Screw The Commute Podcast
Tom interviews Adam Schroeder
Adam Schroeder has been working from home and screwing the commute as founder of Lone Star multimedia and specializing in web design and audio production since 2010. He's been screwing the commute for a long time and he's produced nearly two thousand podcasts and dozens of Web sites for startups. He's also a real estate investor and coach and the co-host of the Work From Home Show.
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NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 293
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Higher Education Webinar –
[03:35] Tom's introduction to Adam Schroeder [06:42] Always been an employee since 7 years old [13:27] Turning over podcast editing to someone else [14:53] Fixing the items that really bother you in audio editing [21:32] People will put up with poor video, but not poor audio [28:00] Created a business, but the business requires him to work in it [29:44] Becoming a podcast co-hostHigher Education Webinar –
Screw The Commute –
Screw The Commute Podcast App –
College Ripoff Quiz –
Know a young person for our Youth Episode Series? Send an email to Tom! –
Have a Roku box? Find Tom's Public Speaking Channel there! –
How To Automate Your Business –
Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Program –
Work From Home Show –
Lone Star Multimedia –
Internet Marketing Training Center –
Making Hobbies Tax Deductible –
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Episode 293 – Adam Schroeder
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode two hundred ninety three of Screw the Commute podcast. I'm here with Adam Schroeder. He is the co-host of the Work from Home Show. And what a perfect guest when it comes to screwing the commute. And he's done it for the past 10 years. So we'll bring him on in a minute. Hope you didn't miss Episode two ninety two. That's making your hobbies and family interest tax deductible. This was one of my Monday trainings where it's either made me or saved me a ton of money. I mean, wouldn't it be nice if you would get a nice big tax deduction for the things you and your family enjoy doing? Well, that's what episode two ninety two was about. And I've been teaching and living this for over 20 years is totally legitimate way to do more of what you love without feeling guilty about spending time and family money on it. So that was episode two ninety two. If you'd like to hear your own voice here on Screw the Commute, if the shows helped you out at all or you or your business, they're giving you ideas to help you start a business or helped your business go to Look for the little blue side bar that says send a voicemail. Click on it. Talk into your phone or computer and you'll get a nice big shout out on a future episode of Screw the Commute. All right. Make sure you pick up a copy of our automation e-book. We sell this book for 27 bucks, but it yours free for listening to the show. It's allowed me to handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and forty thousand customers without pulling my hair out. And just one of the tips in this book. One. Seriously. Just one of the tips in this book. We kind of figured it out. Has saved me over seven and a half million keystrokes. OK. Over the years. And that's just one of the tips. So grab that book at While you're over there, pick up a copy of our podcast app at We have complete training on how to use it so you can take us with you on the road. Now we're sitting here. We're still in the middle of this pandemic. I'm in Virginia. The governor's getting crazier here with masks and all this stuff. And the work from home searches on Google are going crazy, which I've been teaching since nineteen ninety six. I get people call me up Tom. Are you OK? I've been sitting here for 20 years anyway in my house. I don't think I left the house in 20 years. I didn't even know there's a pandemic going on. But but seriously, having these skills can, you know, just it won't affect you when things like this happen and you'll be able to make a living and not be freaking out by going then having everything shut down on you. I have a school about this. The only licensed Internet marketing training center in the world it's dedicated to this topic is So check it out. It's a great legacy gift for your grandchildren, your children, your nephews and nieces and for business people to cut their costs like crazy. So check it out at
[00:00:24] All right, let's get to the main event. Adam Schroeder has been working from home and screwing the commute. As founder of Lone Star multimedia and specializes in web design and audio production since 2010. He's been screwing the commute for a long time and he's produced, listen to this, nearly two thousand podcasts. Wow. And dozens of Web sites for startups. And he's also a real estate investor and coach and the co-host, as I said before, of the work from home show. Adam, you ready to screw? The commute?
[00:04:13] Ever since I found out the commute could be screwed, I am absolutely ready for it.
[00:04:18] All right. That's the spirit, man. So, how you doing? You hunkered down in this pandemic thing, too.
[00:04:24] Yeah, well, my wife works in health care, so I'm a little more leery of it of the opening. So I'm in a way, a little bit longer than everybody else. Just for the sake of everybody else. So, you know, I got four kids doing their thing right now. And, you know, I'm just at home not commuting.
[00:04:40] Wow. Wow. What do you have to stay away from her now?
[00:04:43] No, we don't do that. I just stay away from the rest of the world, which isn't that hard for me.
[00:04:47] Yeah, me too. Yeah. It's like I didn't even know there was a world out there other than send in lightning. All I have to stay away from people. Oh no. So.
[00:04:56] So tell me, buddy, what you're doing now and then we'll take you back to see how you came up because something happened before that ten years that you've been doing this. We'll see how you transition to what you're doing now.
[00:05:08] Yes. So what I'm doing now, you mentioned it. I've been doing the web design and audio editing for, you know, I kind of took my my previous abilities and merge them into my own company. And in doing the like you said, the podcast production, that's been great. I love I love doing it. Then about five or six years ago, I found real estate. My wife and I were thinking, you know, the commute is terrible for her, too. We don't like her being gone out of the house all the time working. So we started investing in real estate and I realized I really liked it and I wanted to help people do it themselves. So I help coach people through it as well. You know, we own a couple of rentals and buy and more and more as best we can. So that's how we've been able to kind of broad brush screw the commute.
[00:05:53] Yeah, that's that's more. You're mostly in the residential.
[00:05:57] Oh, yeah. I haven't touched anything outside of that, thankfully.
[00:06:01] Yeah. Yeah. Because I was just telling you before we got started how commercial landlords are just, you know you know what I said that they're doing there. They're like crapping themselves because the companies are saying, you know what, our productivity is just as high and we're gonna cut our real estate, our commercial real estate by seventy percent. So and I'm feeling the same way. I'm cutting my school way down about 75 percent because it's all dist. stuff anyway. Just enough classroom to handle. When we when we get covered to take our veterans in. But yeah, it's like, why pay all this big money when everything's digital and can be done remotely so. So what do you do before that, you know, where you're not bringing your kid there. How did you come up through the ranks?
[00:06:50] Now, I've always been an employee for the most part. Like, I started working back whenever I was, I would guess, seven or eight years old. I was mowing lawns for my mom's, my mom's dad, and started his own, like, lawn mowing business when he stopped being a principal. It was his thing. He'd just go around the neighborhood and mow peoples' lawns. And he hired he had a family business. He would hire us in the summers and we would all do that. And so I you know, I did that. That was my very first job.
[00:07:16] So you were working on somebody else's property at seven or eight years old?
[00:07:21] Yeah.
[00:07:23] They're looking like, hey, there's a there's a lot more going by. What we can't see anybody pushing.
[00:07:29] It was the 80s. Things were different. So then I did that.
[00:07:35] And then when I when I got a little older, I thought I wanted to do sports broadcasting because I grew up in Long Beach, California, and really loved fell in love with the Dodgers and Vin Scully. Oh, man, I'm going to be Vin Scully when I get older.
[00:07:49] Wasn't that the guy that got fired over some controversial thing?
[00:07:53] You know, that wouldn't been none. Okay, man. He's the one who called Kirk Gibson's home run in the '88 World Series. Incredible, incredible storyteller. And so I thought I wanted to be him. So I went into radio going into college. And then I realized shortly thereafter that I didn't want to be a broadcaster. I just wanted to. I loved it. I loved editing the music and the speech and all of that. So I started I worked in radio stations for the next she's 10 or 11 years. And I started out at a public radio station doing news stories and producing promos and all of that stuff. And then I went and moved to Houston or actually met my now co-host at a financial talk radio station. And I booked just four people there, made promos there, make commercials that all of that. And then. Right, in early 2010, my white employee all, yeah, I was going to I was an employee then. I was a W2 working in Houston. I walked up to the 16th floor every day. And because I said through the elevator, which was social distancing. Left. Right. And we were about to have our first kid. My wife had just finished grad school and was going to go make a whole lot more money than I could make. And then the company I worked for, well, turns out it was a Ponzi scheme and it went under. And I got I was let go in March, early March of 2010. And I knew I was gonna stay home with the kid. And I really need money. No, they didn't.
[00:09:27] They screwed a whole lot of other people. It turns out they were screwing other people out of money so they could pay me money. So in some ways, thanks, Ponzi scheme. But in other hands, billions of dollars, people lost.
[00:09:40] But then I left and I thought, you know, I'm going to be a stay at home dad, but I can't just do that. I need to have my mind right now working in other ways. And also, I feel like, you know, it makes me feel like a productive member of a family and a society to do it. But I told my wife that day, I said, I am never going to sit in another office again. I mean, I know as as I go out there and I found clients that, yes, they're kind of my boss, that I never want to have a boss, a real boss, you know.
[00:10:08] You know, a boss spelled backwards. Doesn't WSO be very, very interesting. And it's what he supported. Was she supportive?
[00:10:18] Yeah, she was. I mean, she she knew that I wanted to be. Not one. If you told me years ago what I would end up being, I wouldn't believe. Right. But we knew that we didn't that we wanted me to be a stay at home parent because we don't want to put the kids in daycare. Right. How many kids did you have at the time? At the top? This was just before our first was born. Oh, my. So we have four now. But this was just before our first was born. And I just knew we knew it was gonna be. I was. And we stayed home for at least a while. And she knew that I needed more than just just the kid to find satisfaction. But the good thing was she supported me and knew that the first year I wasn't going to make much money, you know. So she supported me as I was making, you know, five thousand, six thousand, ten thousand dollars a year. And I've been able to build that up as the as the years have gone by. But that was kind of the start of my journey, not journey.
[00:11:11] Yes. So. So speaking of babies, there's predictions that there's gonna be loads of, you know, how they called baby boomers and so. Well, now there's gonna be pandemic boomers echoes everybody stay at home and they've got nothing else to do.
[00:11:30] Slade is going to be all these pandemic babies.
[00:11:34] Yeah, I wouldn't it wouldn't surprise me, although I will say I saw something a little while back that I had to actually have my wife explain to me where they said, oh, all of the baby boom is going to be first time parents. And I was like, what are they? What's that? My wife was like, well, people are saying if you you have a kid, you don't have time for it like this. People are parenting wrong if they don't have time for it.
[00:11:54] Yeah, yeah. I mean, look, I give them a tablet, shove a tablet their face. Oh, I think you'll appreciate this. My God, daughter. I don't have kids.
[00:12:06] And my God and her and her parents were staying with me from the time she was nine months till 18 months.
[00:12:14] And so that was the only time I really been around a baby for a long time. And so so I was always seeing them shoving a tab or they had a little mini tablet with a big case on it. So when she dropped it, it wouldn't busted. And so she's enamored with this tablet the whole time I see her. And so this is kind of a sidebar to the real story. So. So I do Google ads in stream ads, the ones you can click Skip. Right. And so I did this ad and you can do what they call placement. So I told Google what videos I wanted my ad to play on. And somehow Google lost the list and then just started playing them randomly and I got up. The next morning is thirty seven thousand views on this video and they show you the placements where it actually played. One of the places was due to be nursery rhymes.
[00:13:10] So your little good audience, right? Yeah, it's some little kid in the hood car seat. And here comes Tom. Hey, if you want to be an Internet marketer, you know, hey, start them, young man. Yeah, exactly. So. So let's taking the long approach.
[00:13:29] So what I want to ask you about this is a good, good research for me. See, I have edited every we've done this is what. What number is this? 293. When I edit yours, it'll be the two hundred ninety third thing that I've edited and I've edited since. Over 20 years, just. But it's very simple editing, I don't get into anything fancy, but I've always been reluctant. Tell me how you handle this. I've always been reluctant to just turn it over to somebody because I'm thinking, well, I might have said something that I want to edit out and how they get to know that. So how do you interface with these? You didn't. These aren't all two thousand of your podcasts, right? So do they convey with you what they want and what they don't want?
[00:14:16] Yeah, I'd actually say about 1950 of the two thousand haven't been my own. By other people. So for the most part though, I haven't really had many of those instances occur. But when they do, usually they just send me a quick email and just say, hey, they they answered this one question. I didn't like their answer or I thought my question was dumb. Take it out, OK? You know, there have been times where I've been listening to it and I've just and I mean, you either already asked that question or they already answered it that way. And so I'll take it. I've done that to my cup. Don't tell the race. I've done that before. Right. Right.
[00:14:54] Ok. So here's like I wrote a book on what I learned. We're doing hundreds of editing, hundreds of podcasts. And so these are the things that drive me crazy. Audible breaths that are outrageous. Lip smacks And who's got them for them? I do have some software that can take some of this stuff out, but none of it's perfect. So what if you get into a situation where a guest had loads of these things? Do you bother fixing all the ums and ahhs and lip smacks and everything? Or do you draw a line somewhere because it could take a long time to fix all this stuff?
[00:15:37] Yeah, it it can. Once you get pretty good at it, you can actually see it.
[00:15:42] Yeah. Oh yeah. I see it. But I still I have to do each one individually until I got a Debrett there and then it's good but it's not perfect.
[00:15:51] I don't even bother with those anymore. I just go in and do it. Yeah. A lot of. A lot of times I base my pay off of, like, raw audio. So that's nice. I don't do it based on finished, right. It. That can be a big difference. But so, yeah, I just do it. I like doing it. I like looking at sound waves. I'm weird my way.
[00:16:14] I kind of get a kick out of it too. But the guy that taught me is an old guy from from Georgia is a big, big Southern drawl.
[00:16:23] And he says, well, if you want to be an audio editor, the first thing you do is record some, you know, pretty good idea.
[00:16:36] They're like, hey, let me let me write this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's much older than you. You could probably learned so from this guy.
[00:16:43] And then and then he says and then you cut out what's bad. And what's left is good.
[00:16:53] This old thing about being better. That's pretty much all I've done all these years. Yeah, that's that's keeping it simple. Yes, definitely.
[00:17:01] What I do is I do a lot of what one of the one of the best pieces of audio editing advice I ever I ever got was a throwaway sentence and a conversation I had with someone where they simplified it down to basically. You cut from the start of one word to the start of the next.
[00:17:20] And like, you know what?
[00:17:21] That makes a lot of sense. And then as you get into it, you start realizing that words don't just start. But there's. Like, if I talk to you about the popular vote, you have to like your hard your hard sounds like your piece like these. And you can actually cut inside of a word and then you realize, oh, this really long, ridiculous breath this guy took, I can cut out the middle part of that breath and nobody will ever know. Yeah. Yeah. So there's all sorts of little things that come around with it. But I go breath by breath and pop by pop. And the lip smacking narration lip smacks before every question.
[00:17:56] Tell me about it. I fixed most of them. Yeah, it's it. I like hands on stuff. It's a lot of fun. It's not it's not tremendously difficult if somebody teaches journalism, but doing a 20 years with what program you use.
[00:18:14] I started with cool at it and then actually that's not true. I started with Pro Tools. Then I was working Pro Tools and cool at it whenever I was working. It was weird. The radio station I was that if you were in the audio production, use pro tools. But if you're in the newsroom, you used cool at it. Don't ask me why. Weird thing. And then cool it. It morphed into Adobe Audition and I've mostly been using that. The rest of my career I've dabbled with audacity. Whenever I get fired, if I have to help a friend set it up and they run out of money. And those are those are the primary one.
[00:18:47] Yeah, that's what I use Adobe audition with. What I like is the ease of the noise reduction because I just take a capture of noise print for those listening. I'll just highlight a period of silence and there's always some kind of little space in there somewhere. And then you just tell it to get rid of it and it goes through the whole file and just cleans up all that stuff. But, you know, one thing that happens sometimes and I don't know why maybe maybe, you know why is sometimes in a file.
[00:19:18] Oh, here the end of a word and then it goes it's.
[00:19:23] And then you pick up the next, you can't hear it really during people talking, but as soon as they finish a word and take a pause, it like trails off. Like, any idea what that is?
[00:19:37] And that's before or after you do then noise reduction after the noise reduction. So a lot of that was probably when the noise reduction comes and it takes out the samples parts that it foundered initially in order to remove it, but they remove it from everything. So it's also removing it from the voice, which is why you really have to check it before you do it. Make sure that you're not making the guest sound tenny. And so my guess would be, is that some of their speech overlapped with the noise of the room. I say hold out a weird whenever it pulled it out, it made it a weird.
[00:20:10] Okay. Well, so what what would you do about that? Just back off the noise reduction.
[00:20:16] Yeah, I would probably just lower the amount that the noise reduction reduced.
[00:20:20] Yeah. And you know, I've been preaching this for one hundred years because we do we have a TV studio here and I've been teaching video production for ever. In fact, my first wedding back, I mean, this is 35 years ago or more I had thrown out of the church. I go into a Catholic, you know anything about Catholics?
[00:20:44] I've been to a Catholic wedding. It was miserable.
[00:20:47] Okay, well, just think how the years after that, how miserable was probably for. They had this big table out front. And I thought, great. You know, I mean, there early. It's thrown all my crap on. They're getting set up. And this is like if you've ever seen a priest flying like they're flying, then it's like the most holy table on the face of the earth. I feel like crap on it. It even worse than that on the way in. I'm a dumb hick. I see this what I now know to be the confessional. And I thought, oh, man, that's good. They got a closet right there. I can throw all my crap in well during the wedding.
[00:21:23] That's so. But that's kind of thing, right? Yeah.
[00:21:30] I guess I should have said, Father, I have sinned twice so far today. But I've always said the following statement since then. People will put up with poor video, but they will not put up with poor audio. You agree with that?
[00:21:46] Yes, absolutely. I would say in regards to your what the man told you earlier when he says the first thing I did was record something, the most important part about editing. Well, is starting with good audio. Mm hmm.
[00:21:59] So from all these nineteen hundred and fifty other podcasts, what do you see, the big problems, the biggest problems of the people that were recording them, we're doing wrong.
[00:22:10] I find that a lot of people don't pay attention. They kind of get this impression. It's the headset's.
[00:22:17] It's really with the noise canceling. 12 dollar headset.
[00:22:20] And, you know, whenever they do that and they don't think about the fact that, you know, their headset moves around or that maybe their headsets not picking their voice up as well as they think it is in the headsets, just tend to make the room sound. The whole thing sound, Tenere, because it just picks up the, I guess, the reverberation in the room differently. I don't really know how all of the the headset mikes work, but when those came along, if you don't use them. Exactly right. It can make everything sound. I mean, you can't there's not saving a bad recording in some situations. You just have to go up to them and say, hey, this is gonna sound bad. You know, it's on you. Do you want me to publish that?
[00:22:59] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, unless they spent 500 bucks on it, then, you know, it's really high quality. I have a Sennheiser when I still don't use it because it's just not as good as a big divx large diaphragm microphone. And yeah, there's some things you just cannot fix. I mean, it's ridiculous. So. So that would be the first thing. So cheap headset microphones. What else?
[00:23:22] Well, I mean, not even necessarily the cheap ones. I mean, like, right now I'm talking to you on a desktop, Mike, that only cost me like forty dollars.
[00:23:30] Yeah. I got a headset, Mike. Yeah. It's not a headset. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:23:34] That's, that's the big thing is. And then the other thing is you have to be careful especially I know we're using Zoom right now and that your recorder is set up to record on separate tracks.
[00:23:44] Yes. Oh yes. Absolutely.
[00:23:46] Record everything on one track. The first time that they're talking and, you know, bump your hand on the desk, you can't fix that one. So if they're at a much different level than you. Yeah. That's how that makes it a nightmare.
[00:23:59] Yeah. Because every time they talk, you gotta adjust the volume. And if they were on a separate track, you can do it in two seconds, the whole the whole track.
[00:24:08] But my bigger thing is that you hear the background noise because you never know when there's gonna you know, somebody that bumps something or another rhythm or, you know, they're gonna set something down while you're talking and then you can't fix it because it's on your way to fix it. Is the delete what they're saying?
[00:24:20] Yeah, and it's easy relatively. If you get somebody set up, it's relatively easy. Now, when I first started, we had to get this twelve hundred dollar box that the radio stations use to use a professional mike through the phone. And I forget what it was called at the time, but. But it was very expensive to do it. But now with the zoom and I mean that we kind of got rid of Skype a long time ago. But even with the zoom has been pretty darn good. But since they got bombarded with this pandemic like, I don't know, quadrupled in size, they're hanging in there. But it's it's still better than Skype.
[00:25:02] You just have to make sure. I think and Zoom has the settings feature. We can tell it to record separate tracks. That is, make sure that that's. Yes. Enabled because, you know, a single track. And when people go do field recordings, they you know, it's it's it can get rough. But, you know, it's like something that can record in stereo and.
[00:25:18] Yeah. We don't want people to get confused here because sitting on my desk here are two zoom recorders. But that's a different company as that has nothing to do with Zoom that everybody's talking about for, you know, conferencing. These is a company called Zoom for and I have an H for N, I have an H five and I got a H one also. So I just use that sometimes as a external mike when I'm shooting video with just me on it. But yeah, h right now the H five is is doing our recording on separate checks H four and as a backup and then I'm back as a backup. And this is, that's the other thing. When I first started this podcast, I thought, you know what, I'm gonna get a cheap laptop with Windows Ten because I figure I need to learn when those ten anyway. And oh my God, when I finally got the two by four to the head, I went into the Mac store and I said, hey, if I was going to shoot a Windows 10 laptop, should I use a pistol shotgun? Because every time the guy would leave, he set everything up. I got a big mixer here and I got a compressor limiter. And, you know, all this stuff, parve fantham power boxes and all these things. And every time you'd shut down, he'd leave it come back. The next day, all the settings were goofed up again. And after doing that and paying him three hundred bucks to come back and forth to fix it, I just said, heck with it. I bought a Mac and this two hundred and ninety episodes later, not I don't think I even rebooted it and it's perfect all the time. So what do you, what do you record on?
[00:27:02] I have a P.C.
[00:27:06] But I hear you're a geek.
[00:27:08] You know what, you go without the. Skype, we ask. Yeah.
[00:27:12] When you're doing a broadcast and we use Skype and I use MP three Skype recorder, it's not the if I had to create something, that wouldn't be my favorite. It's not something I would create because I can't control the levels like I want to. But it's come out really well every time. So I don't complain about it too much, especially for the price of free.
[00:27:32] Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we use Zoom. I got the two tracks going now and then I edited Dobi audition and I basically record there's another thing I have called a focus right box that things are looped through. I don't really understand. In fact, I never touch any of the settings. It is good way to go because the guy will have to come back and put him back. I took a picture of him so I'd see if somebody bumped it where they were. But but. Yeah, so. So you've taken on that kind of work still?
[00:28:07] Yeah I do. I for right now I am kind of moving away from that. I made a big mistake whenever I decided to screw the commute in that I created a business, but my business requires me to work in it. Yeah. Yeah, get it. You know, I'm still kind of a W2 employee. I just never had the I didn't have the entrepreneur mindset and like I should have at the time. And so all of my business is like the web design, the audio production. Unless I want to go out and find employees to do it, then I have to up my rate. And part of my appeal is that I work like a cent, like you mentioned, with startups and helping them with their website. So, you know, I'm only charging like. Five hundred six hundred bucks a Web site for the most part, because usually they want something simple and quick. And so if I were to go around and try to find somebody who could make it for three hundred dollars, I'm probably not going to get anybody who's right. You're going to fix it in a very good job. And I'll spend more time helping, like fixing the things that you could have done to is right the first time for sure. But I'm still taking it on and trying to figure out a way is kind of why I'm doing the real estate coaching is to try to way to to amplify what I'm doing and to make my time to prove that my time's worth more money than I currently.
[00:29:18] Well, you got four kids. That's slave labor there. But when you put them to work, I'm teaching them.
[00:29:23] But, you know, the this one's about to turn 10, so they're not quite there yet.
[00:29:26] What do you mean? You would cut the grass risking your life at seven?
[00:29:30] What is now going to probably get arrested? What's that kid doing out there? That's why we have mow the backyard.
[00:29:40] If he cuts his foot off, the blood won't be all over the front front yard. So. So tell us more about the podcast. How do you get to be co-host with nearish.
[00:29:54] Yeah. So this is one of the things that I have that this podcast came about because of know work I did 10 years ago and something that I found that I've always had to do. And since I came in, like I mentioned, you know, I don't make a ton of money, but I also my primary job is is the taking care of the kid. Yeah. But being able to work from home has allowed me to make, you know, tens of thousands of dollars a year working 10 hours a week in duration. I he was my intern. Let's see for 14 years ago. Very fortunate. My intern at the financial taxation. And he left and we just stayed in touch. And then he went and worked at all the big companies and, you know, met people. And then he would say, hey, you know, they need this done. And I know Adam can do it all. And we so we stayed in touch. I've made a ton of money for him. He's paid me a ton of money. And then, you know, we would we would talk every couple months. Nothing big. So, you know, for adult relationships, that's like living the other. Right. Right. I to somebody every couple months. So he he sent me a text one like Thursday night at ten thirty or eleven o'clock my time and said, hey, we need to do a podcast. This guy who works in the NBA that I know called me today and said, I don't know what to do. They want me to work from home starting tomorrow. I was like, all right, well, then let's start a show. And we worked on it Friday and then we published our first episode. I think Monday.
[00:31:24] Yeah. Yeah. You really have to prepare for this. Yeah. I mean, it helps whenever you've got the guy who knows marketing guy, you know. He does.
[00:31:33] Yeah. I mean, it's not that hard if you have just the bare minimum set of skills. But it can the payback can be enormous. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
[00:31:41] I mean the regret, the returns that we've gotten, there's, I mean we had it's pretty crazy. We had our first listener question before we were actually approved by item. I mean it was it's it's been a hit. We'll put it that way. We had we had a question after the second episode that we published, before we submitted items after three episodes. And then we had a listener who wrote us a thanks and said that he he worked for home, too. He does outbound marketing from home. And he wrote us and said, hey, you know, thanks a lot. I before I sent your show to all of my clients because my clients didn't know what to do whenever they started working from home there. And I said, listen, your show and realize how you'll know what you're talking about. So I sent them all of this and like, wow. All right. I guess this. Yes, we. Right. This market didn't need to be talked to.
[00:32:33] Yeah. And what's interesting is, is when I started my podcast and over the past, you know, year, I every time I see a new e-book come out, some I buy it if I get one tip out of it. Great. And so I went after I interviewed nearish. I heard him talking about his podcast, OMICS book. I think it was an absolute blast.
[00:32:54] Sounds familiar. I should go by that. I went and looked in my Kindle. They already had. So yeah. So word the word gets around. So. So how do they find the show.
[00:33:09] Yeah. So our Web site is just You can go on iTunes, Stitcher were everywhere. I mean he we got it set up. Do you use Lipps then. I assume basically. Yeah. I use lips. Yeah. You know, lips and publishes everywhere. So we're everywhere.
[00:33:24] You guys use their service to help you with an app podcast. We haven't we haven't gotten the app out yet. Yeah. I mean it's really cheap because podcast. I mean app development costs for a fortune but is ninety nine bucks and you just give them the graphics and you get this beautiful app. So. So yeah it's, it was definitely one of the biggest bargains out there.
[00:33:45] But we just know we haven't done that. Right. Yeah. We might need to look into it. I haven't worked with anybody who's used the app before.
[00:33:53] Yeah. It's really a nice app. It's very sophisticated and it's super cheap. So all you have to do is provide the graphics. They tell you what size to give them and you come out and has all this functionality that would cost you a fortune to develop on your own. So nice. There we go. All right. So it's a We'll have that in the show notes. So, so great. Thanks for coming on and giving us tips on audio and. And showing us a perspective of, you know, being a stay at home dad. Still bringing in money for the family, keeping your mind busy. It's a lifestyle business for sure. Absolutely. I wouldn't have this lifestyle without it.
[00:34:37] There you go. All right. Well, thanks for coming on, man.
[00:34:41] All right. Thanks, Tom.
[00:34:42] All right, everybody. We will catch y'all on the next episode. See you later.
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