CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. And both M.S. and CIDP are auto immune as well as inflammatory. There are all different kinds of notes. Especially I specialize in food addictions. If somebody has problems with that, but I do ordinary stuff, too. Somebody comes. I just want to feel better. I want to increase my energy. Like to lose weight.

[00:35:37] Mean I do ordinary things as well. Do they have to see you in person or can you do this remotely?

[00:35:44] Oh heck no. I have a lot of clients I've never met naps between and Skype and everything else.

[00:35:51] Screw in the commute basically. I guess I do for you.

[00:35:55] I mean, do you see people in person if they live there? I don't even know where you are.

[00:35:58] They live near by me if they live near by me. And it works out for, you know, mutually mutual advantage, then.

[00:36:05] Yes. Where are you located?

[00:36:08] Thank you for asking. I'm in Foster City, California, which is about 25 miles south of San Francisco.

[00:36:15] So and it is like we're on the East Coast here. There's fires every day.

[00:36:22] I know there are in San Francisco, but down where I am, just 25 miles south in this very calm residential neighborhood. Fortunately, we have not been dealing with.

[00:36:33] I said fires. Oh, yes. Well, OK. I didn't say riots.

[00:36:38] I meant like I thought we were on East Coast. We hear that California is half half the states on fire all the time. So, you know, there's smoke everywhere. Is it is that part of the area that's affected by the.

[00:36:50] Again, not where I am. There are a lot of places where there's a lot of countryside that's very dry because of drought, right. And yeah, that's where those fires tend to emanate. So it's not where I am. Again, fortunately.

[00:37:03] Great. So. So how did people get to of you?

[00:37:07] Ok. My website is lastresortnutrition.com. And if you go there, I've got a couple of gifts, you know, keep scrolling down, you'll see. Here's a gift. Here's another gift. And one of them is something you can request.

[00:37:21] And that's a free phone contact with me. And if you want to send me an email directly, send it to DrJoan@lastresortnutrition.com.

[00:37:36] Right. We'll have all that stuff in the show notes. So. So thanks for coming on.

[00:37:41] I mean, this was a little bit different than we usually do. But I mean, if you want to be in business for yourself, you have to think you don't have 50 people on a team working for you. You have to be able to think. Be clear headed. You can't be falling asleep half the day when you only have so many hours to work. And so this stuff is really, really important to your success. So that's why I want to have Joan on, because she's highly respected the likes that I've been following her on Facebook for a long time. What's a Facebook page? Is it same thing? Last resort nutrition.

[00:38:15] Actually, it's not it's food addiction solution.

[00:38:20] So Facebook.com/foodaddictionsolutions. That's how I found her. So thanks a appreciate it for coming on.

[00:38:31] I know you've been up since three 45 and we're doing this at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. And I know she's been up for a long time to see how alert she is. So she must have, though. She walks her talk, though. So thanks, Joan, for coming on. Thank you so much for having me.

[00:38:49] All right. It gets everybody on the next episode. See you later and get that protein in you. So you can think straight. All right. Catch ya later.

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