Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews The Rudelics
Robert and Sheryl Rudelic are co-owners of Impax Therapy, an innovative sports medicine and personal coaching practice in San Francisco. They bring together their combined talents: Robert's 30 years of changing people's lives on a physical, emotional and professional level. And Sheryl's extensive business experience as an entrepreneur specializing in business development and operations.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 012
Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:
[01:23] Tom's introduction to Sheryl & Robert Rudelic [02:36] What Sheryl and Robert do to change peoples' lives [03:31] Definition of “integrative” [04:14] Been an entrepreneur his entire life [05:44] Advice for being in business for yourself [06:31] Working together as a couple [09:06] Setup at house when you're working [09:42] Screwed by being oversold and underperformed [13:36] Strange business simply by showing up [15:04] Best and worst of being your own boss [17:33] What they're working on now [20:56] Sponsor message [21:56] What a typical day is like [23:18] Staying motivated [25:53] Parting thoughts for the ScrewballsHigher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:
Screw The Commute –
KickStart Cart –
Robert Rudelic –
Invincible Divorcee –
Impax Sports Therapy –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
John Kremer –
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