168 - He follows the sun: Tom interviews Frank Furness - Screw The Commute

168 – He follows the sun: Tom interviews Frank Furness

Frank Furness is a CSP. That's a very high designation in the professional speaking world. And he's a best selling author and international sales and technology speaker. He travels between his homes in London, Spain and Florida, and he's presented in 65 countries. He's the regular speaker at Entrepreneurs University and his clients include the British Olympic Team, Sporting Champions and Sport England.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 168

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entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

[03:23] Tom's introduction to Frank Furness

[10:33] A kid entrepreneur and joined a rock band!

[12:14] A quick exit from the corporate world

[17:53] Operating around the world and selecting a base

[26:14] Crazy soup staring back at you!

[29:45] The best and worst parts of working for yourself

[31:47] Sponsor message

[33:39] A typical day for Frank and how he stays motivated

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Frank's websitehttps://www.frankfurness.com/

Via email: frank@frankfurness.com


Baidu search enginehttp://www.baidu.com/

LinkedIn Coursehttps://www.productivitycentre.com/a/16562/FrcJ6bRR

Video and YouTube Coursehttps://www.productivitycentre.com/a/16561/FrcJ6bRR

Digital & Social Media Training Coursehttps://www.productivitycentre.com/a/16558/FrcJ6bRR

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 168 – Frank Furness
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey, everybody, it's Tom here with episode 168 of Screw the Commute podcast. We're here with Frank Furness and this guy is the world traveler. It's hard for me to tell what continent the guy's in all the time. He's inspiring and teaching people around the world. I'll introduce you to him formally in a few minutes. I hope you didn't miss the episode 167 Judy Carter. She's the former professional comedian. And in case you didn't know it, she actually wrote the Bible. All right. So you have to listen to her episode to see what part of the Bible she wrote. And also, please tell your friends about this podcast, you're bound to know somebody that's either starting a business or is in business and maybe struggling and need some help. So this is the perfect place to be. And both you and your friend can get our podcast app. It's in the iTunes store. You can go to screwthecommute.com/app and we got complete instructions to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road, put us on your cell phone and tablet. And I've got a big freebie to thank you for listening to this podcast. That's my twenty seven dollar e-book, How to Automate Your Business. And just one of the tips in this e-book has saved me over seven and a half million keystrokes. And I got another little surprise over there for you with regarding to podcasts if you're going to do a podcast. We're shooting what is this, 168 episodes now and I wrote a white paper about all the equipment we use, all the tips and tricks, and a lot of people are charging thousands of dollars for that. So. So check it out at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. You'll get the automate ebook and the white paper on podcasting. Now, our sponsor this week, it's me again. No kidding. The great Internet marketing retreat and joint venture program has been going on for over or about 20 years now and 17 and a half years at the retreat center location where it's a very unique program. It's a year long, but doesn't mean you have to take a year to start making money. We've had people making money within a month and then you get a retreat visit or an immersion weekend here at the retreat center, the only facility of its kind in the world where you actually live in the house with me. We study morning till night. Small group setting. And it's just really, really is life changing for people. Plus, you get a scholarship to the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the world. That's IMTCVA.org. And that's the distance learning school that you can either use yourself or gift to somebody else. I'll tell you a little bit about more about this later, but you can check everything out at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com. And everything we talk about today will be in our show notes at screwthecommute.com.

[00:03:28] All right. Let's get to the main event. Frank Furness is a CSP. That's a very high designation in the professional speaking world. And he's a best selling author and international sales and technology speaker. He travels between his homes in London, Spain and Florida, and he's presented in 65 countries. He's the regular speaker at Entrepreneurs University and his clients include the British Olympic Team, Sporting Champions and Sport England. Frank, are you ready to screw? The commute.

[00:04:00] Hey, I'm ready to screw.

[00:04:04] You could screw in three countries and have a home in each one. So, man, it's been a long time. We've traveled kind of the world together. I mean, we re in Thailand together. Where the heck were we?

[00:04:18] Yeah, in Thailand. And every year in Hollywood, we spoke for Dottie Walters when she had a big thing and that was real fun. I used to get real jealous when I used to see a laptop being open and kaching, kaching, kaching. Just think every word that came out of your mouth was worth like 10 dollars on your computer.

[00:04:35] Oh, thank you. Yeah. So. So. Yeah. You're a world traveler. Tell everybody what you're doing now and then we'll take you back and see how you came up through the ranks.

[00:04:44] So right now, for me speaking, it's become a lifestyle business. I love travelling, I travel all the time. I travel between my three homes. I like to follow the sun. So I'm doing a fair amount of keynote speaking, which I love doing. I'm also doing some consulting with the great tools like Zoom. Now, I'm also coaching a lot of international clients all over the world. We're training some of their teams. So I'm loving what I'm doing with all of that. But my big thing I'm doing now, Tom, is like you. I'm creating online courses. I'm using something called Kajabi. And I've put my first two courses together and I'm busy with one for financial advisors, which is going to be 300 videos, audios and e-books. So that's keeping me pretty busy.

[00:05:27] Was this the. Is this all on technology and sales?

[00:05:32] They're not yet on sales and technology. So I used to be a financial advisor for a long time. So what I'm doing is just showing them how to use technology to get more sales.

[00:05:42] So are these specific technology programs like Salesforce or is there a lot of different things involved like the website than all the other things?

[00:05:52] I get everything Web sites. I'm starting off with the basic sales, how to do sales face to face, sales left to right brain. And then I'm going into the whole technology how to use advanced boolean searches to find your clients. Massive section on LinkedIn on how to link, how to do videos, squeeze pages with the little pop up checkboxes. So all the stuff you're doing but applying it to to financial advisors. I've learnt a lot from you over the years.

[00:06:19] Well yeah, but I was thinking, you know, I'd be happy to license to, you know, for maybe 50 or 100 grand a month my kaching sound, if you like. I don't know if that interests you.

[00:06:34] I'll take a pass this time.

[00:06:35] You've always been a front runner in this. I remember years ago, everybody. You were the envy of all the speakers. You had this multi-media demo. I don't know if it was a CD ROM or what. Remember that?

[00:06:48] Yeah. So remember that thing you put it in and it would do all of the stuff for you. And I still love video. So my place in Orlando, I've set up full green screen studio there. And I just I make piles and piles of videos. I have some clients that actually come in from all over the world, do some work with them there. So I love the whole video side of it. And again, for me, like you use Camtasia and a lot of other programs that I've learned from you. So I'm going in there and that's where I put the whole course together. The most I did in one day was 52 videos.

[00:07:19] Yeah, I know. We had we had a couple actually come here. Oh, about two months ago. They were two days that they did 53 videos than that because we have a full studio here too. How do you set up your studio? What's what's it like?

[00:07:32] Oh, it's great. I've got two cameras, I might add a third. I've got a full lighting setup and I've automated at that. I can actually be there by myself. And and just with a little remote controls, I can get everything going over there. I've got my laptop set up. I've got autocue. I just use autocue for a few prompts because I don't like to read any. And again, doing 52 in one day, that's the easy part. The preparation part was probably two months before that. Getting everything ready, getting a whole lot of suits, different shirts lined up. So it doesn't look like I'm at the same place all the time. So I just love it.

[00:08:09] I was going to say that because in the early days I would shoot. I shot like 300 videos in one month. And the worst part about it was that, like you just said, I had the 10 or 20 with the same shirt on and my video guy loaded them all up at the same time. It's looked terrible. It looked like I'm doing the same video 30 times in a row. Now, do you have a switcher on the cameras? You just want to both run in and record continuously and then edit it together.

[00:08:40] So I have a switcher. So I just get in front and I've got the little screens facing at me. Switch among, get them going, hit the clipboard and just record and.

[00:08:50] But you say you can switch between cameras with a remote.

[00:08:53] Not no. So I had the cameras running at the same time.

[00:08:58] So there's no switch or actually between them. Switcher would be something alive, make one camera work and then make the other camera work. So. So you just let him run and then you add at the edit of back and forth. And how high is the ceilings.

[00:09:13] Pretty high. I'll set it up in my garage. So it's pretty high.

[00:09:20] More than a regular eight foot in a house ceiling.

[00:09:24] Yes. Yes. So I can get a full green screen, full body drop, which works really well.

[00:09:29] And you can get the lights higher, too, because I have trouble. I don't know if you work glasses or not, but I always have trouble if the lights are low and it hits my glasses and reflects back into the camera. So I have to play tricks with that. But the higher the ceiling. Because you can shoot the lights down and then they bounce away from the camera lens. Think we got nine feet over in our studio. Hey, if you're in Florida, too. I mean, it's warm up here in Virginia Beach, but we started with quartz lights and it would heat up there like 15 hundred degrees. Now we use LED lights. You don't have all that heat, but you still it's hot down in Florida, though, you run the air conditioner and turn it off so you don't get the sound problem.

[00:10:14] Yeah, I've got to turn it off. I've got to turn fans off and that's a hassle. So I'm really locked to do it really early in the morning or in the evenings during the day. Can be can be way too hot.

[00:10:24] Yeah. Right. Yeah. We have two air conditioners. But again, it's not like a real TV studio where the air conditioners are silent. You know, you got to run the heck out of him and turn him off. It's sweat and turn him back on. So let's take you back. So were you entrepreneurial as a kid?

[00:10:42] I was pretty entrepreneurial. Actually, I was a nerd as a kid. I was a I was worse than a nerd because I looked like one. But I didn't have the brains. And I left school. My family wanted me to always become a professional. I grew up in a little mining town in South Africa. So our family didn't have a lot of money. And I was gonna become an accountant first guy to be a real guy with a degree. After about 10 months, I got fired. Just absolutely didn't fit into the corporate world. And then I did what I always wanted to do. I became a drummer in a rock band. And that was the best life ever. I did that for seven years. We had a number, a whole lot of number one hits. This is in South Africa. Yes. So I traveled all over there, the best life in the world. I didn't make much money, but the fringe benefit were out of this world.

[00:11:36] That's for a different podcast.

[00:11:41] So and then I got married not to get a real job. And I went into insurance and I did pretty well, then quickly went into management and I was doing quite well off. After about three or four years, they were hitting me for right at the top of this insurance company. And I remember sitting next to the chairman one day and I said to him, you know, I can't stand all of the politics that goes on in the company out of you. And he says, if you can't handle can't handle the politics, get out of it. Next day I resigned and I went into my own business. And I've been in my own business ever since because I just hate the whole corporate politics. It was just crazy.

[00:12:18] So you actually this wasn't preplanned long term exit save up some money. This was just boom.

[00:12:26] That was it. Went into it from there. And my wife and I had a ton of businesses. We had a we had a video business. We had a we had a restaurant.

[00:12:35] When was this work? When roughly. When was it?

[00:12:38] This was in the 80s, 80s, 90s. Pre internet stuff. We had a video shop. We had a jewelry business. We had a catering business. 1993, I moved over to London. I joined two other guys. We started up a financial services company. Sold that four years later.

[00:12:57] I hold on. Hold on. You just kind of nonchalantly says, oh, yeah, we've dumped South Africa. Move to London. Well, I read that you have a family. I mean. The wife's always behind all these moves or what?

[00:13:09] Yeah. I mean, it was a really, really hard thing. I'd always wanted to go international in South Africa. By that time, we had a brilliant lifestyle. We had a beautiful house, three cars, holiday home. And we got the opportunity to move to England. And we had exchange control, could only take what was the equivalent of about thirty thousand dollars off to start our whole life all over. And from eating out in the most luxurious restaurants, having the most wonderful holidays, we moved into London, renting a tiny little house, starting our own business, working every night, every day, every weekend. But we had to do it to actually make it all work.

[00:13:47] All right. Hold on a second. Explain that term exchange controls. What does that mean?

[00:13:52] So at that stage, coming out of South Africa, they limited how much money you could take out.

[00:13:57] They were you still had the money, though, but you couldn't take it out. Is that what it was?

[00:14:02] Yes. So you just couldn't take it out. They're limited due to as how much money you could take out. And it was a tiny amount. It was enough to really get my son into private school, get some rental deposits on a small house, tiny little house. And then it was just out there working and making it happen.

[00:14:19] Wow, wow, wow. So so you couldn't there was like a maximum amount you could take out or like every year you could take so much or what.

[00:14:29] Now, at that stage, it was a maximum amount you could take out, which was like thirty thousand dollars in today's money.

[00:14:35] Now, is that gone now or is that still exist.

[00:14:37] Now you can take out a lot more. You can take out a couple of hundred thousand dollars each year or so.

[00:14:42] But it's still. In effect, that type of exchange control.

[00:14:47] Yes, yes. That's much more lenient now, but in those days, it was really, really tight. But we just thought we had to take the opportunity. It's one shot. Let's just do it.

[00:14:56] I don't really like to get into politics, but it is a little rough for for people like yourself in South Africa now or not.

[00:15:03] There's a lot of crime there. I'll go back every year because I still have some family over there. And I'm thinking or maybe even buying a place in Cape Town.

[00:15:12] And you just you really do have to watch it over there. Crime is worse than it ever was. It's not the same country I knew. But the people are still beautiful. The restaurants are great and still an amazing one of the most amazing countries in the world.

[00:15:25] So it's still a okay place to visit. For someone who's not from there.

[00:15:30] Oh, yeah, absolutely. Cape Town still probably the number one place in the world. My favorite place. Cape Town and Sydney.

[00:15:36] They want to make sure tourists don't get hassled so that they don't lose the tourism.

[00:15:40] They're trying to do that. But crime is a little bit out of control. I wish somebody would take it in hand when Mandela took over, you did a great job of bringing everybody together. But when the next guys came in, they just they had no clue in the country, just started going down, which is sad. It's my country.

[00:15:58] I'm so sorry to hear that. So. All right. So you're back in London and you're just fighting and crawling and scratch and you and your wife together to make businesses work, right?

[00:16:07] Yes, sir. I was with three other guys. I was a partner in the business, a small entrepreneurial business. And they set me massive, massive targets who are doing insurance at that stage. So my target was to do 20 thousand pounds worth of commission per month. My first month at fourteen thousand second month nine teams that this is from not knowing a soul. Wow. And then I did my twenty thousand every month. But if I joined any other company in England, if I just did 5000 a month, I would be number one in the company. So they just set my target so high. And within four years I was in the top five financial advisors in England and one of the top in the world. Next, when people started asking me to come to conferences and telling how to do it, and that's how I got into the speaking business today.

[00:16:55] I see. And does your wife do any speaking?

[00:16:59] Well, my wife was with me in the business. She passed away about 10 years ago. But she was with me in the business all the time. And I'll say to a lot of entrepreneurs out there, if you can work as a couple. It's absolutely fantastic because you trust each other. And you can complement each other because I was great at the big picture kind of things going out there hunting. She was great at the things that I wasn't any good at. Which was their whole administrative side. All that stuff.

[00:17:28] Wow. Well, yeah. I'm so sorry to hear that. So. So how do you handle that kind of stuff now?

[00:17:33] I outsource as much as I can. Yes, sir. I've got a good accountant. I try and outsource everything. My place in Orlando is on a golf estate. So even there, the lawns are taken care of. When I'm not in London, I've got people coming in, cleaning during my lawn, doing my gardens for me. So as much stuff as I can, I outsource. And I also try and simplify it so that I'm not bogged down with all the admin stuff.

[00:17:59] Okay. Well, this is this is good because you are operating around the world. But what is considered your base that you pick it because of a better tax structure. And how do you handle taxes in three different homes in three different places?

[00:18:13] London is still my main tax place. So this is where I buy all my worldwide taxes. And it's so like in the U.S. I'll have a tax number, but I'll send in my W8 every time I do a talk over there. In other countries is a lot of countries are worth that are tax free like Dubai. Singapore's got a very low tax rate over there. So I've got a really smart accountant who helps me on that side working out all of the finances.

[00:18:41] And tell them what a W8 is.

[00:18:43] So W8 is basically if I can work in America, if you've got a W7, you've got to give it to the company tax wise so they can get a tax return. A W8 really says you're in a double tax system so your taxes will be paid in England rather than in the US.

[00:18:58] And the U.S. is okay with that it's probably reciprocal.

[00:19:01] Maybe it's reciprocal. Yeah. And there's a lot of countries that have that reciprocal. I've just I've just come from Malaysia. I'm going back again next month working for the biggest accounting firm. And I've had to do the same kind of thing. I actually had to get a letter or certificate of residence to send to the firm over there for tax purposes.

[00:19:21] I say now, are you getting checks when you go or are you selling at the back of the room or both?

[00:19:26] Most of the time I'm rather getting it put into account. So I also have accounts all over the world. I've got bank accounts in New York. I've got bank accounts in Singapore and Jersey. So I'd rather the people put the money straight into the bank accounts for me, which makes. A lot easier trying to get a check when I put a U.S. check into a bank in London. I paid 50 percent in fees just like crazy.

[00:19:52] Oh, my goodness. So they direct deposit. But what I'm saying is you're getting paid to speak. Not by my model that I usually speak free and then get back of the room sales.

[00:20:03] Now I love the whole back of the room sales. So a lot of them now are paying me if I can do back in the room sales. I used to do a ton in in products I had 23 products at one stage. The problem now. Nobody buys C.D.s anymore, right. Or I don't even have C.D. players. So now I'm trying to move everything online, creating online courses, holding up my lists, giving them money courses for free and then leading them to buy the online courses.

[00:20:31] Right. And how is that handled? Like if you're speaking in some other country and if they pay online, is that considered a sale in that country or where their money is received or what?

[00:20:44] Yes. So where the money is received in England. That's where it be considered the sale. I pay tax on that. Yeah.

[00:20:50] Oh, great. So but it's still a lot of paperwork. I mean a lot of. I mean prior to that the W8 you were talking like a hassle.

[00:21:00] Yeah. I just got used to it. I got to simplify it.

[00:21:04] So tell us about the of your online courses.

[00:21:07] So my my main one now is I've done one for business basically. So what I do mainly is I speak to entrepreneurs around the world. I work with people like the stage young presidents organization, entrepreneurs organization. So these are all business owners that I'm speaking to. And my main online course is got 185 videos and 12 e-books. And it's all about how to use the digital side in business. But from a real practical kind of point of view. So giving them resources on on what to use. My second one is a video. Of course, it's got about forty nine videos in it. Tons of stuff. This sort of 15 different ways you can use video in business, the whole color psychology and in body language and bringing all my sort of offline stuff online on how to use it. I've got a course on LinkedIn that's about 35 videos linked in huge at the moment. I'm on 27000 people on my LinkedIn trying to get up to the 30000. And then my latest one, my big one is going to be my financial advisor because what I have found with online courses, the more focused and the more targeted you all, the more chance you stand of really selling well. When I go very broad, I've got so much competition, but if I go narrow, I do way, way better.

[00:22:29] Yeah. And one thing that I've been teaching for years is that if you can put the name of the industry in the title of a course you'll sell it like three times easier for three times the money and it still might be 90 percent boilerplate and only 10 percent slanted to that industry like I was. Do you think sample of like time management is a 20 dollar product. Time management for endodontists who do root canals could be a five hundred dollar product with 90 percent of the same information. So that's one little trick I use to put the name of the group in the title.

[00:23:08] Yeah, well my course are put together for them at school. SALES strategies for financial advisors.

[00:23:13] Yes. Perfect. Yeah. But still the sales strategy is probably a lot of that could be used for any industry. Just make another course for some other industry.

[00:23:22] Oh, absolutely. I mean I've I've just taken a whole lot of the the online course and I'll just pull it into that day and they still going to think, you know. Same kind of course.

[00:23:32] What's the best course for small, real small businesses that you that you have?

[00:23:37] So that's what I'm putting together at the moment, which is going to be just sales strategies for small business down to be really in about six months time.

[00:23:44] Small business, I thought put the title in there. So and.

[00:23:49] But for them right now would be LinkedIn and the video course. Yeah. Put the links up for those.

[00:23:54] Yeah. So we'll have the links in the show notes for those courses then. And so how long does it take them to go through one of your courses.

[00:24:02] Of course. So the linkedin course they'll be able to do in about four or five hours. The video will take them a couple of days and the full online course will take them about two weeks.

[00:24:15] And what the what will be the results if they implement what you teach him in the LinkedIn course?

[00:24:20] So mine is very, very practical. So it's if anyone's listening, not just type in sales technology speaker and I own that term. So without any SEO, everywhere I go in the world, China, Malaysia or whatever, I own that front page because of two things linkedin has become one of the big search engines. So. Show them how to optimize LinkedIn to get onto the first page of Google, and the second thing, of course, is YouTube. Every week I put up one or two videos onto YouTube purely for SEO. You get the right kind of keywords into the title description and the tags. All of a sudden you start appearing on the front page. So a lot of it is SEO for LinkedIn. And then I also teach them push pull marketing. So how to push themselves out there and then the pulling is hard to go in. Do the advanced Google searches find the right kind of targeted people you want to connect with and then also have about five or six different really fantastic messages that they can put in to connect with people. Once somebody actually looks at the profile following up and they they would go in and they'd have a video squeeze page with the checkbox, which is way more effective than just a normal kind of thing and a gang. I hire a guy in India paying 100 dollars a month and he does all of that kind of stuff that I should be doing. He he targets 100 people a week for me. It's the old law of averages and sales. He targets one hundred people 30 will connect with me. Three will turn into good leads and one will turn into a sale. But he's doing the hard work for me. Somebody looks at my profile. He sends out the video squeeze page to them. So all the things I should be doing. But I know I won't be doing. I'd rather be smoking a cigar on a beach. I'll get him to do good.

[00:26:11] That's the very valuable course. Though that was ready to go right now, right?

[00:26:17] Yes. Yes, absolutely.

[00:26:18] Great. Great. So anything crazy bizarre happened to you on the road that all these travels of yours?

[00:26:26] There's stacks of things that happen to me, especially with in the different countries. I remember once going to China. I go there quite often. I've just come back from a big Asian trip and I want to entertain you. And they gave me a bowl of soup and in it was this big eye that was staring at me. And you got to eat.

[00:26:45] Yeah. You lose face the fact that you can't lose good faith and lose eye.

[00:26:51] I remember taking this thing and a squashed into one mart and they all clapped. And the next thing there was another plate with another eye.

[00:26:59] They went to keep their eye on you.

[00:27:01] So definitely keeping an eye in me.

[00:27:05] I had to say they were shark fin soup and I just put it in my mouth and I didn't want to swallow it. Spit it out. I just sat there and started sweating.

[00:27:15] Oh, yeah. So, you know, with a traveling role there, there's all kinds of things. I don't mean in Japan, I had a funny thing. I got lost. I remember when I was young, I used to do a lot of karate. And before you get into a fight, you bow and you say us and I just saw this, oh, god, that 93 years old walked up to him. And I thought, let me be polite and just, you know, show some respect. Saw bowed. And I said, us looked at me with big eyes. And so let me try it again. Can you please give me some directions? And got up and shuffled off, got back to the hotel, and I told the manager about the story. And he says, Now, are you crazy? That means really, I challenge you to a friendly fight.

[00:28:00] Hey, speaking of China. Did you bother to try to get into Baidu search engine? That's the biggest one they have.

[00:28:09] I haven't tried to do that. But I'll I'll tell you, I was just over there now just on a big trip. I went to Hong Kong, then went to China to Chengdu. From there, I did TED talks in Malaysia and in Thailand. But in China, everything is blocked. So, yeah, anything that really works is wechat, that works for absolutely everything you pay for your buses, your trains, your food, everything is on WeChat.

[00:28:47] Now keep your eyes open for me and maybe for yourself too. It is worth it to get for me anyway to get in by do search engine for my school. You know I have a lot of Chinese people might want to study distance learning in the United States and I I was reading up on how to do it. And you kinda like a lot of things in China. You have to get somebody local to help you. So you have to get like a local cell phone number. So if you have any connections over there that reputable that maybe could help help me or help us out to get into buy do. That's a pretty big search engine.

[00:29:27] Oh, I'll check it out for you. My girlfriend's daughter is actually studying there.

[00:29:31] Yeah. So if we can do that, of course we have to have a page translated into Chinese, but that's that's not too much trouble. But it's, you know, that's a lot of people that could be exposed to it.

[00:29:42] The market is huge there and they're hungry for knowledge.

[00:29:46] Exactly. So. So it might be worth it for both of us. What do you like best working for yourself? And what's the worst part?

[00:29:54] The best thing is the freedom. I love the freedom. I work when I want to. I love travelling at sea. The biggest thing, I'm always on the road. I'm back in Malaysia. Going next month. And I'm back in the states for three months, doing a cruise to South America. I'm speaking on what I also love is the earning potential because it is as hard as you want to work. That's what you can earn. And you earn way more than you'll ever earn in any company, because say you can work as hard as you want. My son and daughter in law are both lawyers. They kill themselves working. But then, you know, they were working for themselves. I'd be earning ten times. Exactly. The worst part, I suppose sometimes it can be a bit lonely, although with my travelling I'm always with people. So sometimes I'm just sort of really enjoy my my freedom and being by myself. But that that's yet the only part really for me sometimes can be that loneliness when I'm on the road.

[00:30:49] Or, you know, the one thing I always worried about, both a good chance that you about. You know, I'm a voracious reader and before Kindle came around. You know, I have like three libraries in my retreat center. I'm just the book freak. And I always wondered if you live in three places, where do you keep your favourite books? Where do you keep your favourite clothes? You buy three of everything and put it all.

[00:31:17] It's easy because it just goes on to Kindle now. Yeah. Love. Yeah. Yeah. But I do have three sets of clothes everywhere, so I just have actually just take my my laptop with me. And in America, in London, I've got full set up of everything electronic wise. So that works really well.

[00:31:35] Yeah. Yeah. What are your favourite possessions? You know, you have the three of them or you're always somewhere where it isn't.

[00:31:43] Yeah, you're right. Yeah. And the thing is, you can have you can have a closet full of great clothes. You always wear your favourites, the same ones you wear all the time.

[00:31:52] So. We've got to take a brief sponsor break and we come back. We're gonna ask Frank, what's a typical day look like for you, which is probably going to be crazy. He travels and how he stays motivated.

[00:32:04] Folks, around the year 2000, I kind of turned the Internet world on its head because people at my level were charged in 50 or 100 grand up front to teach you the things that they knew. And half of the people were rip offs anyway. And once they got all their money, they they would help you in the first place. So I thought, you know, this is just wrong. And that's put in small business, which I'm a small business advocate at risk putting all that money out. So so I kind of turned the world on its head and made the gurus mad, which I don't really care. And I charged a relatively small entry fee to my program and then a percentage of profits that's capped. So you're not stuck with me forever. So currently it's the cap is fifty thousand bucks. So for me to get my fifty thousand, you've got to clear two hundred thousand. And so people who really like that idea and seventeen hundred students later and twenty years later, we're still going strong at the retreat centre here. But most of the training is distance learning, but it's one on one. That's another thing. That group coaches are kind of lazy, in my opinion. And if you're advanced, you don't want to hear the basic stuff. And if you're basic, you get lost if I'm talking advanced stuff. So everything with myself, with my whole crew of people here, subject matter experts, is one on one tutoring will take over your screen if we have to show you where to click and be with you the entire time. So nobody else on earth will give that kind of service. They can check everything out at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com and get in touch if you have any questions.

[00:33:45] All right. Let's get back to the main event. Frank Furness is here and Frank is a world traveler, a speaker, and just a wonderful, wonderful, nice guy. So, Frank, I know it's tough. But tell us how it is for you. I mean, you travel quite a bit, but what's a typical day look like for you?

[00:34:02] So in the in the different countries, I have different typical days. And if I'm on the road travelling, I always like to try and get into the gym and I always add some extra sightseeing. But if I'm working from home, so if I'm not speaking in the UK, my typical day six thirty, I'm in the gym trying to keep my body in shape and come back about 8 30 have some breakfast and then get into working on. Programs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights, I'm either playing tennis or paddle, I love tennis. And Wednesday night I go down to a local jam session and play drums and on the weekends with my lady. So that's good. When I'm in Spain, it's different. There's a game called Paddle, which is the most amazing game on the planet. In fact, one of the fastest growing games and it's a mixture between tennis and squash saw play that every day for three hours while. And then also there's three jam sessions going on a week. They saw playing a lot of drums out there.

[00:35:06] Well, what makes you pick where you're going to be staying? Like you like getting a bunch of speeches together in the states and then in certain parts of Europe and so forth. What makes you decide where you're going to be staying?

[00:35:19] Sunshine. The sun is so I hate the cold. So it's always just following this. I don't like to be in a cold place. If it's gonna be cold and I'm going to be in Spain or I'm going to be in Florida, like right now, we we've got to somehow act jarring in London. So it's pretty good. Most of the time and I can get off a play my sport, do the things I want to do, but I also do take off a lot of time. So I believe in work hard, play hard. And as entrepreneurs, I think that's a good strategy. Work really, really hard, but also play hard. Reward yourself when you've done well.

[00:35:57] you pass up jobs in cold places.

[00:36:01] No. If the money is good, the money wins. I'll be cold for a couple of days and they'd fly back to the sunshine.

[00:36:14] Okay. All right. Now we know you. You're covered. So are you aware that I'm the largest person ever in history to create and star in a tennis training video?

[00:36:29] I remember you. That was a tennis that's fatsotennis.com. You know what? I show that to everybody. What I see when I'm speaking, I say, like, Tom Antion is a master of Internet marketing. You've got to go to take a look at his stuff and I'll pull up that side. Aren't you eating a pizza while you play?

[00:36:45] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:36:47] I mean, that's just the coolest video there.

[00:36:50] But you don't have the DVD, do you, now? I'm going to send them to you because they're half funny because you remember that movie with Kevin Costner was the golf movie called Tin Cup. He was kind of losing his mojo. And so he was trying all these gadgets, you know, to help him get his game back. Right. So there's loads of those for tennis, too. They're just some are just hysterical. I that, you know, the actual title is winning tennis for the overweight and hopelessly out of shape. So you can put this suction cup on the end of your racket handle so and then you can go down and pick the ball up. So you don't have to bend over. Oh, yeah. You get me your address and I'll send it over when we're done here.

[00:37:41] Do you play tennis.

[00:37:43] Well, I haven't played since I got hurt. I told you about my accident, but I'll be back as soon as I'm back in the saddle. I'll be. I'll be back. Yeah. Yeah. I was a tennis nut. I mean, I still am. But, you know, that kind of put me out of commission. And for those of you listening, I was in a hunting accident. No, I didn't get shot. I just slipped on a log like a big dummy. But anyway. Yeah. I'm a tennis nut. And somebody I was the on here was talking about pickle ball. Did you ever hear that?

[00:38:11] Yeah. Yeah, I've seen pickle balls. So paddle similar to that. But I just enjoyed panel a lot more. So I think a bulls more for the older guys, lower impact, that kind of thing.

[00:38:20] I don't even know what either one of them are.

[00:38:25] Yeah. Pickle balls, probably the fastest growing game in the states at the moment.

[00:38:29] Wow. Oh, OK. So what keeps you motivated?

[00:38:36] I think a lot of reading like you. I'm always reading four or five books at the same time. I always. I think people make a fortune out of me. You know, those guys that you say selling online course? Right. Everything I buy just about every course, 99 percent are rubbish. But in amongst those, I find one or two great things. I follow some great people like Ron Mylar on on video marketing. There's three or four people I follow on on each of the Internet kind of stuff and sale stuff. And that really keeps me motivated. But I also have a close circle of good entrepreneurial friends who are really motivated. We all support each other. We speak to each other. They'll help me with that. Equally, they do the same kind of thing. We also refer clients to each other.

[00:39:24] Like a mastermind group.

[00:39:26] It's almost like a mastermind kind of group. So we speak to each other. We don't actually physically get together now and then we might just get drunk. So we don't speak about anything that's always been just to do it on Zoom.

[00:39:38] Yeah, it's less chance of getting a DUI.

[00:39:43] So yeah that that's how I keep myself motivated by reading. Speaking to a lot of other good friends and just following some good programs online.

[00:39:52] Awesome. Awesome. Well thanks so much man for taking the time out here. Scheduled to inspire these folks. I mean the folks this guy is the real deal. How long have we known each other? I don't know. Twenty five years. Thailand was, I think probably 25 years ago. But yeah. He's the real deal. Wonderful. Never heard a bad word about him. Only great things that he's obviously doing his thing. Three, you know, living in three countries and speaking all around the world. So thanks. Thanks again, Frank, for inspiring. And everybody, check out the show notes and go get that linkedin course I haven't been a real I ever had a real emphasis on linkedin for myself. But I'm sure that with as many followers as Frank has and the good as every course I've ever seen it. That would be a worthwhile investment for you. So I will put in the show notes wherever, wherever they make. You click over the show notes and you'll get the exact link that take you right for that course.

[00:40:52] And if anyone's got any queries, just drop me a line. Frank@frankfurness.com.

[00:41:02] All right. Thanks again, Frank. And we'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.

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