158 - He made Bill Gates look bad: Tom interviews Jack Turk - Screw The Commute

158 – He made Bill Gates look bad: Tom interviews Jack Turk

Jack Turk has decades of experience writing for corporations like Microsoft and Kodak, as well as a number of small businesses, including dentists, attorneys. Hey, even magicians. His copy has generated millions of dollars in sales, and he's now known as the world's fastest copywriter.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 158

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Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

[04:11] Tom's introduction to Jack Turk

[06:51] “The Incident” with Bill Gates

[08:52] Selling Grit as a kid and doing magic

[18:46] Leaving Microsoft exactly the wrong way

[24:53] Tips for us on Copywriting

[30:54] An embarrassing birthday event

[33:35] The best and worst parts of working for yourself

[37:40] Sponsor message

[38:57] A typical day for Jack and how he stays motivated

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Jack's websitehttp://writekillercopyfast.com/

Free 3 Step Systemhttp://writekillercopyfast.com/3steps

Via email: jack@writekillercopyfast.com

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 158 – Jack Turk
Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

Hey, everybody, it's Tom here with episode 158 of Screw the Commute podcast. We got Jack Turk here and scuttlebutt has it that he once stole Bill Gates' thunder on stage. And hopefully he'll tell us a little bit about what happened there. And he's got a quite a colorful work and entrepreneurial history. And he calls himself the world's fastest copywriter. And you all know what I think about copywriting. So I can't wait to hear what he has to say about that. All right. So we'll bring him on a few minutes. So episode 157. Hope you didn't miss that. That's the value of team meetings. And that was one of my Monday training sessions. And of course, on Mondays, I do in-depth training on something that's either made me or saved me lots of money. And on Wednesdays and Fridays, I do interviews with other successful entrepreneurs like Jack. Now, I've got a big freebie for you to thank you for listening to this podcast. It's my twenty seven dollar e-book. How to Automate Your Business. And just one of the tips in this e-book has saved me over seven and a half million keystrokes and allowed me to handle up to one hundred fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers with just one part time temp person. And in fact, when I started hiring people, when the accountant told me I had too much retained earnings and I'm thinking, oh, man, you know, so my taxes are going to go by bombs. So I said, heck with that, I'm going to hire people. So anyway, that the book is going to tell you how I did that. And you can catch that at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. And I also have another super duper surprise gift for you over there at Screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Everything I mentioned, of course, will be in the show notes. This is episode 158. And anytime you want to go directly to an episode, you can put screwthecommute.com slash the episode number. All right. Our podcast app's in the iTunes store. You can also go to screwthecommute.com/app where we have complete instructions to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road. Put it on your cell phone tablet. Have us in the car with you. That's if you're stuck commuting, which we want to get you out of. So hopefully this will help you get out of that commute. And please tell your friends about the podcast. You know, it's bound to know somebody that's either wants to start a business or is in one and struggling. And this is the place to be. You've got a long, long history of successful business operations. And the people I bring on also do. So this will really help out your friend. All right. Now, the Internet marketing trading world got turned on its head about the year 2000. I mean, people like me were charging 50 to one hundred thousand dollars upfront to teach what we knew to basically clueless business people who refused to learn it or we're just overwhelmed. But I just thought, you know, that's too much money to charge people upfront or put them in a risky situation. So I turned the world upside down, made all the gurus mad when I started charging a low entry fee, but took a percentage of profits that was capped. So they weren't stuck with me forever. People loved it. Seventeen hundred students later still going strong. It's one of the longest. It has to be the longest, most successful Internet marketing mentor program ever. And of course, the most unique because you do the immersion weekend where you live in the house with me. So it's really crazy and great and it's helped a lot of people. So check that out at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com. And I'll tell you a little bit more about that later.

All right. Let's get to the main event. Jack Turk is here. He has decades of experience writing for corporations like Microsoft and Kodak, as well as a number of small businesses, including dentists, attorneys. Hey, even magicians. His copy has generated millions of dollars in sales, and he's now known as the world's fastest copywriter. Jack, are you ready to screw. The commute. How are you doing man?

I'm doing awesome today. Tom, how are you doing?

Just peachy. It's this bake oven out here in Virginia Beach going to be 96 today. But in my chair here, it's always 72. So I'm perfectly happy. So I just met you last week, basically. I don't know. You said you've heard of me. How did this how did we come to cross paths?

Oh, good lord. I've been following you for a long, long time. I think you used to be like real big on public speaking. So, again, I've been. I have been a magician and a speaker and learning the craft and how to market the craft and learning how to market yourself as a speaker and getting out in public. So I've been following you and all your tips and about that for a long, long time.

Well, what took you so long to call me up, man? You're busy selling stuff like crazy. So tell everybody what you're doing now and then we'll take him back to the to the kind of past that is. I don't know if it really weighs up with entrepreneurial stuff. You were you were in the corporate world. But tell him what you're doing now.

These days. I am a freelance copywriter, slash marketing consultant. I do stake the claim that I am the world's fastest copywriter. And I'm pretty confident in that ability that I can crank out really good, really effective sales. Copy for Web sites, for sales, letters, for e-mails, landing pages, the whole nine yards. Read that marketing, of course. Faster just about anybody else on the planet.

We should have a contest. We should have a worldwide contest. You should lead it and we'll bring all the copywriters in and we'll get big prizes and sponsors. And then. And then we'll sell the copy that you wrote.

Bring it on. Let's not video this. I think pretty darn lame to see everybody had a typewriter.

All right. So. So let's take you back a little bit to this path, because I saw a little bit about your line I was researching. So tell them about the incident on stage with Bill Gates.

All right. Well, in 89, I joined Microsoft. I was in the multimedia Windows division. I was head of the content group there. And in nineteen ninety one, I believe they launched the multimedia P.C.. We take all this stuff for granted now, but back then having a P.C. with an audio board able to play animations and video with the CD ROM with enough memory and processing power to handle it with a video display with lots of colors. Wasn't the thing.

Was there a DOS division?

The young people are Like what? What is he talking about?

It's if they've seen the blue screen of death, they have some DOS. So I was working on the content then and they had the big launch event for the multimedia P.C. and that was at the New York City. At I forget which museum of the big museums there. And I was on stage. I built the demo for Bill that he ran to launch the multimedia P.C. at a big press announcement. Big, big, big, big deal, big event. And I'm on stage with Bill running the demo that I built. And while he's talking, I wind up actually clicking the demo and making it make noise and overrode him, basically kind of stepped on his line. He gave me a look that could kill. I knew my place.

I wish you wouldn't have done that, because then we could call them up and ask him for a million here, a million there if we needed it.

You know, but I know I know. I destroyed my relationship with him longtime. Haven't been hanging out with him much lately either.

So take us back all the way. The beginning. Were you an entrepreneurial kid there? Were you, you know, groomed for the corporate world? How did this all evolve?

That's interesting. I tried to think about that idea. I guess I was maybe a little bit entrepreneurial. I mean, I tried selling Grit for a while as a kid. That's a newspaper way back. Very Midwestern, very Norman Rockwell kind of thing and all that, that sort of thing. I did that for a little bit. I kind of played around it. I always did magic. And this is something that I've always been a magician since as long as I can remember since I was five years old. I learned how to do magic and I always was doing little bitty shows here and there and that kind of stuff. And I had some side did some side shows here and there. But pretty much, you know, I thought the standard route, you know, I go to college, get a degree. I wound up getting a job in the computer industry as a as a tech writer. And because I majored in English, I minored in mathematics, which is kind of an odd combination and the reason I got any writing was because I was going to be a paper science major. And I found that paper science was pretty darn boring. And I got involved with a comedy group for the radio station at the university. And so I did radio comedy for a couple of years is like kind of a Saturday Night Live Firesign Theatre type thing. One of guys in our group, actually. Very well. Tim Allen. Yeah. Tim Allen got his start with the same group I did. And I've known him since the 70s. And he's the one I still get to see him once in a while. And he's a great guy.

Well, I usually get to do a cameo on his show. Come on.

I never really pushed that.

What the heck? He probably has some extras in once in a while.

He's got a little pull, too. He might be able to get. Yeah, he might be the swing that. So anyway, I got got involved to do computing, you know, the computer industry, doing software, documentation, writing manuals, the stuff. And I bounced around the country. I worked started off in Michigan and I bounced once. A company down in San Antonio, Texas for the U.S. Army, worked on a project there for a few years, bounced back to Indiana for a year, got laid off, bounced to a company in Boston, worked there for a couple of years, then in 89. I'm on it at Microsoft.

What are you like 90 years old or what. That's a lot of bouncing.

I wore out my wife and my kids drag them everywhere. But it's been fun. And but I got I was kind of had that I want to do something on my own.

So I always magic continuously this whole time because you just love it, right?

I love it. I love it. I was always doing magic on the side and I really got going with magic on the side. Around 2000. I mean, I always had gigs. I mean, I had work through agents and stuff.

Every time we say the year 2000, we have to say instead the turn of the century. Makes it sound longer.

We crank the new millennium.

Oh, speaking of that, while we're at it. Were you OK with the crazy with the Y2K stuff? Oh, good lord. That was nuts.

I know. I sat here thinking oh, I'm sure the world's going to come to it and they wait for it right now.

Yeah. I was deep in the belly of the beast at Microsoft to that point in time when we were. Well, this is nuts. These people are out of there minds. So anyway, I was. I got really involved to doing magic on the side around the year 2000 or so because I was really into the into the marketing. I finally learned about marketing around then and I got good at marketing myself. And so I guess this is this definitely relates to the audience in terms it was a side hustle.

Yeah, but you've got really good at doing it for yourself, which led to the next thing you're going to tell us about a product that you created. Right.

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I got really good at marketing. I got very good at marketing. I was doing you know, my my weekends are filled up. We're just totally full with magic shows and I started going on, hey, you know, I'm kind of enjoying this a lot more than the same old corporate stuff I'm doing every day. And, you know, I used my drive when I moved about No. 25 miles north of Redmond the main campus. I'm out in the country and everything else and additionally, that drive took about 35 minutes. Well about the time after about 10 years that drive turned into like 75 to 90 minute drive.

You should have started a podcast. Screw the commute.

Boy can I relate to that, that concept. It was it's ugly. It's an ugly drive now.

So. So. So you got sick of it. Then what happened?

Got sick of that guy. Really good. I started just get more and more, more more gigs. And I also I learned how to do the marketing from a guy named Dave D. Anyway, he was like a Dan Kennedy aficionado. All that kind of, you know, one of the many Dans. And he taught me all kinds of marketing. And he had a he had a business. He had an info business to teach musicians how to market. So I in two thousand six, I made the decision on my fiftieth birthday. I walked in my boss's office and he was actually starting to get ready to put start on my walls. Happy Birthday Jack. And I said. I'm sorry, Alan. I'm. I'm quitting to become a magician. He looked like you're out your mind. And they all looked like I was out of my mind. But I did. I love to be a magician. And I also bought the info business from Dave to magicians. So I had two things going. I had two side hustles that I basically two side hustles. I turned into one. One is doing magic shows and marketing myself as a magician and the other is helping magicians run their businesses.

Right. Right. Because, I mean, you were so good at it that the best way to do stuff, you're so credible at it. Because you did it yourself. You're not just telling somebody that you read it in a book on how to do something and trying to teach it. You actually did it. Hey, were you doing more than one job in a day?

Some days I had like five or six shows.

Well, it's like a couple thousand dollar day, right?

That's a good day. It was a good day. It's brutal

Right. Yeah. They had to reset everything. You know, when I had that, I actually had an entertainment company for six years. I was like a professional comedian. But when you had multiple shows, I would say that I do that when already this set or did I do that at the last job? I'm like fighting in my mind, you know? I don't wanna do the same thing over again.

Oh, yeah. I bet you had it down. I had the act down. I did. I'll be honest. Most stuff I did was kid shows because that's where the money is. That's the business. That's the business. And I market myself basically all like like a plumber. I always figured that my all my all my advertising videos I had Google AdWords, everything was a set like I thinking like. People are not thinking about you're hiring a birthday party magician like you never thinking about a plumber until the toilet explodes. And then you need. So my all my my my entire marketing funnels based on that concept, nobody's ever thinking about birthday party magician until it's like 10 days to go and they are going to have 35, 5 year olds. And oh, my God, what am I going to do? Yes. So that's what I had. The whole market event was based on that.

So what kind of keywords would you use for that.

Well, that's if you want to get into deep in depth. I actually ran multiple adword campaigns with multiple funnels depending on the keywords I used. I had a whole different funnel based on whether you typed in birthday party entertainment versus magician versus kid entertainment.

There's all these separate ad groups, right?

They were all separate ad groups. They all led to a separate Web pages.

Did you find any one that really stood out as the best bread and butter?

Oh, birthday party. You know, it was is children's birthday parties.

Children's birthday party was the best.

Yeah. That that was that just was a the key.

Now did you use geographic qualifiers like you know, how far would you go for one of these parties?

Probably 60 miles. 60, 70 miles.

So did you did you qualify it with like the different towns around you or what?

Yeah, I did. I basically did a very stock circle, essentially, you know, radius around. I'm a little bit north of the I'm kind of on the north end of Seattle. So most there's not that much business north of me. So I actually centered it. I centered basically it honestly at Microsoft, because that's you know, that was my Target mark. My Target market was basically a working mom, 35 to 45. Feels kind of guilty about being away.

Yeah, sure. That's your avatar for sure.

Yeah, I thought I thought all that stuff through.

All right. So. So you're going great guns doing tons of parties then. Then. Those are usually on the weekends aren't they.

Yeah. Mostly magic shows are on the weekends. I did. I did some midweek mostly. So the weekends are like I did a lot of weekends where I had like six, seven, eight shows.

So now when you when you went in there on your fiftieth birthday, did you have some type of severance or or, you know, pension come in or did you say, this is it? I'm out here?

I did it exactly the wrong way. I had nothing. I could get a long discussion of all the stupid things I did. I just I but I did have what I didn't have was proof over a year or a couple of years that I could market myself.

These were side hustles that we're bringing in money already.

Right. This is not stuff that it wasn't. It wasn't conjecture.

Were you remarried at the time. What does your wife have to say this?

She was she was very supportive. She's always been very supportive. She was a little scared and know I'll admit I had some ups and downs. We definitely had some ups and downs with this. But. She was she's always been very supportive.

Ok. So. So how did it evolve from, you know, killing yourself, doing lots of parties to where you are now?

Well, that got interesting because I I just got. I got really good at marketing myself, and I had people just I actually had one guy who saw my kids show Web site and he contacted us, hey, your copyright is pretty good. Did you read that copy? It's really good. You. Could you do some for me? And so I was like, here's a financial use, a financial adviser. And somehow I know how he found. But I wrote some stuff for him. And then that just got started snowballing. I started getting more people saying, hey, could you write my stuff? You write my stuff. And I started doing more, more. And I also kind of involved this stuff like project management, cause I was a project manager at Microsoft. Also, I had kind of had multiple careers there. It bounced around a lot of things and had a lot of project management. And so I helped people, project management and copy. And I kind of wound up being like a couple people, their right hand man to like info gurus. And I wound up doing that for like several people and then I you know. Dave you know. Also give credit to Dave again, Dave wound up getting a job at GKIC. I was helping Dave on a lot of things. He got a job as vice president marketing a GKIC and he said we had to hire Jack as our copywriter. And I got. I did. It's the classic leapfrog to be on. You know, I did the classic leapfrog. I jumped from like nowhere to a pretty good job at GKIC as the head copywriter and I was there from 2012 to 2015. If you don't know, GKIC was the company Dan Kennedy founded now it's no B.S. inner circle. And I still do a lot of work with them. I still have written lots of stuff for them, but I did. I was the head copy. I ran a copy team and we just jammed and produced tons and tons and tons and tons of copy.

I'm still I'm still kind of stuck on the first financial guy that got to do copy. This is the written magic copy for his financials. Well I'll tell you of those that have listened to me for a long time, know that copy to me is the number one business skill in my entire 42 years in business. Even since I was 10 years old, writing flyers, you know, entrepreneurial flyers, it's just so critical. You need copy for everything. And if you get good at it, it starts invading all your other writings. They move people to action all the time. So so but but nobody that I know is fast. I've taught a lot of people and I do it myself, but I can't say I was fast at it.

Oh, well, I. I do claim I'm fast. No doubt about it. I mean, part of it is that I mean, there's a lot of things to that. I mean, one is. 1 I think this is it. It's like it's almost it's a mindset we have this notion in our heads that to do anything that's really good in terms of writing. You have to labor over it for a long time. We get to go back and forth.

You have to sit there and look at a blank screen to either your thumbs and check Facebook.

All that stuff, you know. And in reality, I think the most powerful copy comes directly from your heart where you are passionate about sharing a solution that can really change someone's life. And you really believe in the solution and you want to get that message out there and across. And there's nothing going to stop you from doing so.

Well, that's a big jump for somebody that's writing for somebody else, though, isn't it? Because you couldn't possibly have passion for everything that other people are doing, right?

I'm very I've been very fortunate in that the clients I have taken on and have I've worked with several I've had several I've had for like years and years. I truly believe in what they're trying to do.

Yeah. So that makes makes you a better copywriter for them, for sure. I'm sure you'd be competent if it was something that was just blah. You didn't care about, but. But it wouldn't be the same.

Oh, no. No, I acknowledge that. And I again, I can say I've been fortunate that I've been able to have access to clients who I think what they're doing is very important and matters. And I care about it. And it's easy to care about their avatar, their customer, that, hey, they're really going to change their lives or really can make a difference in their lives. And I want to help them help them do that. I won't help them see that that transformation in their lives. So that's that's a blessing on my end to be able to have those kind of those kind of projects.

Yeah, for sure. So give people a couple tips on the not everybody would be in a position to hire you. Also you're doing the shows still doing the kids' shows.

I do a couple magic shows here and there. Primarily it's been old clients that I've had. I actually had one a couple months ago where our client had done like two of their daughters and they had like a baby like afterwords. And the kid grew up to like eight years and said, hey, we haven't talked to you like, you know, darn near a decade. Could you come up? Can you ever do a show for us? And I did that. That was fun. I still do shows now and then. But it's not like that thing. I'm always going to do it. It's like I love magic.

So you're doing the mostly copywriting and helping people market then?

That's it. That's pretty much it. Yeah.

So give me a couple tips on if they aren't in a position to hire you, what they should what you feel as the emphasis they need to put on copy and what they could do to really get started.

I think one of the biggest things you can do to write copy that is effective is to focus on your offer. I really believe that the offer is. You know, one of the biggest elements of a successful sales piece. I think too many and I've worked with clients and I've kind of pushed back on them. I think too many people tend to go. OK, I'm going to write it, create an offer that's really good for me. And this does this. This is the price point I like. This is the feature set I like. These are the bonuses, etc. without thinking through, is this really a slam dunk for the customer? Because I think you have to think strategically about your offers. So my dad taught me and Dad was a car salesman and in a small town in Michigan, like two thousand people for ten years, he sold 300 500 cars a year. He did this consistently. He always said you should just give them the very best deal you can and they'll come back. And I think that's what the key is to a great offer that I think a really great offer. You should probably cringe a little bit when you make it. Because it should be that close to like I don't know if I get away with doing this because you want to think through you want to think about you are building a relationship with a person over years is what you're you want. And so maybe take a little take a little hit off the front end and you'll make it way over on the back end.

Yeah. Too many people, especially, I have to rag on some of the young people. They just want the most money right off the bat with the least amount of work, least amount of service. And they're there. Shoot themselves in the foot for the long run.

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You have to think strategically about this. You have to. And I think that when you actually create an offer that is just. Literally irresistible, I mean. And you've done everything you can to make sure it's it's so good. You'd be a fool not to take this.

I think there's a book called that. Mark Joiner book Irresistible Offer.

Yeah. Yeah. I it's just that makes writing copy so much easier. It really does. I mean honestly gets your copy doesn't have to be that good to be honest if the offer kills. You can get away with like not having that great copy.

That's the gem out there folks for you because all of those that I try to help and encourage and there's they're struggling and they're agonizing over it. If the offer was super great, you know, like that, it wouldn't be as all the other stuff wouldn't be as critical.

No, not really. It makes a lot easier. And the other tip that I think it's also great for helping you write faster is just say it. Just don't try to sound like anything, anybody else except you.

Yeah, right. I always say write like I talk. I even do that in books. I just write like I talk.

Absolutely. Absolutely. You know how and you know how to speak, don't you? You know, talk to somebody, you know how to like, lay out what you have to offer them and show that you care. Just you're sitting across from one and one man. I mean, that's what it really that's what coffee really is. You're sitting across from someone one to one. Yeah. Hey, I got this thing. I know you got a problem. This thing's going to really help you with that. It's going to make a huge difference in your life. You really should, you know, take advantage of this now.

And I think that's another problem that people suffer with that are new to that is they they want to write to the whole enormous crowd of people rather than what you just said. Write to one person.

It's one on one.

If you have a different market, write a different sales letter. Oh, sure. Yeah. This guy's have a product. Doesn't mean you have one sales letter for.

Oh, no, absolutely not. You want to make sure you're speaking because you're speaking one on one and that want that person across from you, if you change that person, they're going to have different fears. They're going to have different troubles going on in their lives. You know, they're gonna have other things, you know, that they may have different words that they use even.

I always use the example of like if you had a face cream that was for women and it was great for any woman. Well, you wouldn't write the same sales letter to a girl going to the prom with acne as you would to a 50 year old divorcee that's, you know, trying to get back in the dating market. You know, the whole thing would be different on emphasis.

Oh, absolutely. And even. And even if the groups exactly the same.

Exactly. It's the same stuff. It's just you couldn't you can't sell it to everybody. You have to sell it to that avatar or that person. So, hey. Those are awesome tips now. Anything, you know, with all these birthday parties, all this stuff, all the stuff you've been through. Anything crazy, bizarre happen that you can tell us about?

I actually had lots of crazy ones. Probably the most embarrassed. I'll give you the most embarrassed one. This is and this was so I always finished off my my act. It's a kind of a dorky little thing where I tie two handkerchiefs together and I kind of stick them inside my front, my my pants and the belt there at the end. I pull it out and then there's like underwear there. So it's like it's kind of a jokey trick. I kind of twist a lot of guys will do that on somebody else. I did it all myself because I thought that's that's a classier way. Goofy act, you know? So that's it. My character is a magician. So I got I always have and always have like a birthday kid like there waving the wand over the bag, make the hanky disappear. That's supposed to reappear between these two scarfs. So I got the kid beside me and he's like, wait. And he's like, right on my left. And I rip out these two two scarfs. And I cold cocked the kid right between the eyes. Oh, my left hand, just cold cock him and ahhh. He he he's just stands there. He looks at me for a second, stunned and then he breaks out into a huge whale.

Did the parents see this or just hear it.

Oh, God, yes. They were they were so cool. They were just so cool. Oh, he's OK. He's a whiner anyway.

That could have gone very bad. I'm waiting for, you know, for the next month. I'm waiting for the lawsuit. A letter from an attorney.

Oh, I was actually there was myself where I was like a couple of weeks that I know if I was going to have a career or had to go up hide out in Mexico, I used to do the thing where I'd have make the audience the stars. So I do a room blackout. And I had these glow stars, you know, like a glow stick where you break it that lights up. Well, we had him in the shape of stars and the crowd was so big that volunteers were throwing him into the crowd. And one of a bounced off somebody's hand and ripped another guy's cornea in his eye. I'm moving the Mexico I'm out of here. I mean, it was two weeks of like, oh, my God, I'm really in trouble. Then. Turned out to be OK, but. Oh, my God. Things can go bad fast. So what do you like best about working for yourself and what's the worst part?

What I like best about is the sense that I have control over my career, that I'm not looking to other people to be my advocate, to stand up for me to upper management or anything that I actually it's now on me. You know, I it's all on me. I mean, it's. So that's like that's a good side. You know, so it's all on me to do the self promotion. It's all on me. So they acquire the skills and continue to get my keep my skill set up to date. It's all on me to work on getting clients and serving them and doing the best job I can for them and helping them get the results they want. It's all on me. I like that. I'm just that kind of person. I really like that. The downside of that is that it's all on you. Admittedly, sometimes it's not comfortable to do stuff that, you know, you have to do to to make your business succeed. I mean, I I'll tell you. Am I. I'll give Dan Kennedy this is a line from Dan Kennedy about success. And I think if I model my entire business on these three. This looks like a little three step thing. If you want to succeed, there are three things. Be somebody, be somewhere, do something.

I'll go along with that.

Those three things are essentially the keys to my entire business. Be somebody I gotta be somebody. I got to show up someplace. So I get a lot. I'll be honest, Tom. Most of my business, in fact, probably 99 percent of my business comes because I showed up someplace. I got out of my comfort zone. I went to I went to events. I went to conferences. I got I started talking to people, I met people I networked, etc. and do something. You know, those three things very simple are kind of like bland and generic. But boy, they are powerful.

I mean, I don't I don't hate to remind you, but you didn't call me. I'm almost too old to talk to you.

I waited. I waited. I did. I waited too long. But I finally did.

All right. So. So tell people how they get a hold of you. How they work with you, with you have products or you know what they want. They don't want to go for your record as the fastest, but they want to improve. What do you got for people?

I do a daily email. It's pretty close to daily on writing a killer copy fast. If you go to my web site, which is www.writekillercopyfast.com. There's a link there to sign up and get get the daily e-mail.

We'll have that in the show notes for everybody.

Actually, there's a thing on the menu for getting my headline tool kit. Now get you on my list. It's a very useful tool kit to write how write headlines and do it that get those done really quickly. So that gets you on my e-mail list. And I sound like a I I promise it's daily, but it really is. And it's like I would like, you know, three or four or five a week, whatever. But I continually do tips. That site also has a blog. It's a blog. It's got lists. It's got some of the e-mails I sent. You get a sample that if you want to contact me, this is just Jack@writekillercopyfast.com.

Perfect. We'll have all that in the show notes. And hey, folks, anything you can do to help yourself with headlines, do it. Because I took a forty five hundred dollar course just on headlines from Ted Nicholas years ago. And, you know, that's one of the hardest things to do. And then you've got to learn testing and all the other stuff, too. So. So. So check all that out at his site. We'll have that in the show notes. So we've got to take just a brief sponsor message. Then we're going to come back and ask Jack what a typical day looks like for him and how he stays motivated.

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All right. Let's get back to the main event. The world's fastest copywriter, Jack Turk, is here with us. And so, Jack, what's a typical day look like for you? When do you get up? Do you eat? Do you workout? You start working with. What's it like?

I should have more rigour in terms of my schedule. I'll be honest. I keep seeing that this is what billionaires do. They have a very regimented early morning program. I'm I couldn't get up between 5:30 and 6:30. I just wake up, you know, get up and. I'll kind of sit around or check my e-mail. I'll be honest, I'll read the Bible every day. I try to do that. Then I try to get about eight o'clock between 7:30 eight o'clock, whatever. I roll over to the laptop and get started on that.

You roll over so you don't get out of bed.

Well, I do get out of bed. Oh no I I got it. I gotta get my butt off. I get your butt up. I'm sorry. It's important. And I get I get started. I think one are the things I tried to first thing, though, every day is like, lay out what I want to get done. I really try to be very specific. And as each day I have specific goals as to what I want to accomplish.

This is all working out of your home. Kids around or anybody around at that time.

My wife's around, but that's when she's off doing her thing and all the kids are out of the house pretty much. So I just kind of focus on what what key things I have to get done that day and some days. And this is this is advice I've heard from. I know a guy named Ben Suttle, who I think is really great. He's an e-mail guy, He says, work on your own stuff first. And I think that's a really good tip that I try to work on my own education. Either there's a book I'm going through or there's some training I'm going through, whatever I try to do that first thing or work on my daily e-mail. I try to get, though. I try to get that stuff out of the way before I do client stuff. I don't always do that, but I try to. I try to make sure I'm doing my stuff. Keep me keep my business moving forward first before I work on client stuff and then I guess we're pretty much throughout the day. I try to get stuff done in blocks. Like I'll get myself like two hours to go through, like finish like write the emails. I gotta write emails for clients. I'll go get myself a couple hours, write those emails, then I'll go on and I'll switch switch task on another project. One thing I tend to do I think is a really good idea is when I'm switching from project to project project I get up and I go do something totally different. Like I often go for a walk.

Yeah, like break the chain on this other project so you can start fresh on the new one, right?

Exactly. Exactly. And I think getting outside is great. I live out in the country and I have like a little subdivision out the country and I have like it's essentially a mile walk to the end of the cul de sac and back. It's a perfect 15, 20 minute break. And I get to think about stuff, and I think for me, walking is great for ideas. I get all kinds of ideas while I'm walking away from the desk.

Capture them with like an audio recorder.

If I was if I was really efficient, I would.

I can have the same great ideas, but by the time I get home I forgot them.

It's the parts that the processor stood on. Okay. All right. I'm sure the internal bandwidth coming in isn't so good so that they don't typically work. Depending on how how crunched I am, sometimes I'll work. I'll work late. I mean, I work along on days occasionally. Sometimes I don't, you know, sometimes just knock off around 5 ish or succession. I'm done. And I don't always work weekends. Sometimes I work a week a little bit sometimes. Right now, though, we had a lot of home improvement projects and I'm learning how to do molding.

And oh yeah, you had to get a thing in there for Tim Allen.

Yeah, a minor thing.

Yeah. Did he pay you for that. Is this the sponsored visit you're doing here?

I'll send him a note.

Well, how do you stay motivated when you're by yourself? Do you have staff at all? It's just you. So how just how do you stay motivated?

I really love. I really like what I do. I mean, I really enjoy it. I mean, I don't have it. I just enjoy that. My clients and all the clients I work with, I like working with them. They're fun. I like. Doing. I like writing, I love writing. It's just like communicating. I'll miss sometimes some mornings are a little slower to get going. But I mean, I just. Well, I have made the decision, this is my thing.

I totally I totally get it. I mean, there's an old some old saying about, you know, you do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, something like that. And yeah, that's what I feel. I mean, I could go seven days a week forever and not even blink an eye, not even think twice about it. Just I'm doing cool stuff. I love helping other people, helping myself. You know, people say, are you going to retire? And I'm like, from what? What are you talking about? All I would be doing was going back to check, you know, orders coming in any way if I was. So if they're going to keep coming, whether I die or not. So. So. So while this has been so great Jack getting in touch with you glad you reached out. And yes, it's a lot of good tips and. But the emphasis on copy is really, really important for anybody's business. I say it's the fastest way to to increase your income because the better you get at it, the more money rolls in your front door. It's just as simple as that.

Oh, absolutely. There's there's no other there's no other skill that will gain you so much so fast. For learning how to write, copy quickly and getting it out the door, getting your message out the door, getting your products out, serving more people, helping more people.

That's that's the way it is. So. So thanks so much for coming on, man. And glad I got to know you a little bit better now. And don't be such a stranger.

Absolutely not, Tom. Thank you very much, too. I really enjoyed it.

All right, folks, this has been an episode 158. So make sure you check the show notes. Go over there and get on all of Jack's stuff because the type of people he's been writing for just alone. I've never read any of his copy, but he's got to be good because they wouldn't be those people would not have him if he wasn't so sure. He's got a lot to share with you. So get those show notes at episode 158 and I'll catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.

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