143 - He does what he loves every day: Tom interviews Tomaz Mencinger - Screw The Commute

143 – He does what he loves every day: Tom interviews Tomaz Mencinger

Tomaz Mencinger has been living the dream doing stuff with volleyball as a professional, virtually professional, volleyball coach. And then he just loves everything to do with sports and balls and he took up tennis part time and then just fell in love with it. And for 25 years he's been making his full time living for him and his lovely wife with tennis. And it's called feeltennis.net.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 143

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[02:31] Tom's introduction to Tomaz Mencinger

[03:53] First guest from Slovenia!

[05:46] His free stuff is better than some paid stuff

[08:16] Almost a professional volleyball coach and player

[10:07] Learning from Andre Agassi in slow motion on VHS tape!

[14:38] Concentrating on biomechanics

[22:22] A typical day of coaching and workday

[31:30] Sponsor message

[32:30] What to see in Slovenia

[35:46] How Tomaz stays motivated

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Feel Tennishttps://www.feeltennis.net/

Video Coursehttps://69409jptohu80e48maxonkzf4q.hop.clickbank.net/

Skofja Lokahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skofja_Loka

Where Tomaz liveshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kranj

Capital of Sloveniahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ljubljana

Melania Trump's hometownhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevnica

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Behind the Scenes – https://screwthecommute.com/139/

In Front of the Scenes – https://screwthecommute.com/142/

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Episode 143 – Tomaz Mencinger
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode 143 of screw the commute podcast we have a special guest today and the first ever guest from Slovenia. His name is Tomaz Mencinger and I met him through tennis no less and he's made a full time living doing the things he loves. I can't wait to introduce him to you now. Episode 142 was the podcasting front end this was the companion to the Monday before last episode 139 where my right hand guy Larry told you all the stuff we do behind the scenes. After the recording is done and edited it so make sure you listen to both of them if you want to do podcasts I've got a freebie to thank you for listening to this podcast it's my twenty seven dollar e-book how to automate your business and just one of the tips in this e-book has saved me over seven million keystrokes. Now we also have another surprise gift over there for you too so check that out at screwthecommute.com/automatefree and of course everything we talk about and links and so forth will be in the show notes for episode 143. All right now our podcast app is in the iTunes store. You can also go to screwthecommute.com/app where we have complete instructions on how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road on your cell phone and tablet. All right our sponsor is me again. It's great internet marketing retreat and joint venture program where myself and my staff work with you for a year to either get you started in an Internet business or to use the Internet to take your existing business to the next level. And I'll tell you more about that later. But you can check it out at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com.

[00:02:33] All right let's bring on the main event. Tomaz Mencinger I'll tell you what he's one of the good guys of tennis I have to tell you because I don't think he knows this but I came out with that crazy fatso tennis product. And in the U.S. there's a lot of what we call tennis snobs. They're really Oh they're too good for everything and they pretty much looked up their nose at me and had wanted nothing to do they wouldn't distribute the video and it was a great video. But Tomaz is a good guy down to earth. Like a lot of people in Slovenia. And he was kind enough to help me out with that. I don't even remember how I met him. But he's been living the dream doing stuff with volleyball as a professional virtually professional volleyball coach. And then he just loves everything since a kid with the head to do with sports and balls and he took up tennis part time and then just fell in love with it. And for 25 years he's been making his full time living for him and his lovely wife with tennis. And it's called feeltennis.net. So Tomaz are you ready to screw. The commute.

[00:03:50] Thank you for having me. Looking forward to this adventure.

[00:03:54] Oh boy I'm so thrilled to get to talk to you and you are our first ever. I don't know maybe the last the first ever guest from Slovenia. The home of our first lady Melania Trump. So did you have anything to do with that.

[00:04:15] Nothing. But we are aware of this relationship for quite some time.

[00:04:19] She never played tennis with you right.

[00:04:21] No. No.

[00:04:24] So tell us about what you're doing now with feeltennis.net. Correct.

[00:04:29] Yes. Well I am focusing on you know sharing useful information to recreational tennis players some kind of really focusing on adults. Since I am not working much with juniors and I know that it's the adults that are looking for information online and I'm trying to you know simplify the game and and you know find the key points the essential things about tennis technique or the mental approach to tennis that can help them play better tennis.

[00:05:06] Well I can tell you you know I've been just the tennis nut for a long time and I've always thought about you. You're one of the most clear instructors. You make it so it's not too technical and it's you know people like me can learn it. You know we're not professionals and we want to just play better in every single training I've seen of yours has been really really clear. Now I understand for most of the time you've just done it in person but now you have online training to right.

[00:05:41] Yes I have online courses besides my usual free information that's available.

[00:05:46] Yeah your free stuff is better than a lot of the paid stuff. I gotta tell you. So tell us. Tell us some of the courses that you have.

[00:05:56] For now I was focusing more on technique courses so it's like each stroke separate like a forehand course. One handed back and two handed back and the serve course and then the second serve course which focuses on topspin and slice serves. So these are. These are technical courses and I still have to finish the volley. So playing at the net. So let's say volley and smash and then once I'm done with that I think I'm going to focus a little bit on the tactics.

[00:06:31] And so people could just purchase it on your site and then what. The training is all video or what.

[00:06:40] Yes it's all video all you can. You can download even to your computer you don't have to be hooked up online you can download the videos if you want or you can access them directly through the Internet.

[00:06:53] Now when when people were taking lessons. Now do you have your own facility over there or do you just go to different courts and so forth.

[00:07:00] I don't have my own facility but it's a I teach mostly at one club where they let me book a lot of hours and they have enough free free available courts. So I teach there.

[00:07:12] You know we're an entrepreneurial podcast so we always like to talk about the business of it. So is this something that they they do just because it brings traffic into their club or do you have to give them a percentage of the fees and so forth.

[00:07:30] No I because this is actually not a specific tennis club it's a little sports recreation center. So they have three tennis courts and then they have like four beach volleyball courts. Then they have a gym a squash courts then they have an indoor Hall for volleyball or let's say basketball and so on so. So it's like a sports center.

[00:07:58] And so this is owned by the city.

[00:07:59] It's private.

[00:08:03] So ten other tennis coaches can't come in there then I guess.

[00:08:07] They can. But but it's a small town so it's basically maybe just one other tennis court to share.

[00:08:15] Yeah. Yeah. And how did you get started in this.

[00:08:20] Actually I got started. You mean with the Internet basically.

[00:08:23] Well no not the internet business but the get started. You used the term almost I don't really quite get that almost professional volleyball coach and player. So then how did you end up switching from that to tennis.

[00:08:45] Actually I. It happened very early because I started to play volleyball let's say at the age of 12. And the volleyball season around here is usually let's say from September until April or May and then in the summer we were off and I didn't know what to do with myself. In the summer. And it just happened that at that time there was a big rise in popularity in tennis around here.

[00:09:18] Who were the big stars at the time.

[00:09:22] Ivan Lendl Boris Becker Stefan Edberg. Maybe even a bit older so John McEnroe Jimmy Connors Bjorn Borg is still around. So that was that time when I started. And the tennis boom was in full swing and saw. Somehow I joined in it. I liked it and I had a lot of free time in the summer. Two months of holidays for children. And it just happened that everyone was playing Fanny so since I had some skills from table tennis that I played at home and some skills from volleyball training then it wasn't so difficult for me to kind of pick up tennis and progress along the way.

[00:10:08] So you were self-taught.

[00:10:10] Yes.

[00:10:11] Wow. Wow. Did you like watch a lot of tennis on TV at the time.

[00:10:16] Yes I watched Andy saw on TV. Then I remember we got a VCR. That's when I remember doing a slow motion you know of players especially Andre Agassi when he came on the scene. I was a big fan then. Right. Yes we're roughly the same age. And I was doing Andre Agassi in slow motion like frame by frame on my VHS. And then I went in front of the mirror and I tried to copy the forehand. I did that million times in the mirror. And that's how I learned very visually I learned visually. I watched very carefully the tennis strokes of players. And then I went on the court and I hit a lot of balls and I my eye then my only other you know guide was feel.

[00:11:11] Yeah. That's the name of your site.

[00:11:15] That's right. Because I had no coach and I had no there was no internet yet. There was no instruction available to me. Maybe some old books. So I just this was just visual and feel. And a lot of hours of tennis right.

[00:11:31] Right. Right now. Was this on hard courts or clay courts.

[00:11:35] Clay courts.

[00:11:36] Yes. So is that what most of it is over there.

[00:11:41] Yes. Yes. Europe is mostly clay court.

[00:11:44] I see. I see. And so when did you start getting paid for it.

[00:11:51] Yes. Then I was playing tennis let's say from the age of 13 or 14 years old and I you know I played a lot in the summer or spring season and autumn season. Then when I played volleyball I played less but I still like to go and play. So that took maybe until I was around 20 21 years old. And then I was playing quite well by then playing various leagues and tournaments and so on. And then my friends in my town and people start to ask me if I can teach them because they saw I played well. But I didn't know how to do it. I had no methodology. And then I said Oh maybe I can you know go then pass the course for a tennis teacher at school like Level 1 first level here in Slovenia.

[00:12:44] Who would certify you.

[00:12:49] It's you know the coaches association of Slovenia. And this this program is based on the European IDF system.

[00:12:58] Oh okay. So there were some standards that you had.

[00:13:01] Most of the European countries kind of modify their national coaching system based on the IDF methodology and then I thought okay I just want to get some you know like a summer job. Why don't I try to earn some money with tennis. So I did go and pass this first level one test and I started to teach tennis and then maybe it was destiny or something that as soon as I passed the test and I got certified a tennis school opened in my town. This is a small town in Slovenia. It's called Skofja Loka. It's a small town. Let's say like fifteen thousand people population. And for the first time a tiny school open there like. Let's say an entrepreneur who had a different business. But but he liked tennis and his children like tennis he decided he's going to open a tennis school. And so a friend of mine who started to work there called me if I wanted to join. So that was like immediately as I passed the test. And those kind of like yeah sure why not. And that's how I started to teach tennis.

[00:14:31] So were these indoors outdoors.

[00:14:34] Well we had a bubble.

[00:14:38] Right. When I was talking to you you said you're concentrating now on the biomechanics. What do you what do you how do you define that for people.

[00:14:48] Yes. So you know in tennis we talk a lot about technique. We have to have certain technique of the strokes. And I used to teach like that because I was taught like that. And also in these coaching courses after that I passed level two and level three then I pass the PTR the American the US PTR. It used to be called US PTR Tennis system and I attended many conferences and seminars and so on educate myself in tennis and there is a lot of talk about technique and you know what what the hand or the arm needs to do but then later on I found out that this is not the answer. This is not the answer. In fact it ruins a lot of players. So in terms of biomechanics I would focus more on the body. So what what are the hips doing what are the shoulders doing what is the core doing so more focusing on the bodies the players stable on the ground. Do they do they know how to rotate around their left leg around their right leg. Do they have good you know stability and so on. And we need to fix the body motions the body movements first before we start correcting the arm movement. So that is kind of what really works. Now even with players that have many years of poor poor technique they've been great poor movements. We are not going to correct their movements by fixing their arm movements even though they might be incorrect because the cause of the problems lies in the incorrect body movements in some way.

[00:16:35] That's kind of and you deal with adults so it seems like us they could have had years of ingraining poor movements.

[00:16:42] Yes. Yes.

[00:16:44] So how long does it. An average person take to be able to correct some of those body movements.

[00:16:53] If we talk about forehand and by backhand so one handed or two handed. Then it takes about five days.

[00:17:02] Oh that's all to overcome.

[00:17:04] Yes but your lessons are morning and afternoon every day. Every day morning afternoon and morning afternoon five days in a row then they can fix the stroke of course in easy conditions right. Not rush. Running left running right but just to execute the stroke maybe for the first time in their life correctly. Nicely fed ball from the basket. They will feel they will understand. Okay I understand how this work.

[00:17:32] They will feel it feeltennis.

[00:17:34] Yes that's right. So I hand it back and can be corrected really really well in about five days. Also volley but serve. Usually not. They learn to serve wrong. Then I don't know exactly because not many adults stayed with me for very long time that I could actually see what happens. I kind of I kind of put them on the right track.

[00:18:02] Right now I thought I saw on your site today some course on perfecting the second serve. So that's to say that would you say that it's easier to work on than the first serve because you have much more net clearance or what.

[00:18:21] Yes you can do it but it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be like effortlessly hit. Because if the main you know biomechanics of the serve are not in place then you will still struggle a bit. So I would advise people first to just you know get the basic let's say flat serve right. And then when that kind of functions well that they can feel that they can hit the ball relatively effortlessly with good space then only then they should start trying to modify it into a topspin serve or a slice.

[00:18:55] I see. Oh I thought you would do it the other way.

[00:19:01] But it can go. It can go the wrong way sometimes.

[00:19:04] What does it cost. I mean how do you normally charge. Do you charge like a group of lessons or one at a time. How does that work.

[00:19:15] Yeah I can have group lessons but lately I've been you know doing mostly private lessons or let's say semi private with two people on the court. If they come if they come with the desire to correct their technique then it has to be individual because everyone has their own issues and I have to address them. So yes mostly private lessons.

[00:19:40] Do they I mean do they buy a group of them and then take them one at a time or do they just pay one at a time.

[00:19:44] Usually just one by one they come they come one by one and they say I would like to learn the stroke and then I tell them Look it takes this much time you know don't come once a week for one hour because we're not not going to do anything. If you want to correct stroke technique or biomechanics then you'll need to do it every day in order to have a chance to beat the old brain habits. That is possible but you have to tackle it every day for let's say minimum three to four days and up to seven 10 days.

[00:20:25] Do you use any video.

[00:20:29] Yes. I use video and lately I've been using a lot I bought a new tablet so that they can have like a bigger screen and I use coach's eye app.

[00:20:40] Oh yeah. So you can where you can draw on it.

[00:20:45] Right. So I can show them immediately on the court the analysis and then once I go home I upload all that you know online and send them files though so they can review. Almost necessary I think in these days if you want to have an effective tennis lesson and you're correcting tennis technique if you do it without video it will be very very frustrating and very very inefficient.

[00:21:16] Yeah. Because I mean most people especially adults just recreational players I mean they don't have that feel of where their body is.

[00:21:25] That's right. That's right. They need to see and you need to constantly give them visual feedback. Sometimes I you know I feed them like ten Balls and say OK let's go see. Let's go see now and we we check on the tablet and they see Ah ok I see. Then I say let's go hit 10 more balls and we go back and forth like this. So they they get immediate feedback on why.

[00:21:48] Because I'll bet. And I know I go through this myself I swore I did one thing and the video wasn't even close to what I thought I did.

[00:21:57] That's right. That's right. So the feel can lie to us many times. Yes. Yes. So we have to double check with the video.

[00:22:06] Right. So this is really great that you've been able to do something you love and make a full time living out of it for you said what 25 years now.

[00:22:16] Yes. And I'm aware of this I appreciate it. I am. I'm not taking it for granted. I'm really grateful for this.

[00:22:24] What's a typical day look like for you.

[00:22:27] A typical day. Let's say is like four hours of lessons. Let's say four to six.

[00:22:34] I mean how far do you have to travel to the court.

[00:22:37] I have to travel about 10 minutes. I drive I drive with a car. Ten minutes and then I usually have two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. That's just one client.

[00:22:52] Oh just one client. So for one client is going to do four hours per day. But it's not taxing.

[00:23:02] There is no running or stuff like that. Just a lot of video analysis going back and forth. I have a lot of exercises that I make them do with rubber bands or stuff like that with various training tools training aids. So it's not physically demanding it's more mentally demanding now goes into focus.

[00:23:24] No. Or are they concentrating on only one stroke for that entire day or that entire for five days or or multiple.

[00:23:34] Sometimes they come with a lot of wishes and then I have to tell them a bit what is realistically possible so let's say in five days we can correct two strokes really well. And I give them other tips if they want. For other strokes.

[00:23:51] Right. Right. But working on too many is just a problem.

[00:23:55] Yes probably yes. But I've had quite a few cases where where the player was really really frustrated with let's say just with the forehand it completely broke apart and we worked on the forehand. Four hours a day five days in a row. Just forehand. Because it's not only mechanics you know it's also timing and rhythm. And many times they don't have it. And there's another different exercise for that. And so it can take a lot of time actually to fix one stroke.

[00:24:29] Yeah. And I know one thing I've always had trouble with is watching the ball all the way. It's that last you know millisecond. Oh look up.

[00:24:41] Yes. Very very difficult. So no need. You know if recreational players are listening to this no need to torture yourself trying to watch the ball like Roger Federer. You can just try and improve it and kind of try and see it a bit better after the bounce. That is usually good enough for solid tennis.

[00:25:02] Hey what would you say the difference between the rackets or from when you started and now I mean you almost have to have PhD to just pick strings out nowadays.

[00:25:13] Yes. I think rackets nowadays are very user friendly. They're very comfortable you know easy to maneuver the right weight. They're not vibrating a lot. You know they dampened the vibration. And yeah. So you know sometimes people ask me which tennis racket to buy and it's hard to say because I think the competition is very very tough in the tennis world. And you know these brands that we know Wilson and Prince and Dunlop and so on. They cannot produce bad rackets and they will go out of these right. So most of the rackets unless you pick some really specific strange racket are quite good so it really more depends on how you feel the racket. If you if you like it you know if you like how it feels in the hand how the contact feels and how the swing feels then you can buy it right. That's my answer.

[00:26:27] Well I'll tell you when I started stupidly in the beginning I put about five Wilson rackets exactly what Roger Federer uses. Yeah I take it this clinic guy's looking at me and he says What do you do with that racket. I said you know it's the good racket right. He said Yeah it's way better than you'll ever be. He was just being nice about it. He says you get rid of that this is the sweet spot is about the size of a quarter in that thing. You haven't hit it yet.

[00:26:59] The real pro rackets are very demanding you know like I don't know like a sports car you know it's very demanding to drive right. You you can go really fast with the sports car but it's really demanding to drive.

[00:27:11] Right. Right. He said get rid of that thing. Yeah. So I got a mid-sized plus now and much much better. But luckily there was some other dumb person that bought them used.

[00:27:36] So a typical day is you're on the court four hours but then you had to develop all these online courses and things. What's your workday like. I mean do you just do you get up early or what. What do you do.

[00:27:50] Yes sometimes I try to squeeze some time for my online business before the morning lesson which let's say starts at 9:00 a.m. usually something like that. So I try to do something useful let's say between eight and nine. If I can. And then just between the day during the day you know I try to do something a little bit in the evening sometimes. So yeah I it's not so scheduled.

[00:28:22] Yeah you did a good job at it. So how did you figure all that stuff out.

[00:28:29] My online business actually started. I hired the company here in Slovenia to build me a Web site. But then I know I realized that this is not going to work because they respond very slowly and they always charge me for something and I said you know I am not that stupid that they can't learn this myself.

[00:28:49] There you go. I love it.

[00:28:50] So I was learning researching for quite a while online on on you know how to do it. And then luckily I came across at that time or still Canadian company called sitesell.com. It is run by Ken Evoy. And they had a really really really wonderful program. It still exists. Because they don't teach you just how to build a website they teach you how to build an online business.

[00:29:24] Yeah. I haven't even heard him for a long time. I mean he was really big back when we first started. But yeah. I didn't realize he was still open.

[00:29:33] Yes yes. So you're also well off of this company right.

[00:29:38] Yeah yeah. Because we you know I was one of the first ones that started in 1994 and there was just a few of us at the time and. And then he was well known for a while but then kind of disappeared off the face of the earth. So I didn't. I thought he was gone.

[00:29:55] Yeah. So that's where I you know I learned how to build the business in terms of you know how to structure your Web site how to structure your content. You know the idea of over delivering because you're in the Internet you're competing with the whole world. You know give it everything you have. You know follow the follow the plan. Stick to the plan. You know I still have I don't know I can send you a screenshot later or I have a small mug here a small mug here by it by my monitor and there's a little tortoise there with the computer because their motto was taught tortoise tortoise IT YOU KNOW GO GO SLOW AT IT SLOW AND STEADY LIKE RIGHT. I thought so. I still have it. Here is my guideline you know. So that's that's how I started. Then it puts me on the right track I understood I learned that some mistakes I learned along the way. But later on I kind of switched the word press.

[00:31:08] It's the gold standard now. But the thing is you keep your costs down by doing it yourself. You know you can. You can. Yeah.

[00:31:15] You know membership right websites. Which program to use and so on. And he's just you know constantly evolving with the Internet that is constantly changing.

[00:31:32] Okay so we got to take a brief sponsor message. Then we come back we're going to ask you how you stay motivated. Working over there and Slovenia and then maybe tell us a little bit more about if we'd ever come to Slovenia what we should look at. So folks if you want somebody to hold your hand through having all kinds of stuff like Tomaz just talked about membership sites and online courses and all that. That's what we've been doing for 25 years now. In my mentor program which is the longest running and most successful and most unique. And one thing I didn't tell you about was it includes a scholarship to my internet marketing school which is the only one in the country probably the world. So it includes that and also a trip to my retreat center which is a big two million dollar facility in Virginia Beach where you come for an immersion weekend as part of your yearlong training so check it all out at greatInternetmarketingtraining.com.

[00:32:32] So Tomaz tell us a little bit more about Slovenia is it much of a tourist location or what would you see if I if I was landing today in Slovenia. What would you want me to go look at.

[00:32:46] Slovenia is a very green country because still around half of the country is is forest. So people come to see a lot of nature. We have beautiful lakes rivers mountains. The interesting thing about Slovenia is that it's on the south side of Alps and it also has access to the Mediterranean Sea. So you know in a distance of let's say two hundred kilometers you can go from a high mountain where you can ski to the sea where you can swim.

[00:33:27] So what's the elevation of the Alps.

[00:33:33] Up to two thousand eight hundred meters.

[00:33:38] Oh yeah. OK. Meters. OK. Yes meters. Yes. Ten thousand recalculate in feet.

[00:33:45] Yeah. Oh that's pretty interesting. And what is the name. What's the capital.

[00:33:51] The capital is called Ljubljana. It's very nice. It got like an award a couple of years ago as a green capital of Europe. And because they arranged a really nice area for tourists and for locals when there is no traffic. So he's just walking area for us.

[00:34:17] And what city are you in.

[00:34:19] I mean I live in Kranj. It's like fifth largest city in Slovenia with about forty five thousand population. It's a small country it's only two million population.

[00:34:48] Is it expensive for US citizens to go there. How does it work against the dollar.

[00:34:52] I don't think so I think it's very affordable.

[00:34:54] Where do you fly into.

[00:34:55] You fly into Ljubljana but it does not have intercontinental flights so if you fly if you want to come to Slovenia you have to fly to one of the bigger hubs in Europe. So Frankfurt or London or Zurich in Switzerland or something like that or Istanbul in Turkey and then it's about one to two hour flight to Slovenia.

[00:35:25] Well I certainly want to come there's one of these days that's for sure.

[00:35:30] Oh wonderful. Yes it's very nice.

[00:35:31] Where was Melania from.

[00:35:34] Melania is coming from a small village called Sevnica. It's a small I don't know but it's a it's a small town.

[00:35:44] Yeah. She sure made it that's for sure. And so you're married and how do you stay motivated doing this same stuff all four hours a day of tennis all day with a bunch of fat guys like me probably.

[00:36:02] Yes. Good question. So you know to tell you. To tell you honestly. I have ups and downs sometimes but but now. Now the time self-employed because before I also used to work in tennis academies and clubs and so yeah.

[00:36:20] Didn't you say you with Thailand or some other country for a while.

[00:36:23] It's just a coincidence that you know I somehow I got in touch with a coach that used to work in a tennis academy in Thailand and they needed some help in the summer. For coaches and he said you want to come to help out. And I said Sure why not. And then it just happened that they were happy with my work and they offered me a contract to stay longer. And it was really really great Academy really great team. Very you know I. We got along really well. Thailand that was near Bangkok. Yes but it was the International Tennis Academy.

[00:37:06] Were you married at the time.

[00:37:08] No. No. A long time ago. Yeah. And so I happened to work there one year and then returned back home to Slovenia and a few years later. Years later I got an offer to work in Singapore and I took it and it was also a wonderful experience. But after that I I when I returned I am now self-employed. I don't work for anyone. And so what I do is to stay motivated is that in the winter I take a bigger time out. Like maybe for two months I don't work.

[00:37:50] That'll give you a chance to recharge.

[00:37:52] Yes I kind of recharge I you know rest a little bit and then I kind of mentally prepare for the next season. So let's say we're in the March April when the season starts I actually mentally kind of prepare myself and I say you know I don't mind working a lot. And I just decided to work. Anyone wants to have a lesson I'm good for it and I kind of know that I'm going to work really hard until let's say November. So because I know that this hard work is gonna end. I can work. I can work hard this time.

[00:38:34] How do you market yourself. How do you get your clients.

[00:38:38] Oh it's all through the Internet. I don't even do any marketing. They just contact me. They see my lessons on YouTube and so on and they come from Europe also.

[00:38:48] Right. So people just fly in to spend time with you.

[00:38:53] It's more than enough demand.

[00:38:57] Well I'll tell you. Like I said I've been through a lot of coaches online and off and you're very very understandable and I really really love your training so. Hey thanks so much man for taking time to talk to me today.

[00:39:11] Yeah my pleasure it's it's always great to meet you and of fellow tennis player tennis coaches tennis enthusiasts. Share this journey together. So I love it. I appreciate it.

[00:39:24] Well yeah. So all Tomaz's stuff is going to be in the show notes folks so you can click on it. Maybe we'll try to spell some of these cities correctly or maybe put a map there so we know where the heck we're talking about. You know us Americans us dumb Americans don't know where anything is but their own town.

[00:39:42] Yeah. But Slovenia is really hard to find. I mean if you go on google maps you'll have to zoom in a bit.

[00:39:50] Well we'll do it. You're worth it. So thanks a lot. Can't wait to get this episode out for you.

[00:39:57] Ok. Thank you very much appreciate it. Thanks for having me.

[00:40:02] All right folks. That was Tomaz Mencinger from Slovenia our first ever interview from Slovenia and I just truly do love all his tennis stuff from a tennis nut myself and so great to and how beautiful it is that we can connect across the sea and around the world with these interviews so we're so happy to have them. So we'll catch everybody on the next episode. See ya later.

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