Here's What Participants Think of Tom Antion's
E-Book Mastermind...
Here's Joe Libby with his experience with Tom's E-Book Mastermind.
Go to Joe's website HERE.
Tom Antion's e-book course is packed with everything you need to know to create a great product. Even though I have some experience writing books, Tom is teaching me many tips and shortcuts to get my project done fast. So glad I'm taking the course.
Linda Hodgdon, Author of "Visual Strategies" (200,000 copies sold)

Linda Hodgdon

Dr. Winifred Bragg
Have you been dreaming of writing an e-book and didn’t know how to start?
Well let me tell you Start with Tom!! The training is phenomenal.
Tom tells you the nuts and bolts of what you need to get this done
His approach is simplified and he is available for one on one coaching when needed
I have never called for an appointment where he didn’t accommodate my request.
There is a book inside of you, let Tom help you bring it to life
Dr Bragg of TheBraggFactor

Scott Kunau
First of all, thanks for putting the e-Book Mastermind class on. I've been struggling for more than two years to get my e-Book on Golf Etiquette done and onto the market. I've done more in two weeks since starting your class than in more than two years on my own.
I needed the accountability of assignments and expectations. I needed the requirement of a scheduled class for multiple weeks. My business in IT Consulting is different by the hour. I don't know if the next call will be about major data loss, email system down, or inviting me into a new project at my earliest convenience. Never mind all of the stuff that goes along with selling $1 million in products and services, the vendor certifications, communications, conference calls. I sit at my desk and look busy a lot.
But the class, in just three sessions now, has forced me to focus, delegate time to get assignments done and actually see that the light near the end of the tunnel isn't the roaring train of problems, troubleshooting client issues and excuses in general coming towards me! It is me (and son) publishing our first eBook and then moving on to more with the skills you are teaching!
I'm not sure I'll be "text-finished" by next Tuesday but I'll be a long ways towards "first draft done"!
Scott Kunau
I enrolled in Tom Antion's E-book Mastermind Program primarily because he's given so much value to me over the years that I was feeling a bit guilty about not buying any of his products in maybe two years. After all, I'm a professional writer. I've not only written, formatted, and published my own books -- but I've helped others to do the same.

Don Sturgill
Here's what happened:
After the first mastermind session, I thought "Well, maybe there's something here for me after all."
After the second, I said, "Well, I've learned some stuff I hadn't thought of before."
And after just the third meeting it occurred to me that I had already realized a thing or two that would return me more in saved time and increased sales than I paid Tom for my membership in the Mastermind.
I'm telling you, it's impossible to out give Tom Antion.
Thanks, Tom!
Don Sturgill
Writer, Dreamer, Believer

Laura Rodriguez
Hi Tom,
I am thoroughly enjoying the E-book Mastermind program. As usual, you deliver much more than you promise and the information is practical and powerful.
You teach genius techniques that we can use to write an e-book much more quickly than we would have done otherwise while maintaining quality content to serve our ultimate reader!
I love the resources you share so that we can complete a number of the key tasks ourselves instead of delegating them to outside vendors which can take more time and cost more money.
Having accountability partners is a valuable component of the program - keeps me motivated and on track when I know I have to check in with someone else and share what I have completed (or not!).
And, you always infuse your wonderful sense of humor into each meeting which makes the program that much more enjoyable.
I can't recommend the program enough!
Laura Venecia Rodriguez
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