309 - Be in front of 1 million warm prospects in the next 90 days: Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited - Screw The Commute

309 – Be in front of 1 million warm prospects in the next 90 days: Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Joint Venturing Revisited

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    This is all about Joint Venturing, where you can collaborate, if you know what to say, to people that have blazed the trail before you. If you do this right, they can put you on the map or give you a giant boost in your business. The “do this right” is the most important part, it can make or break you in joint venturing, and that's what I'm going to give you in this episode.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 309

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    [01:43] Tom's introduction to Joint Venturing Revisited

    [04:38] Finding partners

    [10:06] Multiple ways to reach partners

    [13:28] Be prepared to GIVE the partner your product

    [16:01] Super Affiliates

    [17:44] Commissions

    [20:15] Patience and Demeanor

    [23:24] Sponsor message

    [24:41] Appropriate products and services

    [27:45] Make sure there's enough money in the deal

    [31:13] Don't ask list owner to be your guinea pig

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    Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

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    Episode 309 – Joint Venturing Revisited
    [00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

    [00:00:24] Hey, everybody. It's Tom here with Episode 309 of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to talk about joint venturing revisited. I thought it was a good time to revisit this topic because it's so important to rapidly increasing your success. So I'm going to include for you in this episode a replay of one of the most important things you can do if you want to be put on the map. All right. If you're just starting out in marketing your business or how to make a giant jump. If you have an existing business. All right. Hope you didn't miss Episode 308. That was shooting video for business. I mean, I said copy writing was my most important skill in the whole world. Well, creating videos for your business is my second most important skill. It's meant millions of dollars to my business, and I've never had one go viral. They're strategic videos to promote your business. In fact, they list 14 of them, different strategic videos that you can use in your business. So make sure you didn't miss that. And one of my videos is made over 10 million bucks. All right. So and it hasn't had that many views. So it can really do a lot for your business. All right. Let's get to the details of joint venturing where you can collaborate if you know what to say to people that have blazed the trail before you. So they put you on the map or they give you a giant boost in your business. All right.

    [00:02:01] Let's get to that replay and be talking about joint venturing here, how to be in front of a million warm prospects in the next 90 days. Our sponsor this week is me again and the Tom Antion Internet marketing retreat and joint venture program. This is a little bit different. Joint venture program where myself and my staff work with you for a year to either get you started in an Internet business or to use the Internet to take your existing business to the next level. I'll tell you more about that later. And the details will be at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com. And that will be in the show notes also.

    [00:02:46] All right. I'm here to tell you a little bit about why joint venturing can be so lucrative for you. This is perfect. If you're just starting out, you don't have a big mailing list. If you've been around Internet marketing at all, you always hear about the value of the list. Now you're established and have a big or moderate sized list. You still want it to grow. So joint venturing is great for you, too. Same rules apply instead of starting with a small or nonexistent list. You're taking your existing list to a new level. So everyone who wants to grow their business should listen to this. I'm going to give you the method of approaching joint venture partners. These are people that have already blazed the trail before you. Some have big lists and some have smaller list. At any rate, they're further ahead than you are. So the first thing I want to talk to you about is how valuable this can be to you if you make this a priority. And I'd say in the next 90 days, you could probably, if you did everything that I teach in this episode, if you did it right, you could probably be in front of a million people that never heard of you before through your joint venture partners. And these aren't a million people like Facebook, people had never heard of you. And it's not just people that are fleetingly heard about you.

    [00:04:14] These are people that hear about you with a warm introduction from the list owner that they already trust. I mean, this can really jumpstart your entire online or offline business. So that's the value of this. It can take you from zero to doing a hundred miles an hour in a very short period of time. But you must do this correctly. The first thing I will tell you about is finding partners. In other words, how you find these people. If these people have a big mailing list, you can be darn sure that there's plenty of places online to sign up for this list. So the first thing that you should do is get yourself a throwaway email address, because I can tell you all of the people that you might want to deal with are not going to work out for you. And many of them, once you get in the hole, what they're about, you may not want to deal with them either. So get yourself a throwaway email address. This would be a g mail or a Hotmail or Yahoo or something like that and sign up for their publications so you can get to know what they're about. If you just try to blast the broadcast e-mail out to a bunch of list owners, it will get deleted so fast your head will spin. I mean, it won't mean anything. You really have to play the game and approach these people on an individual basis. And very carefully, as I'm going to outline here.

    [00:05:43] So get yourself this e-mail address so that you can get on their list and start learning about what they talk about and what issues they bring up and what kind of attitude do they have about things. Some like me, I'm kind of in your face, brash and, you know, fun and making jokes all the time, but not to the point where it's obnoxious. Please thought to me anyway. But there's some people out there who make it a point of being obnoxious. I mean, that's part of their shtick. Other people are very low key. You need to know what their nature is. And you can learn that just by reading their publications and reading their blogs and reading their e-mail newsletters and all that. Now to find them in the first place. If you're just totally starting from zero and don't know any of the players in your field. You would just want to type in your topic. Plus the term e-mail magazine or your topic, plus the word blog or plus the term discussion forum, and you'll immediately bring up people in your topic area that have lists or have discussion boards or have blogs or all of the above. You have to start hanging out there and see the comments that other people make to them. You really need to be learning about them. One of the overriding principles here is you must be patient because the people that have blazed the trail before, you have people chasing them around. Day and night, I mean, at any one time, I have at least 19 or 20 people trying to make deals with me to promote their stuff.

    [00:07:22] I couldn't possibly do all of it. So you must do things that put yourself at the top of the list. That way, when someone like me is ready to promote somebody like you, you'll be the first person they call. So you must be patient. And you must do your homework. If you try to skip this step, the chances of success are very slim. I got to say, unless you're a really hot babe and I don't mean to be sexist because, I mean, I've seen several of them that have virtually nothing important to say make it in this feel. They get extra breaks just because most of the people in Internet marketing field are guys in a really hot girl can get breaks that you can't. If you're just the regular non hottie like me. All right. I mean, I'm way less than hot to say. I'm not trying to be sexist again. I'm just trying to give you the reality of the situation. So if you're a hot girl, that's model material. Well, you don't have to listen to this. You can play other games. But for most of us who have to do it correctly, you got to find the people. You've got to start looking for their publications or e-mails or magazines or blogs or forums and get to know them first. That's the absolute main thing.

    [00:08:44] And when you identify some people that you think would be you would like to target. How do you get hold of them? Many of them. I mean, I'm one of the few at my level that you can even get halfway close to. And even my folks that my phone numbers screen my calls heavily and I even have a phone number many places. There's no way on earth you can call them. They hide from you. They don't want to hear from you. They don't want anybody to call. I have a real business here where I operate. And we answer the phones. But still, the people screen very heavily because people were chasing me around all the time.

    [00:09:24] And I know they really don't know how to play the game. They don't have a good offer. They haven't listened to an audio like I'm giving you right now to teach you how to approach a joint venture partner. And so they're totally a waste of time. So it's better that they get screened rather than me wasting time for my legitimate business and from my good partners to waste time on them because they didn't do their homework. And the same thing will happen to you if you try to contact me or anybody else. If you don't play the game right. I mean, if you act like you're a novice and you don't know what you're doing is going to deal with you. So you're totally wasting your time. Now, when you do finally find some partners, that makes sense and you won't know what makes sense until I get through with the rest of this episode. I do need to tell you that you need to use multiple ways to try to reach them, not just email. Probably phone is not going to work because so many of them hide and won't speak on the phone. Not many people have facts anymore, even if they have a fact. They probably get it through email, actually. Now, even snail mail is the legitimate way to reach people. Because many people aren't used to seeing anything but junk mail. So this could be a good way to reach people if you can find a good address for them. I'll tell you one of the best methods, but you do have to be patient and invest in yourself is to go to their events and attend their live events.

    [00:10:57] Many of them have live events, and meeting them in person will go much further than trying to get emails through that don't even get to them where they have other people reading them or they automatically get filter. So going to live events and meeting them in person can be a good thing. However, again, you must be patient.

    [00:11:19] And the fact that I tell you to go to a live event doesn't mean that they're going to have time for you if they're running a live event. It's a busy, busy, busy deal to run a live event. So you can't be obnoxious about it and force your way to talk to them. You'll shoot yourself in the foot by not recognizing how busy they are. But attending a live event and being there when you get your chance. Put your way ahead of the pack. I just want to warn you, though, you may not get your chance at a live event, so don't complain to me if you spend a thousand bucks for a hotel and airfare and then went to an event and didn't get the pitch, the person you wanted to pitch. At least I hope you got something of the event. And you may find way more people to make deals with at the event. Or maybe a speaker at the event would be a good prospect for you. But attending life will put you a lot further ahead.

    [00:12:20] I can't tell you the number of deals that I made and people I know have made because they saw somebody in person. That person is more likely if you do get to speak to them for a few minutes to take your call or to keep that correspondence going. If that's if you didn't make a jerk of yourself in person, that is. It's just that way. Being in person, it's called the law of reciprocity, and it's the fact that they know you have seen you and you made the commitment to come to their event. So they're more likely to respond to your correspondent. You'll get a little bit further ahead of the pack. It still doesn't mean they're going to promote your product yet because there's a lot more for me to tell you about.

    [00:13:06] But before I do, the next best thing to visiting a live event is the visit there online. Live events and make comments that make you and them look good. Get your name visible and memorable to them over time. And it could grease the chute to getting your direct correspondents recognized by them and responded to by the. OK, now the next thing is you must give this person your product. Do not do not under any circumstances, expect them to buy your product before they promote it. Some will do it or have their assistant do it just to check you out, to see if you give good service to a regular customer. But don't count on them buying. I mean, from my point of view and other influence or type people, this is just ludicrous. If you really knew what was going on, you would never in a million years suggest, hey, buy your product. I don't care how expensive your product is because I have stacks of stuff in here that people give me, begging me just to even look at them. So do all the other really big joint venture partners. We have enormous numbers of people to pick from. If you expect us to buy your product just to help promote it, your crazy right, you get kicked out so fast, your head will spin. So give the product to the potential joint venture partner if it's a physical product. Have it mailed as if it was going to a customer so they could see what they're promoting. Remember, this joint venture partner has a reputation to uphold.

    [00:14:48] You might be brand new and you can screw up and nobody ever heard of you. So it doesn't make any difference. But it makes a darn big difference to me who sweated blood for 24 years creating a reputation online. And you can't expect me or any other legitimate joint venture partner to promote something that we don't even know if it's any good. If somebody does agree to promote garbage, you will most likely get lots of returns. And you're most likely dealing with an unscrupulous person. Anyway, I want to see the product the same way it's going to the customer. I want to see it from the same shipping company or fulfillment company. And the packaging and all the stuff so that I know what I'm going to be promoting to my list. Because if it's garbage and I promote it, then they're never going to trust me again. And I'll tell you, no matter how much I could make on your deal, it's not worth it when it's going to kill all the rest of my deals for years to come. So it better be good. Don't expect me to buy it because I can just say, heck with you. I got 20 other people here begging me to promote their products. OK, so give them your product. Now, another thing you can do to entice joint venture partners and sometimes you'll also hear them called super affiliates, which means they have a power in a group or power over a group or control of a group of people.

    [00:16:15] And they have the ability to sell enormous amounts of stuff. You can be an affiliate, a super affiliate in one field and not in another. For instance, I would never be a super affiliate for parenting type products because even though people on my list probably are parents, they're not on my list because of that. They're on it because they're public speaking and Internet marketing. So I wouldn't be a super failure for parenting products. So if you had a parenting product, you'd want to go to people that have parenting lists with with a big number of people who were on the list because they want to be better parents. That list owner would be a super affiliate for parenting products, but that same person who has the list of people wanted to be better parents would never be a great super filly for my public speaking stuff, for my Internet marketing stuff, because the people on their list are interested in parenting and most likely they're not interested in public speaking. I mean, most people. And Internet marketing stuff. So you have to make sure that your stuff is appropriate for the list. And keep in mind, if I promote a parenting product to my list interested in Internet marketing and professional speaking, I'll get cussed out in 18 languages because we're in 80 countries. All right. And 5000 people will unsubscribe that day.

    [00:17:42] I can't have that.

    [00:17:44] Let's talk about commissions in general, list owners aren't going to promote you unless they get a commission on the sales they generate for you. You may have a regular commission schedule for your affiliate program, and I'll be doing a future episode at all about affiliate marketing and affiliate stuff for those that don't know, are either you give somebody a commission for selling your stuff or they give you a commission for selling their stuff. So we'll talk about that in another episode. If a person is a super affiliate in your field and has the big list of people that are well-known for buying stuff, you may want to offer that person an extra commission above what you'd normally give as an affiliate commission. And this is very common. In some cases, it's up to 75 percent. There's even cases where you give the person 100 percent commission, maybe for a limited amount of time. So they really get, you know, get excited about promoting you really fast. And sometimes you might give that to them as permanently as the higher commission. I have even heard recently, and this is a new one on me. Someone was paying 300 percent commission to be absolutely sure he got chosen, chosen as someone to promote. Now, think about this, why would a person give the affiliate more money than they even got from the customer?

    [00:19:16] Well, smart affiliates have way more things to sell the new customer and anything they lose on the front end to pay the super affiliate is more than made up for on the back end when they sell lots of other stuff to that new customer. They also know that there's a lot of competition to get the super affiliate to promote them. And if they only offer 50, 40 or 30 percent of the super affiliates don't want to bother with them because they can go to some other product and get 65 percent or 100 percent or even that crazy 300 percent. You don't have to rise to this level right away, especially if you're just starting out and have only one product or service. But as you improve over time, you would want to get an array of products to sell on the back end and start upping the percentage you pay, which will attract more super affiliate. Let's go back to this patients and demeanor issue. I mentioned it earlier, but you've got to be patient because a lot of times a joint venture partner will have things scheduled three or four months in advance. They might have product launches in the works that are eating up every available e-mail blast.

    [00:20:36] And many people don't send big promotions every day. So you have a limited number of slots available for them to email their list. So you can't decide that you want to approach a person and think that they're going to immediately next week sell your stuff. You must be patient. You must be easy to work with again. You always have to keep in mind you're one of 20 or 30 people that's chasing that joint venture partner at any time you're in competition with them. Not only does your deal have to be good, you better be easy to work with because why should they pick you if you're a jerk and pushy and obnoxious? They can go find somebody that's easy to work with. So it just doesn't make sense for you to be hard to get along with. They really are doing you a favor. And what many newbies do is they don't have a clue of the life of a big influence, joint venture partner, a super affiliate or whatever you want to call us. All they can think about is like little kids, as we call them, newbies or babies in the industry, because all they can think about is themselves.

    [00:21:46] It's like, oh, I have a great idea. I created a great product. You should promote it because the world needs it. All right. Now, we've heard that thousands of times, and it's a big joke to us. And if you come with that attitude, we're going to tell you to take a hike. We're going to ignore you, not take your calls and make fun of you. You are showing that you don't know how to play the game and you don't understand our world if you don't like it. Don't go after big joint venture partners. And that's OK. In many cases, you're going to need to start smaller anyway. Instead of going for somebody with a list of fifty thousand, go for somebody with a list of 3000 because they haven't paid their full dues yet and they're most likely more hungry than someone with a list of fifty thousand. They're going to be less competition with them and less people chasing them around. You can make even more mistakes and and maybe still get a good deal going.

    [00:22:47] Just don't shoot for the moon and blow your chances, because that big list owner, you can be sure, knows a bunch of other big list owners in that field. And if you make a jerk of yourself, he or she is going to tell all the other ones to stay away from you and then making a deal with one of them will be very difficult. You might as well just quit going after them because you're never going to get any of them to go with you if you act like a jerk. So you're making a mistake because your news acceptable being a jerk is not. So you've got to be patient and easy to work with. All right. I want to tell you a little bit about when I turned the Internet marketing training world on its head around the year 2000, people like me were charging 50 or a hundred thousand dollars upfront to teach what we know to a clueless business, people who refuse to learn on their own. Now, I'm a small business advocate and I knew many small businesses could never afford that kind of upfront money.

    [00:23:47] So I made all those gurus mad by charging a relatively small entry fee to my program. But that also got a percentage of profits that was capped. So people were not stuck with me forever. So for me to get my big money, you have to make way bigger money push. You know, I'm not going to disappear on you because I won't get any more money. OK. And I went one step further. That has never been done before.

    [00:24:16] Yeah, I have a big estate home and TV studio where my students, as part of their yearlong training, come and actually stay in my house for an immersion weekend. And that's just one of the unique features of my very unique mentor program. You can check out the full details at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

    [00:24:37] And I'll have that in the show notes. Of course. All right. Let's get back to our topic in the next section is appropriate products and services. Now, when you get your chance, finally, let's say you've located a person and they're willing to hear you out on your deal. Don't blow it at this point. Folks, if you made it all the way that far, I'm going to give you some things that you must be ready for so that you don't blow your chance when you get it. The first thing is the product must be appropriate for their list. I used the example earlier about the parenting product. The reason that came to mind is because there have been several people over the years come to me and try to make this pitch. Oh, Tom, you've got this big list of one hundred thousand. A lot of them are parents. You should promote our parenting product to your list. And I'm sitting there thinking, all right, you don't know how to play the game. You don't understand. If I would promote that parenting product to my list of people who are on my list for public speaking and Internet marketing, I told you this before. You don't understand because you've never sat here and gotten cussed out in 18 language. You've never seen 5000 people unsubscribe in about six hours because I promoted something that wasn't appropriate for why they're on the list.

    [00:26:04] Yes, they might be parents, but they're not on my list because their parents. You'd be better off taking that product to somebody that's got a parenting list. So if you come to me with an inappropriate product for the list, no matter how good it is, no matter how much money you offer me, no matter how sweet the deal is, I'm going to tell you to take a hike. Okay. Now, if you're nice and you're being nice and you don't know any better, I might not tell you to take a hike. But I'm going to get rid of you somehow because you're wasting my time. You obviously don't know how to play the game. You have no chance on Earth of this succeeding with trying to promote a product to the wrong list. So you're wasting everybody's time and effort. Just keep that in mind. I don't want to see that happen to you. The first thing is the product must be darn appropriate. So how do you know that if it's appropriate, you're not? You go back and you sign up for the persons list, then you see what they've been promoting. You look at back issues and you read their blog back for a couple months or more and you see the kinds of things that they're into and what their people want. If your product or service doesn't fit, it's too bad.

    [00:27:19] You just go to the next list owner. All of us big list owners have heard beginners try to make a stretch of why your product is perfect for us. We've been working our lists for years and we know that you're crazy. Well done. This early crazy. But you would be making a fool of yourself and ruining your chances, hurting your reputation by approaching a list owner with the wrong product. All right. The next thing, there must be enough money in the deal. In other words, your product must cost enough to make it worthwhile for a major list owner to promote it. And here's another thing you might not understand. Some of the things I promote on my list, I get a two thousand dollar commission on two thousand dollars. So if you come to me and say, well, Tom, I have this nine dollar ninety five cent e-book and I'll give you 50 percent or even 75 percent. I'm thinking you don't know how to play the game. Take a hike, because I don't want to burn one of my mailings and make a piddly little amount of money when you have to sell two hundred of your piddly books to equal one of something else that maybe I get one hundred and fifty dollars or a thousand dollars commission. So don't approach big list donors with something that the money just doesn't make sense.

    [00:28:41] Even if the product is appropriate. Now, if there's not enough potential money in the deal for the commissions of the list owner, it's not worth it to them to do the mailing. See most big list donors. Every time they mail, they get so many people unsubscribe. Even if the products are appropriate. It's just the nature of big lists that just might be the email that broke or the straw that broke the camel's back. Many people get really frustrated. They can't handle enormous amounts of spam and emails they get. So they just start cutting everywhere. Why don't want my e-mail to get cut just because I'm trying to get a two dollar commission off of you? I don't mind people leaving if I'm trying to get a two thousand dollar commission because with a two thousand dollar commission, I'll land a few of those and make a lot of money, which is enough to replace those people that unsubscribe. You see, every list has the value to each subscriber. It costs the list owners so much to get a subscriber, either by great search positioning and finding them on the Web and putting lots of Web sites up to grab subscribers and using paper, quick ads and all these things. So it caused people like me to get my subscribers, even if they're coming for free off of Google. There's still a cost to it and there's still a value to each one.

    [00:30:08] So if they unsubscribe because I sent them an e-mail and I only had a chance of making a little pittance off it, that's not good. And I'm not going to do it. I mean, I might have done it when I was younger and didn't know any better or when I was a smaller list owner, I might have done it. And you can probably still find some because they're more hungry, the smaller list owners, but don't approach a large list owner with a product that doesn't have enough money to go around. I mean, it just will not work. With all that being said, there is an exception to this. If you have a proven sales funnel that leads people to buy a lot of stuff over time and the large list owner gets a commission on whatever they eventually buy, then the large list owner might even send out one of your freebies to get people to opt into your funnel knowing they will get commissions into the future. So that's the exception to it. But you have to have a proven track record or nobody's going to take that chance on you. All right. And next thing is really, really important thing, and not all list owners will hit you with this, but most big ones that have been around a while will. So let's say you researched the list on.

    [00:31:27] Check. Great. Let's say you got him or her, you got to him or her and you were polite, professional and patient. Awesome. Let's say there's enough money and commission percentage in the deal. You got that covered to. And let's say the product is appropriate for the list. So you pass that test. Don't start counting your money yet, okay? You still haven't passed all the way. You could kill the entire deal by innocently asking the list owner to be your guinea pig. And what that means is if you don't have any kind of proven sales on this product. Don't go to that list owner and ask them to mail their list in hopes of making some sales. You're asking that list owner who sweated blood and work day and night, built tons of Web sites that search engine positioning probably paid for certain placements and paper click ads. And you're asked that you're asking them to send the mailing out with no guarantees that any money's going to come back. I mean, not even an inkling of proof that there could be any money coming. Certainly there's no guarantees, but you don't want to come with no proof of anything. You haven't proven that your sales letter or video can take somebody and get them to pull their wallet out of their pocket and give you money, you haven't shown the list owner that yet.

    [00:33:06] So list owner might ask you, what's your conversion rate on your sales line? If you stand there like the old Elm are fun. But the dodo, guess what happens next? Take a hike. Because it's not worth it to that list owner to be your guinea pig. If I send a mailing to one hundred thousand people when I get nothing back from you and sales commissions, I've just lost a ton of subscribers and waste a mailing and got nothing in return. So now I have to replace those lost subscribers, which might be worth a dollar or two dollars apiece to me. And I didn't get anything for it. So you totally wasted my time and costs me money. After doing that a couple times in my earlier career, I'm not going to do it anymore. And no other big list owner will either, unless they owe you a big favor or you're one of those good looking women that I talked about earlier. So don't go in there without any sales figures, you might say. We'll Tom. How can I have sales figures if I don't have a mailing list or any subscribers? That's when you have to invest the little elbow grease in your knowledge and a little money and some ads. Now, in Episode 28, I covered advertising and promoting your business online. You could substitute the word product for the word business. So be advertising and promoting your product online.

    [00:34:36] Now, in that episode, I showed you many ways to get viral traffic along with ideas to save you lots of money when advertising. So go back and listen to Episode 28 carefully, and it would be a good idea to get a copy of the e-book I wrote. That goes much more in-depth on that topic. It's in the show notes on Episode 28. Back to the guinea pigs, though. What you will do is use the techniques from Episode 28 and drive traffic to your sales page or video. You will count how many people visited the sales letter and you will count how many people bought. Even if your numbers are small or let's say you get a small list owner that's got 500 people and you can sell two or three of your products from Mei-Ling to that small list. At least you're coming to me with some kind of figures. Here's a scenario of what you would say to me if I or some big list owner ask you what your conversion rate. Well, you would say we tested it with a small group, with a person who had a list of 500. Well, we sent out five hundred people. We had about 150 people click through to check out the sales letter. And out of those 150, we sold three of our four hundred ninety seven dollar packages. That's a two percent conversion rate on a roughly five hundred dollar price.

    [00:36:02] OK, so here's what I'm sitting there thinking, wow, this person knows what they're doing, even though they're a beginner. He did his homework. He's coming to me properly. He's coming to me with some figures, which tells me he invested it himself and that he tried this and got some results. He's not asking me to be his guinea pig. Then he says to me, I got this result. And I'm thinking that with your season list of more warm customers, that maybe we can do even better. Now, just the fact that he's coming to me talking like that, even though the numbers weren't great. I'm thinking, wow, this person knows how to play the game and just pass the next test. Again, you're doing great, but don't count your chickens. It still doesn't mean I'm going to mail for you, but you've made it the third base and you're ready to round third to make a home run here pretty soon. And that's because of how you acted so professionally. So I'm going to take the time to look at your sales process. I'm going to look at your sales letter and I might see why it's not converting as well. I'm going to dig in and see the list you sent to to see what they're all about and what type of people they are.

    [00:37:20] And then if I say, oh, I think we can do better than your last mailing. If you would tweak some things on your page and I'll do a warm email for you or I'll even suggest possibly we do a tell us class or a webinar. However, it's hard for me to do a tele class or webinar with you if I've never heard you on one. I had one lady who was great on what she did for a living, but she totally sucked on a class. I was so embarrassed I was pulling teeth to get her to say what she was supposed to say and then she'd contradict me. And then she just made an ass out of both of us. So it's very unlikely I'll put you on a telecast's or webinar and here's a tip. Unless, of course, you come to me with a recording of how well you did on another telecast or webinar. There's another sidebar tip for you. And even if you suck on telling classes and webinars, I still might do an e-mail for you if you come to me with an appropriate product. There's enough money and you give me some type of conversion rate figures and you don't ask me to be your guinea pig. So if you do those things, if you find partners that are appropriate and meet them in person if possible, give them an extra commission to entice them.

    [00:38:36] Make sure you're easy to work with. And one of the things you do if you finally land a deal is don't make that joint part venture partners work. They worked for years. Now it's your turn. You darn well don't want to get all the way to the end and you're sliding into home plate and then you get tagged that there would be a mistake that would kill the entire deal at this point. Do not expect the joint venture partner to write up an email and set everything up and go and sign up for your affiliate program and do all the work when they're really busy. You should do all of that. You should write sample e-mails that they can tweak for their list. You should write sample questions for them. If they're going to have you on to tell a class or webinar, you should sign them up for your affiliate program and give them the way. Don't make them work because I've seen deals get all the way to the end. And I've been involved in them, got all the way the end. And it was a good deal. And then they want me to write stuff and go sign up. And I'm desperately busy from morning till night. And the deal fell apart because they didn't make it easy for me to participate. So don't let it fall apart at that point.

    [00:39:58] Now, if you do all this stuff, folks, you will surpass ninety nine percent of the people trying to get joint venture partners. Doing this correctly can put you on the map. I've heard other big marketers tell me that I was the one that put them on the map. I can tell you they wouldn't even be on the map, a GPS or a toy compass. Had they not approached me properly. So I suggest you get the show notes for this episode, this is 309 and the complete transcripts there also and make yourself a written outline of all the points I made today. If you do this seriously and do it the way I just outlined for 90 days, who cares if it takes a little longer? Just do it. Me, I don't care if you work morning till night. The end result is worth it because you could be in front of a million people. I mean, warm leads that never heard of you. And that could mean a boatload of money for you. Joint venture partners that can't wait for your next promotion and a firm position established on the Internet marketing map. All right. Want to tell you a little bit about my mentor program again, and I will pack it in. Check it out. It's the longest running and most successful and most unique. And one thing I didn't tell you. It also includes a scholarship to my license.

    [00:41:25] Internet marketing school that you can either use yourself or gift to someone else or go directly to greatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

    [00:41:36] I'll catch you on the next episode. Let's do some joint ventures.

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