Black Friday - Screw The Commute

Black Friday

Black Friday Super Deal

Get 10 of my best selling e-books and two bonuses for only 47 bucks. Regular Price $389.90. You save a whopping $342.90.

PLUS if you get this deal I've got an unbelievable extra deal for you. (see bottom)

Here's the massive amount of training you get all for one low price:

Ultimate Guide to Listbuilding   $37.00
Learn all the ways you can build a massive list of targeted buyers and prospects

Crowdfunding: $37.00
Get the Money You Want to Finance Your Dreams and Never Have to Pay it Back

“One Sentence Business Plan” $27.00
I've lived by this simple, yet powerful blueprint for success since I was 10 years  old.


“Copywriting Webinar Etran V2.0”  $27.00
This e-book could change the entire course of your business and make you a fortune.


“How to Get More People to Show Up For Your Webinars and Other Events” $27.00
This e-book can tremendously increase the participation in your webinars which means WAY more people to sell to.


“Kick Start Guide to Advertising and Promoting Your Website 3.1” $47.00
This immediately downloadable guide will show you all the things you could be doing online to promote yourself and your business.


“How to Create an Online Income Generator in One Hour or Less” $27.00
This simple method can become an consistent revenue generator for you.


“Wake 'em Up Business Presentations” $19.95
My classic public speaking and presentation skills e-book.


“How to be a KickButt Publicity Hound” $97.00
All the techniques I've used to get on radio, TV and Print around the world.


“Repurposing How to Sell Your Knowledge in 19 Different Ways” $29.95
How to take what you know and sell it in a bunch of different ways



“E-book Formatting” Checklist  $7.00
This concise checklist will have you on your way to a quality e-book in no time at all.


“Kindle Cheat Sheet”  $7.00
Great tips and tricks to formatting your text into a kindle e-book to sell on Amazon

Click Here for e-book deal

Want to Talk to me about your business? —-Unbelievable deal.

After you grab the deal above come back to this email and get a 30-minute consult about your business for only another 47 bucks. This is usually $500.00 but I'm feeling Thankful and Generous.

Click Here for the consult
(Note: you have to get the ebook deal above to qualify for the consult)

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