249 - She's an Interview Expert: Tom interviews Gayl Murphy - Screw The Commute

249 – She’s an Interview Expert: Tom interviews Gayl Murphy

Gayl Murphy is a media shape shifter. She's a much sought after Hollywood correspondent, media and presentation coach. She's a speaker and author of Interview Tactics How to Survive the Media Without Getting Clobbered. She's reported on and media coached some of the biggest celebrities in the entertainment and popular culture. And she's worked for ABC News, BBC News, Sky News and E and I just love her to death.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 249

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[04:17] Tom's introduction to Gayl Murphy

[08:43] Traits that make people memorable

[16:03] Mistakes people make that shoot themselves in the foot

[23:01] Interviewing to be able to tell their “story”

[27:54] Bringing donuts is all about the little things

[33:18] Offering B-roll for your interview

[34:59] Pitch your story with a story that's already in the headlines

[37:53] Sponsor message

[40:01] A typical day for Gayl and how she stays motivated

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Gayl's websitehttps://www.gaylmurphy.com/

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Via email: gayl@gaylmurphy.com

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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Episode 249 – Gayl Murphy
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode 249 of Screw the Commute podcast. I got my old buddy Gayl Murphy's here. She did give you a quote of her just to give you an intro which you're in for for this particular episode. This is a quote from Gayl. She says, If there's one thing she's learned from interviewing world famous celebrities, newsmakers and experts of all kinds is you'll never be able to tell the world about who you are and what you've accomplished if you don't have that interview, tactics and media skills it takes to package and tell your story. But you've got to tell it in a way that people will remember you and want to tell their friends and colleagues about you. They want you want it to go viral. And take this from this expert, Gayl. If you can't tell your own story, who can and who will you got to tell it to sell it. So we're going to bring her on in just a minute. Episode 248 was Greg Williams. I think we laughed more than we talked during this whole thing. When he and I get together, it's just a hoot. Greg is the master negotiator and body language expert. He's got seven books out, an eighth one on the way on negotiating tips and reading body language. And we even carefully talked about some of the body language in and tells when people were lying in the political arena. So it's a lot of fun. Check out episode 248 and then grab a copy of our free automation e-book. We charged twenty seven bucks for this thing, but you get it free for listening to Screw the Commute podcast and you go to screwthecommute.com/automatefree. That's going gonna be in the show notes along with stuff for Gayl later. So this is episode 249. So if you want to go directly to the show notes, you go screwthecommute.com/249. But anyway, this book is invaluable to you and helps you take care of customers lightning fast. I was able to handle one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and forty thousand customers with myself and a part time person using a lot of the tips. I actually we figured it out one time. I saved seven and a half million keystrokes. That's not an exaggeration and that we figured that out like two years ago. So it's just one of the tips in the book. So make sure you grab a copy of that and screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Then we've got screwthecommute.com/app and you can get our podcast app. But you know what? We don't just give you an app and then you got to figure it out on your own. We're gonna have a video for you to show your screen captures of how to use it to use all the fancy features on your cell phone or tablet. And we got screen captures and video screen captures and you won't be lost by using this great app we have. So check that out at screwthecommute.com/app. Now, our sponsor's the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. It's a distance learning school which teaches legitimate techniques to make a great living, either working for someone else or starting your own online business or both. And guess what? We are opening it up to in-house classes after eleven years of running the school. And I want you to check out a quiz we put there. IMTCVA.org/quiz. It covers seven ways colleges and universities are totally fraudulently in my not so humble opinion ripping you and your your children off. And this is real. You're gonna be mad when you take this quiz. Only takes about two minutes, but exposes what they're doing to you. I don't want that to happen to you. So check it out.

[00:04:20] All right. Let's get to the main event. Gayl Murphy is a media shape shifter. I got to be able to say that carefully. I have to make this an explicit podcast. She's a media shape shifter. She's a much sought after Hollywood correspondent, media and presentation coach. She's a speaker and author of Interview Tactics How to Survive the Media Without Getting Clobbered. She's reported on and media coached some of the biggest celebrities in the entertainment and popular culture. And she's worked for ABC News, BBC News, Sky News and E and I just love her to death. She took me to a fancy party with all these celebrities just years ago and I'd never forget it. So, Gayl, are you ready to screw? The commute?

[00:05:16] So let's screw, baby. Yeah.

[00:05:20] So you got one heck of a cool job. You. You go way back in Hollywood. You were the original traffic tootsie. What's that other thing you were? The celebrities are right, but wasn't there some other character you had in the early days?

[00:05:37] Greta LaGumbo. She's on Social Security now.

[00:05:42] Okay, so so folks, this is the second time Gayl's been on, so I don't remember what episode he was on before. But listen to the historic growth hedgies crazy.

[00:05:51] The early days and you hold my arm on that one. Honey, that's all right.

[00:05:56] So so interviewing that's important for people, right? But we're not talking about job interviews. I mean, could it? I guess it could play into that a lot. But we're talking about it.

[00:06:07] It could be anything that you're selling. How do you get people to buy from you? Obviously, if you're in business, the biggest thing you have for sale is yourself, for sure.

[00:06:17] And and in your case, your knowledge and information or your school or whatever. But if you have to sell your grandmother's car because she's not driving anymore or you have a washer dryer in your house and you want to sell that and, you know, I mean, use it as an exercise to get your make sure you still got your selling mojo going.

[00:06:41] So these techniques that you teach or you can translate into a lot of different arenas in your life, absolutely, positively.

[00:06:50] If you're not authentic in yourself and you don't know that it's show time, it's time to step up and be the star in the show starring me or in this case, you, which actually just means is that you have captured the attention of the person that you're talking to.

[00:07:09] It doesn't matter what situation that you're in. And for me as a business person, it does. There's no money in teaching people how to sell their old washer dryer.

[00:07:20] Why? Right.

[00:07:22] But you can sure. It can mean millions of dollars to a person that can do it big time in their business.

[00:07:30] Absolutely. Absolutely. One of the things that people don't realize is that when you're when you're selling something and people buy from you, you think that it's your product that they're buying, but they're not really buying your products or buying the experience of you.

[00:07:48] And and really, you want that steps were being authentic comes in and being yourself and not being so silly. Silly. You know, if you just tell your story with energy and you make it about the person that you're talking to. If it'll at least if they don't find from you, they may tell someone else about it, because maybe for them the timing wasn't good or they just had already signed up with somebody else. But they knew at some time you were going to work together. And I know that's true because every single person listening to this conversation that we're having right now has always been in a situation where they've run into someone that they've met five years ago where they said, you know, I always wanted to work with you.

[00:08:36] You know, I always wanted to work with you, I always, you know, I was thinking, gosh, you know, I wonder if there's a project that's ever come up. I'd love to work with that person.

[00:08:45] Well, when we take this into the media arena, you have interviewed literally thousands of people in your career. I mean, sixteen thousand fifteen or sixteen thousand from A-list to business executives, they have everything in between, I imagine.

[00:09:03] Yeah. So, you know, when somebody has got it and when they don't.

[00:09:08] And so you've identified these traits that make people memorable and and help move people, people to action.

[00:09:15] So give us some ideas of how you can improve on this.

[00:09:19] And I'm still learning. Always. Well, you. Yeah. I mean, everybody is different and they'll say something and I'm like, oh, OK. And that clicks. And that was really kind of stunning the way they did.

[00:09:31] So give us some tips on how we can improve this. What are some and some of the mistakes that people make that really ruin things in a hurry?

[00:09:40] Well, that's a it's the biggest thing is not understanding how the media works and what it thrives on. The media thrives on two things. In particular, one of them is soundbytes and talking points, soundbites for time. And talking points for story, because at the end of the day, it's all about your story, so you have to have a story. You have a lot of stories, but basically it's a story about who you are. What you're selling? What is it?

[00:10:14] What is it? Who needs it? Who uses it? Who wants it? What? Who's your target market? Who do you.

[00:10:22] Who did you think was your target market? That turned out to be this other target market. Now you have both of them. So who are you? What are you selling? Why would I need it? What's my problem? So that you can solve it for me.

[00:10:37] Does this kind of like a press release? Who, what? Where, when? My kind of thing.

[00:10:42] We're spreading the news, babe. You nailed it. Yeah.

[00:10:46] Yeah, cause that's what the media is all about here and you know it.

[00:10:51] At the end of the day, when I first met you, the definition of media was radio, TV, print, billboards, magazines, newspapers and people in the production.

[00:11:03] There was no internet.

[00:11:05] Yeah.

[00:11:06] If you lived in L.A. or New York and your uncle didn't work for The Washington Post or the Los Angeles Times, you didn't know anybody in the media or your friend's brother did a radio show. You didn't have you didn't have that. The likelihood of you interfacing with the media was Demps was slim to say the most. So the definition of media, according to the dictionary, was radio, TV, print and people in the production of. But we had a shift in media from 2000 to 2000 and it's still happening. Of such Teutonic proportions that changed the way in which we communicate it into an unrecognizable thing. Just think about it. Weren't we haven't even been texting, I don't think for seven years, something like that. And it's it's going to go on well after you and I are gone. And that's true. And it's just it's amazing. So that that definition is not going to stand anymore. So I redefined media. I said, thank you, Mr. Encyclopedia Britannica, or it's not happening. The new definition of media is anyone or anything that has the ability to take your message and move it forward. Anyone or anything that has the ability to take your message forward could be Tick-Tock.

[00:12:34] Could be it could be anything X or Y. So if I ask you if you've ever done any media and you say no, that means you have no cell phone or send an e-mail. You've never left a message on anybody's voicemail. You've never been in a photograph.

[00:12:50] You've never played charades. Right. Yeah, we are.

[00:12:55] We are broadcasting 24/7, even before this tectonic shift. That said, you know, we have paid Penthouse when we were kids. So we've been broadcasting within two thousand and twenty. And you're broadcasting 24/7 armed with a couple of cell phones and or a cell phone and a couple of social media sites you're broadcasting Goodman, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, BBC, all wrapped up in one. So you and every person that has the ability to read your messages and posts is potentially your next client, fan or customer. And so you've got to start really thinking like a real business person. You got to pull up your media panties and you really have to decide how you want the world to see you.

[00:13:44] Do you really want them to know? The biggest thing about you is that you just stated doughnut hole.

[00:13:53] There was a lot of nice sprinkles.

[00:13:56] But I would rather sells books. exac-. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.

[00:14:01] Or widgets or coaching or whatever it is that you do. So I think that's the first thing we have to really turn our brain around and really acknowledge that the landscape is completely different and that either everything around you is going to be something that works for you or it's going to be something that you run away from.

[00:14:25] Or you waste a lot of time on, too, or you waste a lot of time.

[00:14:28] If you want to move forward with what's happening, you need to adapt.

[00:14:33] And what you need to do to adapt is no understand and appreciate. What the media wants is exactly what they wanted. When the media was in fact TV, radio, print, newspapers and magazines. And what that is, is a story. And what that story is. Is your story. And if you can't tell it, you can't sell it. I'm here to help you put your story together. That's what I do. Who are you? What are you selling? Why do I need it? And where can I get it?

[00:15:14] Now, I heard a pretty prominent person in the field say one time the media likes heat better than light.

[00:15:25] In other words, they love arguments. Is that. Is that how you interpret that?

[00:15:30] That's for profit media. You're not going to find that. And Nessa's. Well, you know what? You can do that with your language. You don't have to be an A-hole. And that's what a lot of them like about it. And that we all lined up clicking them out because it's like, stop yelling. Stop.

[00:15:49] Tell me something that's going to empower me as a person that's going to guide my decision as to whether I want to work with you or not or whether I'm interested in in purchasing what it is you have so that I can learn something else about myself.

[00:16:06] Now, what are some of the big mistakes that people make? They can shoot shoot themselves in the foot right off the bat.

[00:16:14] Well, they don't. They don't know what they are. They're not prepared. That's the thing. Then they're not prepared. They don't know what they're doing.

[00:16:21] The majority the phone calls that I get or the emails that I get is that I've already done 20 interviews already and I've invested all this money in a publicist and I've done these interviews and I suck so bad. Can you help me?

[00:16:42] And that's me.

[00:16:44] I can get you on sucked and get you adorable and beautiful. And the reason why people suck is because they don't know what to do.

[00:16:58] They should really come to you first.

[00:17:00] They should really? Yes. You know why? Because you're already doing it. You're already doing media.

[00:17:07] Yeah, and you can you can put a bad foot forward and not get some of the big things because you screwed up so bad.

[00:17:13] Look at all these. Look at all of these people that we say, see that are trying to do something in twenty twenty.

[00:17:22] And some body decides to dig up a bunch of tweets they put out in to be. OK. You have to be respectful of this dynamic machine that's in your purse or in your back pocket. Because nobody else wrote those tweets. Nobody else wrote those posts. Your finger prints and your face is all over it. You did. You did that because you didn't know what you were doing. So we have to have a lot of respect for this energy. This energy stream known as media, it's anyone or anything that has the ability to take your message and move it forward. So you decide how you want the world to see you when you help them mold that.

[00:18:12] Right. Because sometimes people can't see themselves the way an outsider would. So you help them mold that persona?

[00:18:19] Yeah. Yeah. How do you want the world to see you? You want them to see you.

[00:18:24] In other words, if you are a banker, the CEO of some bank, you don't want to show up on an MSNBC, on the business on Bloomberg. You don't want to show up on C-SPAN or Bloomberg. You know, inch in gangbanger shorts, dirty t shirt. Yeah. We live in a visual world. So how do you want the world to see you?

[00:18:49] I want the world to see me as an international playboy. But I have a feeling you would talk me out of it.

[00:18:55] I would not listen if you are married to it.

[00:19:01] Well, off you go. I think I got divorced or bad about 20 years.

[00:19:07] Yeah. Think we can pull that off? No. What? What?

[00:19:12] You can be an international playboy on the side.

[00:19:17] You have to be a one trick pony. Okay?

[00:19:19] Yeah, I know. I know. I do that on the internet. I got separate websites for separate things. But so how how did you get that phone call from that lady that at least she realized she suck? A lot of people don't realize it. And they they think they did good. And, you know, they're begrudging that. You know, you tell them that they suck, but.

[00:19:39] So how do you work with that? I know most of you know how they know.

[00:19:43] They get no results, no feedback. And they got no results.

[00:19:47] Yeah.

[00:19:48] Nothing.

[00:19:49] They sent out a blast of five hundred to five hundred people and nobody even opened.

[00:19:56] Well, you're lucky because I get people tell me how great their Web site is. And I said, well, I say, well, how much money is that make it? Well, it's not, but it's very pretty is very nice. Look out.

[00:20:07] Yeah, you got the wrong scale of success.

[00:20:11] And the reason why, you know that is, is because you are thinking like the buyer and seller.

[00:20:17] Mm hmm. I already know what I mean. I already know what I eat. What does my perfect customer or fan. What did they eat? So then I can feed them so that I can give it to them. I know they don't. I know they want me. I know what they want from me. They want stories. They want to know about the business. They they know they want me to be real. Because there are so many people that aren't real. They want. They want reality. Because it's their business. And I don't blow smoke. And sometimes these. What I want to tell them comes very, very quickly. Just because I've been around it so much and you know exactly what that means and what that looks like. I have to ask for grant permission before we start and I go, listen. I'm gonna interview. I'm going to interrupt you a whole bunch of times. I don't want you to think that I'm being rude or whatever, but sometimes it just comes to me very fast and I don't just speak up. So if we could agree right now that I'm not breaking your heart or about this, this may start moving along very, very well.

[00:21:39] That's good. Set the expectations because again, a lot of times I imagine within milliseconds you already know the process after sixteen thousand.

[00:21:49] Enter it immediately if you know I can. And I how do I say to them? The reason why you're not doing as well as you could be is because you're not in your body.

[00:22:00] Now you know what that means.

[00:22:03] But someone who is very new at that doesn't know what that means. And it's are you know, when they look at me and they go with I'm not in my body. Who is? It's really what it is, is I'm changing you on the inside and not on the outside.

[00:22:23] I can change on the outside too, so that they tip them. So that's a to match up.

[00:22:28] Do you actually get in to image and stuff.

[00:22:31] Oh yeah. I work in that. I work in Nashville for a while and we're worked on show show performance.

[00:22:37] Okay. So because like you were saying about the bankers, you know, addressing the part.

[00:22:44] Yeah. When I have people that are going on like Good Morning America, we exchange a lot of photographs.

[00:22:50] So this this work can be done remotely. Is that what you're saying?

[00:22:54] Oh, absolutely.

[00:22:55] Yeah. Because they don't have to go to Los Angeles to take advantage of what all we can do with that.

[00:23:00] Sure. Absolutely. Absolutely. Sure.

[00:23:04] Ok. So you get permission from them and then what's the deal? Do you interview them to see them?

[00:23:11] Yes.

[00:23:11] Usually the first thing I say to them in some, have you done much media? How did it go? How did you feel? What was going on with what was happening? And at the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing. I didn't know what I'm what I was supposed to do. Mm hmm. You know, and I'm I'm like, OK, well, let's just start with what you did know. Did you did did you know that they were gonna ask you questions and you gonna get answers and they go, yes. Did you know that you're supposed to listen to the questions? Yes.

[00:23:48] So. So you did know a couple of things. And that's good because you said you didn't know anything. So that's good. You can, you know, more than you think, you know.

[00:23:58] So that, you know, they weren't going to read your book.

[00:24:01] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:24:03] I've got a great story about that. Of course, of mine. Who writes novels was on our radio tour. This was years ago, was a radio tour around the country. And he was like in Chicago or something like that.

[00:24:16] And it was for TV.

[00:24:18] And as they're pinning the microphone on him and the director is going three to one, the host leaned over to my friend and said, I just want to let you know I never read your book.

[00:24:29] Well, that was nice. And at least let him know.

[00:24:32] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My friend was such a pro. He looked at him and he said, Don't worry, I got this.

[00:24:37] Yeah. What is that? I didn't read years either.

[00:24:40] Yeah, that that's what you never you don't know what you're doing. That's not what you want. You don't know.

[00:24:47] You don't really understand or appreciate why you're there and what it is you're supposed to do. The reason why you're there is to tell a story just to set up a problem, how that problem happens and how you come in and save the day.

[00:25:04] Yeah. You know, one thing I remember way back when I first started, the thing that was so disconcerting to me was doing a TV interview and the interviewer would ask me a question and then look down at their notes and not look at me while I'm trying to answer.

[00:25:20] I'm thinking I'm supposed to talk to them and give them my contact.

[00:25:24] And they're looking at their notes. And there's like totally disconcerting, if not already for you're in the zone.

[00:25:30] They're not even there. This is a job for your ears. Don't look to them because they're they have a camera and a B camera, narrowly a camera.

[00:25:39] You're on the B camera when they're talking to you. The camera's over and they want to look good. The next time their camera works.

[00:25:46] Yeah. So but I mean, so if you didn't know this, you know, you could blow the whole interview. Your biggest chance on earth because you just got flustered because you didn't know that so.

[00:25:57] Well, let me let me ask you a question.

[00:26:00] Taking me out of the equation. Where the hell do you go to learn?

[00:26:05] Exactly. You say if you don't you know, you don't read it in a book. I mean, you might read it in your book, but so you still have to practice and get feedback.

[00:26:15] And, you know, and, you know, look at where the cameras are gonna hit you. You know, if your hair's over your eyes, you go jangly jewelry. All of this stuff affects your overall appearance.

[00:26:28] That's it. I mean, absolutely. I had I was training someone not long ago who was doing a bunch of radio media to a TV satellite tours, which is when you were in. And while they weren't satellite, they were alive. So you're in a room with a camera person, a sound person, a producer. And every five minutes they bring in a different reporter. And so it's all I use. It's showtime all over it.

[00:26:53] That's if you're lucky. I was in a room with just a motorized camera with nothing.

[00:26:59] And I had to really break it down with this person. I said, okay, so here is the here's how it's gonna work out.

[00:27:05] So you're gonna do hair and makeup and then someone's going to come and get you and they're gonna come and get you. And so basically a minder and they're gonna bring you into the room. And the first person you're gonna meet is even though it's not gonna be the camera person to the gonna be somebody from the studio or it's going to be the one the person is producing it. You shake their hand. Tell them your name. Ask them what their name is. And you did that. You do that with every single person. And I'll tell you something. Five years later, after you win the Grammy, they're gonna remember being in that room with you and say he was such a nice guy. You know, he walked in the room. He introduced himself as right, Ray. Right. And shook hands with everybody. So you have to show people the caliber and quality of who you are as a person.

[00:27:57] You know, I took a bunch of doughnuts for the I was on a show in San Antonio and the stage man know who treats them nice. You know, the stage managers doing all the hard work.

[00:28:09] All right. So I made sure to thank her and shake her hand. And then I came back two years later, brought her donuts, and she thought I walked on water.

[00:28:20] So I made things all about the little thing. So let me just give you some hints right here. Great little cheat sheet.

[00:28:29] You want to be as honest and as upfront edge you can with the person that's interviewing you or looking to buy your product without giving up anything you wouldn't want to read about yourself tomorrow in the newspaper. So I'd be as honest as you can, but you don't have to give them your heart and soul. Got it. You can just be like Tom and give him a doughnut or two. You want to relax and enjoy having a good time. Have a good time. Being interviewed is supposed to be fun. And the reason why it's supposed to be fun, you get to be the star of the show starring me in this case, you and all of that stuff that if you don't love that, call me, right? Yeah. Call me. Okay. Okay. So what is your job?

[00:29:15] Your job is to capture your listeners attention and imagination in the shortest amount of time. One of the best ways of doing that is by using color and detail in describing what you're talking about. Names, dates, places. What time of day was it? What were they wearing? Not a whole bunch. Just enough to create a sense of place and always speak in complete sentences and avoid losing language. We'll start noticing some of the ways in which you're using some some of the ways you're using language to describe your business, your product and your service. Is that like a little 2015? Maybe you need to brush up. The words that are kind of languishing or have become a little bit lazy or old fashioned.

[00:30:11] Keep people engaged in what you're saying so they'll continue asking you questions. Keeps the interview dynamic and cohesive and moving it along. So where do you get that kind of energy? Remember, it's showtime.

[00:30:26] You're in the zone.

[00:30:28] It's that guy playing in the World Series at the end and as a top of the ninth. And everybody's screaming at the pitcher.

[00:30:36] And he doesn't hear one thing. He doesn't hear anything at all because he's in the zone. So prepare, prepare, prepare in advance. Know what the hard questions are about what you're selling in advance. You know what they are and what people and what you're going to say before you talk to the press or any gatekeepers. Just don't write a script. Think more along the lines of talking points. And the reason why you don't want to bring stuff with you because you already know this. You've been talking about it as a dream and then a wish. And then you've got the money and then you've found someone who we wanted to help. You know, that, you know, on this. You don't need a piece of paper. What you do need is you need to know how to drill down on it. Figure out what your bullet points are and just clean it up so that it just comes out like conversation, which is exactly what I'm doing right now. You want to stay on topic. You want to stay focused. You want to be specific. That's how you act in the zone.

[00:31:44] You know, that pitcher in the ninth inning is not thinking about, gee, do I need gas in my car? Give facts and information. So this stuff is real names, dates, places. And don't forget, there is no such thing as off the record. Mm hmm. So you have your soundbytes ready. They'll help your story. You keep it compelling. An attention grabbing. Murphy's Law. A sound bite is a brief and outstanding mini version of who you are and what you're selling. Like an audio snapshot. So if you don't know what sound bites are, I definitely recommend you shell out the 20 bucks and get my e-book, my book, which but get the e-book, it's a lot more manageable. And I'll teach you how to create your own sound bites. If you're if you can't if you don't want to do that, start listening to the candidates because they'll tell you about who they are. And then you see them seven times in a row when they're telling the same story over again. But it's a little bit different each time.

[00:32:59] Those are their sound bites or sound before you go on to tell them the name of the book again and where they get it short or short.

[00:33:07] So you also may want to watch like Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood. And they when they go to film, they set it up and then they go to the actual clip itself. A clip is really a video soundbite.

[00:33:22] Are you suggesting people take B-roll with them to TV or offer a. What do you mean?

[00:33:30] Well, if they're going to a TV interview, should they offer the station?

[00:33:34] They really do.

[00:33:35] When you're doing your prep with the producer, let them know that you have some B-roll if they're interested.

[00:33:40] Yeah. Tell you, tell him.

[00:33:42] Tell everybody will be row is a B-roll is stuff that they can use that's already been shot. That that makes a good Segway from one to the other.

[00:33:53] So you could be talking, but they're show and this other video of what you're talking about, right?

[00:33:57] Yeah. Just tell them you have it available and have that conversation with them at least four or five days before.

[00:34:03] So gives them the opportunity to look at it. You don't want them to not use it because they didn't have the time. Right. Right. OK. So work with them and it makes you look like a pro.. Just don't be pushy. You just say, by the way, I just want to let you know. You want to tell them. And then also, when you're in an email, you know, you might say, oh, by the way, I don't know if I mentioned this to you, but I have some B-roll if you guys are interested in here as well. Here it is right now.

[00:34:34] Yeah. I even gave him some TV ready graphics now and they thought like, oh, man, this guy.

[00:34:40] We did have to do for his segment. You want to make it easy on them. But without being pushy and not up in, they're gonna say they're gonna tell you. I don't need anything. Get out of here. Shut up. But other times, they're going to be really nice to you. Like they were just nice to Tom. So you don't know. So don't don't let somebody put your fire out. Whenever possible, you want to connect your story or pitch your story with a story or trend that's already in the headlines right now. Then you and your story becomes as newsworthy as this story that's taking up all the headlines.

[00:35:25] And unfortunately, one of my students is an active shooter expert. And so he's got his Google alerts. Those of you out there don't know what that is as you can put keywords in and it'll email you when that word shows up in the news. So unfortunately, he's been busier this year than ever with all these shootings. And but he gets an instant email and then he calls up the media in that. That's what she's talking about basically as news Jack and your jump on piggybacking on what's in the news. And he offers himself as an expert, active shooter, expert, and then sometimes he gets brought in to to do the class form. So so that's that's what she's talking about.

[00:36:08] And let me tell you something. For those of you who are listening to this right now and you have a certain expertise and this particular tip resonates for you. You want to go through the headlines and see where you apply to anything that's happening and make to make do a whole bunch of tweeting and posting and that kind of stuff out there.

[00:36:28] And maybe they can't use it today or tomorrow, but it will resonate with someone. OK. Also, listen carefully what they're as asking you because your answer. You wanted to be specific to their question and you wanted to be succinct. OK, don't be long winded.

[00:36:49] Now you can help them practice this remotely, right?

[00:36:52] Absolutely. You do like roleplaying and things like that with you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

[00:36:59] Yeah. And sometimes I know when I work with the studio sometimes like we'll do like five or six sessions and I'm really proud and they're really doing well. And. I pitched them on the idea of doing of letting me interview them for like 20 minutes. And because it's me and they're used to me and they're warm with me. Right. We'll do it. We'll do an interview because we can stop and start. And they keep all of that and break it up into five or six video clips. And they can put it on their Web site, use it for social media and that kind of stuff. And I'll tell you something. If you if you do all the right things, if you do some hair and makeup and you have your clothes all put together when you just your own only going to shoe you from above the waist and that kind of stuff. You can use that those videos for like 10 years.

[00:37:56] Nice, nice, nice. We got to take a brief sponsor break.

[00:37:59] We come back, we're going to ask Gayle, what's a typical day look like for her being a big Hollywood superstar and how she handles some of the crazies out there? Variety. Hurrah!

[00:38:14] So, folks, I really want you to check out that the quiz I was telling you about that at school Web site, it's IMTCVA.org/quiz. And it may not apply to you, but I guarantee you, you know, somebody that's either got kids thinking about going to college or they're thinking about re-educating themselves. And and it could save them hundreds of thousands of dollars if there's nothing there's no downside to just knowing what you're getting into because some of the tricks that they're pulling. I mean, I have a show in development in Hollywood called Scam Brigades, a consumer advocate show. I would say that these colleges and universities would be sued or in jail if they were regular people doing some of this stuff. That's how serious some of the things are. So check that out at IMTCVA.org/quiz. And if I can help you get out of that mess in our school, you can. I mean, we have a student that who after one month was making eleven hundred bucks a month, two months, three thousand a month. She just called and quit her job, making five or six thousand a month and is only halfway through school. So. So it's very powerful. You know, people want skills nowadays. I mean, Google, Apple, IBM, Bank of America and hundreds of other big companies aren't even requiring a college degree anymore. And you certainly don't want that debt and then compete for a job at Starbucks. So if I can help you, give us give us a call.

[00:39:47] All right. Let's get back to Gayl Murphy. She is a superstar media shape shifter. I got to say that carefully. And she's been given us great tips on how to really tell our story and and do it in a way that's media savvy. So so, Gayl, what's a typical day look like for you?

[00:40:08] It depends. You know, at the end of the day, I'm in the I'm in the news business.

[00:40:13] So some days are busier than others. I don't do. I don't cover politics, but I discover I cover show business. So the last month or two, I've been pretty busy, especially last weekend with the Oscars. Yeah. Yeah. And we have the Oscars and Grammys and the SAG Awards and critics awards. I'm a founding member of the Critics Choice Award.

[00:40:36] Wow. Yeah. So it varies. There's some when you do what I do, you have to be.

[00:40:46] So you have to just drop things and run sometimes with some breaking news happens.

[00:40:52] Yeah. Yeah, I remember. I remember the day that Whitney. I have what I have when it comes to reporting. I have one superpower. What's her? Well, whatever it is, I am what's called the live reporter.

[00:41:06] So I don't. Do you any use any video? It's all live as it's happening.

[00:41:12] And that's just how you gotta coordinate with a camera person, the producer. Right.

[00:41:16] I know it's all on Skype now.

[00:41:19] So you're doing your own live shots?

[00:41:23] Yes. Yeah. There you go. Selfie stick or just.

[00:41:29] I'm just a reporter. No, I have it set up. I have it set up.

[00:41:32] You set yourself up a tripod and then you do a live on the street.

[00:41:36] No, I don't do it out there. I'm I'm just reporting it as a as a talking head.

[00:41:42] Oh, OK.

[00:41:43] So do you do it at home or where do you know there's not enough money in it for me to run out into the street? I got it.

[00:41:49] No, I would I would if I would if I didn't have to go by myself. But. Right. Yeah. It's too much to handle.

[00:41:57] So it's you know, if you watch Fox or you watch CNN, they catch the people at their desk.

[00:42:03] It's the same kind of thing. And they're breaking that same kind of news. That's only like a minute and a half. Oh, God. Just I'm at my desk. That's just how it is. I mean, everything is so sped up that, you know, the next thing you know, they'll and then people go to the bathroom for, you know, you're an independent contractor.

[00:42:23] Right.

[00:42:23] I am. And I have my own business. Yeah. Right. Of course. So.

[00:42:27] So that's that's kind of how I mean, if the BBC I mean, could several different major networks have you doing stuff at the same week or. Yeah.

[00:42:36] Yeah. Right.

[00:42:37] Back to back because can do they overlap sometimes where you do an interview and sell it to more than one place or is that a no no no it's fine.

[00:42:46] It's going well because the interviews that I do are audio. So I send those out. You know you wouldn't hear my voice in it.

[00:42:54] I say.

[00:42:55] Yeah, sorry. I would be selling them content, so I sell I sell content or I sell me as a correspondent. Whatever it is they want and I can do it. I'll sell it.

[00:43:06] Do you ever run into people that want to do what you do? Do you have a course for that?

[00:43:12] I don't. I tell you something. It's it. What I do is a collision between old school and news new. It really is. There are not not a lot. They don't teach people how to be life. They teach them how to do stand ups, which is when they're there and somebody is shooting you. But they don't teach them actually just to sit behind that desk and answer questions that you don't even know they're gonna ask you.

[00:43:39] I mean, I don't know what you're gonna ask me. I know what we're gonna talk about. Right. Right now, I don't know what you're gonna ask me.

[00:43:46] So here's a typical question I would ask.

[00:43:49] What are you aware that you do? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Being Sawai my combat boots. What? Combat? Yes. I just came from a date.

[00:44:06] What? The whole thing is we're on what's called live air right now. Even though you're recording in here. And it's like to tape. But it's like they are. We're not stopping. Right. Right. Hey, I don't know how much is actually put into. I'm fear. I don't fear. I don't fear the fact that I just cleared my throat. So I don't fear it. And in that I what I flourish a lot better. And from what I understand is they like it do. And it's real. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not. They like it. And if it gets the point across and they get what they want. If they're happy, I'm happy. What I'm trying to sell say is don't judge yourself. If you hit all the points and did what you were supposed to do, you're done. Nobody's gonna comment, slap you on the back. It doesn't work like that. There are no rewards. This is not like base kids baseball where everybody gets a trophy. You get to walk away with audio or video or photograph. Those are three things you didn't have to pay for.

[00:45:28] Yeah, they lend a lot of credibility, too.

[00:45:30] That's right. Exactly. Exactly. That's why we post all those pictures of me with celebrity.

[00:45:37] Yeah. In fact, I mean, some of this stuff, you get a TV spot, it's gone in like 10 seconds. But the the on the Web site, it might last for a lot longer. You know, so.

[00:45:48] Exactly. So you want to. You want to get that stuff out as much as possible.

[00:45:52] All right. So how did they how did they get in touch with you if they want to work with you?

[00:45:57] Well, my Web site is gaylmurphy.com.

[00:46:17] All right. We'll have the show notes, of course.

[00:46:20] And then you can be, you know, send a request to me through, you know, the Web site and communicate with me that way or you can email me. It's Gayl@GaylMurphy.com.

[00:46:33] And you said you you want to do what you say before we get started. You wanted to send them something.

[00:46:40] Yeah. Got you. Contact me.

[00:46:42] And we talk about some some trait, some training for you because I'll give you. You know, we're on Tom's show, so it's a friends and family kind of cost you more.

[00:46:56] Yeah. Boy, you can take out a loan.

[00:47:01] I'll send you some thirty five interview tactics. Oh.

[00:47:05] For surviving media without getting clobbered. And you know, the media is anyone or anything that has the ability to take your message and move it forward if you lived in a place like Hollywood where I live.

[00:47:17] And let's say you go to the car wash and the person you don't know. Because it's such an industry town for my industry. You don't really know at any time who you're talking to. And that still that applies. Also, if you live in Nashville and you're a singer songwriter or you live in New York City and you want to break into the whole Wall Street financial sector or fashion or something. You have no idea who anybody around you is. It could be somebody you trying to get on the phone for the last six months. And suddenly there you are in the car wash and they're standing next to you and you're having a conversation. If they ask you what you do.

[00:48:05] Yes, that's right. That's right. Not at all.

[00:48:11] Sell it without without sounding like you're selling anything because all you're doing is telling a story. Wah, wah, wah. Here's the thing, how this whole thing works. If we don't look at it in a very macro way, right into the weeds, to ground zero, there's no way you can build on it. If you can't tell your story to one person, guess what? You can't tell it to a million. So it's very important to stay in this space where you can still look at stuff and go, oh, I wonder if this fits here. I wonder if this fits here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you're always you're always getting better. So it's it's a process. It's. It's a journey. It's not the destination.

[00:48:58] Well yeah, but it's speeded up a lot by having somebody that's done 16000 interviews.

[00:49:03] Check you out. I think. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. All right.

[00:49:09] I just called one of my clients on CNBC last Saturday morning. I was like, damn.

[00:49:17] All right. So thanks so much, Gayl. So I want everybody to go to GaylMurphy.com. Get in touch with Gayl. She can literally change your life for the better. And she's been there, done this. You know, I don't have people on here that are, you know, giving book reports. I mean, 16000 interviews. So so check it all out. Thanks, Gayl. Good catching up with you.

[00:49:45] Thanks, Tom. It's always a pleasure.

[00:49:47] All right. We'll catch everybody on the next episode. See you later.

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