182 - He programmed his way to success: Tom interviews Troy Broussard - Screw The Commute

182 – He programmed his way to success: Tom interviews Troy Broussard

Troy Broussard is the founder of the leading integrated mobile learning platform called Membrant, as well as several other SaaS, and that stands for software as a service and marketing companies. He is a contrarian and he values freedom over all else. He runs his six companies from his homes in Florida, Oregon, and listen to this, Brazil, as well as from the road traveling in his RV.

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Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 182

How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

Higher Education Webinar – https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

[04:09] Tom's introduction to Troy Broussard

[07:58] Creating systems and platforms for people

[11:27] Brought up in the entrepreneurial space

[16:48] Went to Brazil as an exchange student and lives there also

[19:25] Membrant is a mobile learning platform

[22:47] Bleeding Edge vs. Dull Edge

[27:19] Sponsor message

[29:31] A typical day for Troy and how he stays motivated

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinarhttps://screwthecommute.com/webinars

Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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How To Automate Your Businesshttps://screwthecommute.com/automatefree/

Internet Marketing Retreat and Joint Venture Programhttps://greatinternetmarketingtraining.com/

Troy's Membrant platformhttps://membrandt.com/

Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

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How We Handle Social Media – https://screwthecommute.com/181/

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entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

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Episode 182 – Troy Broussard
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.

[00:00:24] Hey everybody it's Tom here with episode 182 of Screw the Commute podcast. We're here with Troy Broussard. He's a self-described contrarian and he's with us as part of Vetrepreneur Month here on Screw the Commute podcast. And this guy's got three homes that I'm going to ask him about that I've never figured out how to handle three different homes. I want to make sure he tells me where he keeps his favorite stuff. So I'll introduce him to you in a moment. And hope you did miss episode 181. That was one of my Monday in-depth training sessions where I tell you stuff that's either made me or save me a lot of money. And we told you I had my social media person, Lakia Robinson. She's full time with me. That's all she does is handle social media. So she she told you all kinds of ways that we handle it without pulling our hair out because it can eat you up with no returns if you're not careful. So make sure you check that out later. Episode 181, one of our Monday training sessions. Also, please tell your friends about this if you have any up and coming vetrepreneurs or entrepreneurs need some help. We've got great information on our Monday training sessions and then we have great guests like Troy on Wednesdays and Fridays to give you lots of tips and hear inspiring stories of their their the way they made it. All right. So let's see you also tell your friends about our podcast app. It's in the Apple store. And you can also go to screwthecommute.com/app where we got complete instructions to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road and you could put us on your cell phone and tablet. And it does all kinds of cool things for you. And then I've got a big freebie for you for listening to the podcast. It's my twenty seven dollar e-book How to Automate Your Business. And just one of the tips in this e-book has saved me over seven and a half million keystrokes. It's also allowed me to handle up to one hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and 40000 customers without pulling my hair out. Now, when you go to the download page there at screwthecommute.com/automatefree, and of course, everything we talked about today will be in the show notes. If you scroll down a little bit on that page, I've got an extra bonus for you that some people are charging four or five and six thousand dollars for it. You get it just for listening to the podcast. Check it out. Screwthecommute.com/automatefree. Our sponsor is the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia we're approved by the Department of Defense to participate in the My CAA Military Spouse Scholarship Program. Now we give this. The school alone gives a ninety five hundred dollar scholarship to military spouses, veterans and active duty people, along with law enforcement and first responders as a thank you for all the great things you do for us civvies out here. But my CAA program gives the military spouses four thousand dollars in addition to that so they can get a total of thirteen thousand five hundred towards their education that they can take with them anywhere they happen to be deployed. These Internet marketing skills are needed by every business on earth and they will learn how to do it. I'll tell you more about that later, but you can check that out at IMTCVA.org/military and of course that will all be in the show notes.

[00:04:14] All right, let's get to the main event. Troy Broussard is the founder of the leading integrated mobile learning platform called Membrant, as well as several other SaaS, and that stands for software as a service and marketing companies. He is a contrarian and he values freedom over all else. He runs his six companies from his homes in Florida, Oregon, and listen to this, Brazil, as well as from the road traveling in his RV. Troy, are you ready to screw? The commute.

[00:04:52] Let's do it.

[00:04:55] Yeah. Good to meet you. We were introduced by a guy named Steven Kuhn as part of Vetrepreneurs Month. He says this guy is a vetrepreneur. You've got to have him on the show. So tell everybody what you're doing now and then we'll take you back to see how you came up through the ranks.

[00:05:13] Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I'm just so happy to be here. Everything that you do supporting vets in any way is something that means a tremendous amount to me. So I just want to shout out to you and say thanks for the for all you do for the vets side. Well, you know, everything that I've got going on right now is all in the mobile learning space. And we have developed a custom app that is as a platform that allows people to really embrace the newest technologies out there rather than kind of living in the world of the dinosaurs, which is kind of the desktop approach to publishing your courses and training content and membership sites and all of that. I have created a platform which allows entrepreneurs to have their own app in the Apple store, not using mine, but having their own app and Apple and Google stores and put their content out in a way that allows the end user today to be met where they want to be met, which is on their phone. And you know, we know that all the stats today every stat you look at. It's all about mobile consumption. And so our platform connect those dots. And that's what I'm most proud of. That's what I'm most passionate about. It's about even I run four other companies. Two companies are involved in this mobile learning platform and that takes up about 80 percent of my time. So, yeah, great to be here.

[00:06:34] Well, yes. We did a little promotion. I don't know, maybe a month. Two months ago, 420 people responded. Four hundred nine run mobile. Yeah. Yeah, that's a little higher than the average. But I mean still it's the. Yeah. You've got to. And then Google came out and said not too long ago that your Web site will be rated ranked mobile first indexing based on the mobile version of your site not the the desktop. So so everything you've got to play mobile and you're playing exactly right into that.

[00:07:07] Yeah. And it's more than even that really. I mean when you go down to what Google's doing, they're really talking about organic. But, you know, the reality is, if you look at the five plus hours a day that U.S. consumers spend on their cell phone, that's the average in those five hours a day. Ninety two percent of the time they're inside an app. Ninety two percent. So this concept that people are out there going to your Web site from the mobile phone or that they're logging into your desktop LMS, you're learning management system or membership site from the mobile phone. It just it's nonexistent because the stats don't bear that out.

[00:07:46] Now, when you said the we are doing this, are you a programmer or do you have you the concept guy and then you hire out the programmer? How does that work?

[00:07:57] All of the above. I tell everybody that I'm a recovering programmer.

[00:08:02] Yeah. I tell you that the programmer, if you're just straight programmer, they'll spend like forty two hours on one little piece of code. And the guys, the entrepreneurs there grab the money that's flying by.

[00:08:16] Yeah, absolutely. And that's that's really kind of the synergy that is reflected in this app is my business background because. Yes, I am a programmer. I'm a I was certified in multiple languages. I programmed in twenty seven languages. All the way back to machine language, all the way up through C++, and object oriented programming. And so I've done everything on the programming side. And I also even did DBA. I was, you know, Informix and SQL Server and Oracle certified as a DBA. So I've done all of that architecture systems engineering background, but I haven't done that in 15 years. And what I focus now is leveraging that knowledge to create systems and platforms for people. So I have this kind of odd synergy between being a developer, but being a businessman first that understands that technology is not worth anything if it doesn't extend to your business. Right. And so that's kind of what I brought into Membrandt, we approach the whole creation of a mobile app. Different than anybody else out there. Everybody else, you're either gonna get their app. It's not going to be yours. It's going to be their container app, right. And you put your content in their app or you're gonna have to custom pay somebody to build something from scratch for you. And what we took is an entirely different approach. We created a software as a service platform that generates the app in your company's name and publishes under your Apple accounts and Google accounts, but it also integrates back with your CRM. So whatever email marketing system you're using, I'm widely known for InfusionSoft because I'm one of the leading guys there and have three of my companies serve that space and I've got the InfusionSoft Mastery bestselling book and all that. So I'm kind of known in that space, but there's lots of other CRMs that we support outside of that. And what it gives us ability is an app that actually responds to and interacts with your marketing and your business as opposed to just being sitting there out on an island.

[00:10:19] When you are spitting out all the programming languages. I'm like, Oh my God. Because I tell people, I mean, I've taught this for years and years, but. But I tell them, you know. Entrepreneurs and programmers don't really mix. Somebody is going to hurt each other if they, you know. And usually I tell them, get a project manager that's like an interpreter. You can take the entrepreneurs stuff and get the programmer to do it. But you're you're like your own interpreter.

[00:10:50] Yeah. And that's really kind of what's enabled me to build this platform, because, quite frankly, you know, it would have taken a couple or three million dollars to do what I've done. If it were somebody else other than me. Because I have the programming backs and because I have the UI and design interface and the architectural experience. And then because I have the marketing automation experience, that saves me really, you know, having to go out and hire one of those camouflage unicorns that can do all three of these things. This is a vet thing. So I got you know, I got I got to man up the unicorn a little bit. We're gonna make him a camel unicorn.

[00:11:28] Ok. There you go. So let's take you back where you were an entrepreneurial kid or were you a nerd, the programmer as a kid?

[00:11:38] What was you know, I I was kind of brought up in an entrepreneurial space, not by my father, per say. He was he worked for my grandfather, but my grandfather was an entrepreneur, and he had a profound impact on me. So even though I started out in corporate and did jobs for a while, I always had that understanding and yearning towards entrepreneurial life. Right. I went into the military out of high school and I was a nuke engineer on board submarines in the Navy. Nuke submariner. Yep, that's me. And you know, I went from that into college. I got a Roxy scholarship and went through college. And, you know, in that time, Clinton was a president and he cut back all kinds of scholarships. And we had a big a big fall out. And they basically wanted me to extend my contract a couple of years to keep my scholarship. And I said, no, thanks. You know, I don't I don't like having terms changed on me midway through.

[00:12:35] But then the G.I. Bill does pay for your college.

[00:12:39] No, it was kind of an odd. It's a whole long conversation. They kind of screwed up. And they offered me a civilian Roxy scholarship after I was already on active duty. And so there was all kinds of special circumstances around my particular scenario. But it was just kind of a mess. I loved my time in the military. I know I have nothing but the utmost respect for it. But I had a pretty bad experience in the process.

[00:13:04] Well, did you take good pictures of the nuclear sub for your scrapbook?

[00:13:10] It was like eighty eight and eighty nine when I was, you know, and kinda like I you know, I I even have digital cameras.

[00:13:19] They sure threw the book at that one guy for taking a picture.

[00:13:24] You know a lot of trouble for that. Right. So yeah. No, I don't really have any pictures of my time. You know, the standard Navy. So I came out of college as a dropout and saw I was four and a half years into a five year degree or a major double minor degree. And I ended up having to drop out and figured out on my own. And I went into sales for a while and then I became a programmer and I was a self-taught programmer because my training in college was actually in electrical engineering. It wasn't in programming. So completely self-taught and college dropout. So I say that proudly because I think so many people think that you don't have a degree, you can't do this or that. I got to tell you, it has nothing to do with that.

[00:14:12] So shouldn't I mean, nowadays there's a growing backlash against college at all because they're just raising and the the fees and teaching you how to go out and protest about it. And the it's the people were you know, there's over a trillion dollars in debt with these people and they're competing for jobs at Starbucks.

[00:14:34] Yeah. And, you know, the thing of it is they've made it where you can't escape that debt forever. You can't even escape it in bankruptcy. The government's going to get you on the student loans. And the reality that you're gonna get a job based on that is so low. It's I'm not a big fan of it. And I I don't even pay for college for my own kids. And I have no intention of doing that. I've let them know very clearly and they know, you know, I will I will help them and giving them experience to train them as an entrepreneur. And my son, I've done that is twenty one and almost twenty two now and worked with me since he was 13. But I'm not paying for college. I just don't have you know, fundamentally if I'm hiring somebody and they should, one of them shows me a resume from college and the other one with a degree in marketing. And somebody else shows me that they've been working in marketing for the last two years. Do you think would be more current?

[00:15:25] Right. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. The stupid classes that they give them. I mean, just this terrible, terrible thing. It might be fun for the kids in the short run, but in the long run, they suffer, suffer, suffer because of it.

[00:15:44] Yeah. So, you know, I went the corporate route for a while. I climbed the ladder very quickly and became an executive director of technology running five different departments. And a you know, I had 110 people on staff working for me and corporate. And, you know, then the thing that happens to a lot of people happens. Right. They had me fire a whole bunch of people to save money back then in the dot com era when the when the bubble burst. Right. And they had me hire or fire hundreds of people. And then despite promising a V.P. of technology for me, they turned around and fired me. And so that was, you know, the day that everything kind of turned for me. And I look I look at it with no remorse, no regret. I'm grateful they fired me because I took a couple of years off. I moved back down to Brazil. I was making really good money. So I had some time and I just kind of restarted my life. And when I did, I said, you know what, if I'm doing this all over again, I'm gonna do it as an entrepreneur or I'm going to be able to work wherever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want, and doing whatever the hell I want. And that was became my new mantra. And so, honestly, it was the best day ever getting fired didn't feel like it at the time, but it turned out to be absolutely the best day ever for.

[00:16:53] Most people say that. What's the Brazil connection, how did you pick Brazil?

[00:16:57] Before it went into the Navy I went down to Brazil as an exchange student. Yeah. Through a Rotary exchange program and just fell in love with a country and stayed down there for, I don't know, 14, 15 months in an exchange program. I loved it so much. I extended a couple of extra months to stay down there. So. And that just formed kind of the basis for me. And I've always gone back and forth. I've lived now in Brazil for more than 10 years. And on and off. And I have still a home there with my wife, who's Brazilian. And all of our children are our dual national. And we all speak Portuguese fluently. In fact, we only speak Portuguese in the home. And to keep that currency for everybody. And I'm even a resident in Brazil, which is kind of like having a green card down there. So, yeah. It's a big, important part of my family.

[00:17:45] All right. Here's my my problem. If you get three houses, where do you keep your favorite stuff? I could never figure that out. I got my favorite tools. All right, so. Which house do I have them in. My favorite pillow.

[00:18:04] So, yeah. Good point. So the pillow travels with me because I have all kinds of neck damage and stuff. I have certain things that I have triplicate in my different locations. Right. Some things like the pillow is a perfect example for me. Right. But most stuff, I'm just really, really portable. And I can run 90 percent of my company from my iPhone and the rest of it I can run from an iPad. So I really don't have to have a big fancy office and monitors and all of that kind of stuff. I do have it in one of my homes, but not the other two. So I only do that at the place that I'm at 70 percent of the time. And that's my primary location here in Florida. I love the heat and I like the the American lifestyle. I love Brazil to get away, but it's not where I want to have my base. So we go down there more on on getaway time and we go out to the West Coast in the middle of rainy Bandon and in the best time of the year. So I don't catch the rain because I'm not a big fan of the cold.

[00:19:02] Now, what was the third. The third house was where.

[00:19:04] In Bandon Oregon. Just south of Coos Bay, right on the coast.

[00:19:10] Wow. Yeah. I would be so used to be like I would fight on like if I was flying from where what books they take with me. But now with Kindle I don't have a problem anymore. But still.

[00:19:21] Yeah. A Kindle. And you know, hey, I'm going to just, you know, shout back to my app. I put it all on my app and listen to the audio.

[00:19:28] There you go. So. So where do people check this app out? Membrandt. So what's the proper thing to call Membrant. What is it?

[00:19:38] Membrandt is a mobile learning platform, mobile app. You know, people think, well, then that's an app and it's really not. There is no Membrandt to app right now. We will be creating one for some other purposes. But if you search in the in the app store, you're not going to find an app named Membrandt because Membrandt is a platform that generates your app. And so, you know, the apps that you'll find are for our clients that we've created with the Membrandt platform.

[00:20:07] Got it. OK. Yeah. Yeah. So do you know how many apps have been created with it?

[00:20:14] Yeah, I do. But it's not something we're in private companies. So we don't disclose it. But, you know, it's a platform that is wildly successful and growing. Hand over fist right now, because people are realizing that, you know, there's a difference between seeing the future and predicting the future. OK. And this is how I've kind of made my career when I when I came up before I get into any of this app stuff. I did millions of dollars in the SEO space and I did it the same way I was able to see the future. Right. It was at a time when the trends were obvious, the results were obvious to the growth curve was obvious. And so you could jump on and kind of ride the curve up. You didn't have to really guess on where things were going. The next few years were written in stone. Right. And that's what I call seeing the future. Right now, if you look at all of the trends around mobile content consumption, over 70 percent of emails or on the phone consumed right over 70 percent of all digital content in the world is accessed on a phone and you just go on and on and on. If you look at the mobile learning stats, mobile learners on a phone spend an extra forty two minutes a week consuming content over a desktop or tablet. All of the stats are there and the trends are there. So you can see the future for the next few years. It's going to be around bringing your business more mobile. Right. And that's honestly the reason I created the book that is coming out called called Business Appified. Right. It's all about appifying your business and extending your business into the app world, but trying to predict the future. You know, it's the difference between seeing the future and predicting it is the difference between being on the leading edge of technology and being on the bleeding edge. Right. That's the way I describe it. So if you think about A.I. today, I love A.I. The most simplistic form of it is things like Siri and stuff like that. Right. Those are the most simplistic forms that people are familiar with. There's no doubt that that's in our future. But right now, what I invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on that in an a in a specific direction. No way, because we just don't know how it's all going to shake out. It's really bleeding edge right now. Right. But mobile learning is all on the upswing. All of the stats are there. And yet the adoption rate is pretty low because it's very hard and costly to get into. Which is why I created this platform. To lower that barrier of entry and increase the integration.

[00:22:52] You'll like this. For years I've been telling people and this is true because I'm not real technical, but I've made lots of money, but not because I'm technical. I say I'm on the dull edge of technology. I wait until everybody else has figured it out because like you said, the bleeding edge is the most expensive, the most glitches, the biggest trouble. The less, you know, into the marketplace it is I I wait till everybody else has figured it out. Then I swoop in and make the money.

[00:23:21] Yeah, absolutely. Another perfect example of that for me was, you know, Bitcoin. So when Bitcoin was at, you know, 20 dollars or 20 cents, I have friends that are multimillionaires many times over from Bitcoin because they bought in when it was like, you know, just cents or dollars. Right. That was bleeding edge at that point. That was a super risky investment. And I never invested until it got to over a thousand dollars. OK. And very little investment until it started getting over around three thousand thirty three hundred dollars when it started in the late third and early fourth quarter of 2017 when it had that massive growth. Well, what did I do? I saw the future. All the trends were going heavy. So what did I do? I went in heavy and I got out quickly. It was smart. Yeah, but I mean, I started really aggressively buying it at like thirty three hundred. But you know what? I cashed out at nineteen six. As soon as it hit twenty thousand and started to tank I immediately sold out and I was done and I still kept some. But it's house money at this point. I cashed out all of my profits long beforehand. In fact I started cashing my profits out when I hit five and six thousand already took my profit so that from that point on I was playing with house money. Right. But the point is, it's the same thing. It's about seeing trends rapidly responding to them, but then also not writing them down the negative side. Right. Like today, if we look at cable TV, you know, cable TV started. Believe it or not, in nineteen twenty eight in the United States, that was our first cable TV station. Most people don't realize I think 50s or 60s or 70s, but it was actually in 1928.

[00:25:03] But yet I'm still waiting for those guys to come fix my cable.

[00:25:08] Yeah. They're still on at 1928 train. And you know what though, when it started dropping off. What's happening today? They're losing 14 thousand subscribers a day.

[00:25:21] I believe it. I mean, I got the Roku TV. My, my the kid that I started in this world in 1997 just sold his interest in the Pluto.TV. I don't know if you know that. TV on demand like Roku and Amazon Fire. I think they sold out for three hundred and forty million. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So. Yeah. Cable's going down the tubes fast. But hey did you ever hear of a CPM machine. I got one up on you. I had a CPM machine. When I first there was the first computer before Windows or DOS was even invented. It was six thousand bucks that it would barely do. Add. Subtract multiple and divide. On Membrandt, do companies typically buy more than one app or use. I mean make more than one.

[00:26:24] Most of the time. No. A general company. Entrepreneurs do. But not necessarily companies. What I mean by that is like an entrepreneur like me might have multiple companies and they're running them on on different marketing platforms. And so for those, yes, they would have it would make sense to have a different app for each company. But if the company itself generally only needs one app features inside the app, we use intelligent tagging to turn content on and turn content off so you can do all of your product access or course or curriculum access. You can control all of that with tags and have access to multiple different courses and training curriculum inside.

[00:27:09] And where do they go to check this out again?

[00:27:11] It's membrant.com. Yeah, it's spelled just like Rembrandt the painter so. But only with an M in the beginning.

[00:27:24] We'll have that in the show notes. So we're got to take a brief sponsor break. When we come back, we'll ask the Troy what's a typical day look like for him and how he stays motivated to keep up with all that stuff.

[00:27:36] Folks, since this is Vetrepreneurs Month I want to tell you a little bit more about how my school supports military families and how our training can help them. First of all, we give a 50 percent or that's a 95 hundred dollar scholarship just to thank them for their service. And this applies to active duty or veterans then for eligible military spouses. The D O D gives them an additional 4000. Now, the reason this is perfect for military families. I know this firsthand from living in the Virginia Beach Norfolk area is probably one of the biggest collections of military in the world. Spouses around here normally have to take crappy jobs at lower than average pay because employers know there they're going to get deployed. And employees players don't want to invest a lot of money in people. They know we're going to be leaving. So then the spouse has to get deployed and find another crappy job in their new location. This really sucks. So with Internet marketing training, companies don't care where you live. You can work legitimately from home. And if you get deployed from somewhere else, it doesn't matter. You still can be handling social media, email marketing, shopping cart stuff, customer service and all kinds of other things that every business on earth needs. And not only that, you can study at home with no expenses for books, travel or child care. I mean, it's really perfect for military families. And one more thing. You can also sell your own products and services with the same skills you learn, and you don't have to alienate all your friends with that multi-level marketing stuff you've been doing for all these years. So check it all out at IMTCVA.org/military. Of course that'll be in the show notes along with Membrandt and all the other stuff we talk about. And give me a call. I'd be thrilled to help support your military family.

[00:29:37] Let's get back to the main event. Troy Broussard's here. He's the aberration and that he's an entrepreneur that can actually program. And you don't find that combination too much. And he's got a really unique platform called Membrandt. So tell us, Troy, what's a typical day look like a guy that's got three houses, a family in Brazil and a bunch of companies going, what's a typical day look like for you?

[00:30:04] You know, my day is probably not too dissimilar from a lot of entrepreneurs. But one of the things that's probably one of the biggest differentiations is I start my day at 4 AM. Yeah, it's. It scares people kind of, you know, scares them, scares the freckles off their face for most. But I love it. And it started when I was going around the country in an RV. And at that time, I had. We didn't have unlimited Internet at the time on your cell phone. So it's super expensive. I was paying like eight or nine hundred dollars a month for my cell phone minutes. Right. And so I had to kind of adapt to improvise and overcome, as the Marines say. Right. And so the way that I did it is I would stay at a park that was close by to a Starbucks and then Starbucks that typically opens at 5 AM. And so what I would do is I'd get up at 4:00 and get some of my internal stuff done beforehand that I could do in offline mode. And then I would go go over to Starbucks, have a coffee, and I would work there and tell about 11:00. Now my kids getting up at 9 and then taking baths and getting ready.

[00:31:13] And all your kids were with you in the RV?

[00:31:15] All the whole family.

[00:31:16] Oh, I see. What kind of RV was this?

[00:31:19] I had a couple of different ones. I had a class A for a while and then a class C for a while. And then now what I have is a 42 foot fifth wheel that I prefer. I think that's the easiest way, because then you can just separate and have the car around town and still not have to tow a vehicle and all that. But so. Yeah. And and it became a habit. It was it was born out of necessity that I needed to get up early in order to get everything done and be able to have the day with my kids. Right. And be able to enjoy traveling. And so once I got into that habit, I just never looked back. I get I tell everybody every hour pre dawn. So typically before like 6 a.m., every hour that you work in the predawn is like 2 to 4 x the productivity you would have at any other point during the day. It's there's no Facebook, there's no distractions. There's nobody awake on the planet except for crazy people like you. And that leads to hyper focus and hyper productivity. So, you know, of all things that I do, I think that is the most important single, you know, tip that I could give anybody. And if it's not 4:00 a.m., just start getting up, you know, 15 minutes at a time earlier. Do that for a week and then every week just increment it by 15 minutes until all of a sudden you're getting up a couple hours earlier than you used to and just watch how high your productivity gets. There's no way I could run six companies if I didn't do that.

[00:32:45] You're scaring these people, I'm telling you. Most of them get up at the crack of noon.

[00:32:50] There you go. It's all about tenacity, man.

[00:32:57] Okay, so so you give a lot of work then. So but your kids aren't down in Brazil right now.

[00:33:03] No, no, no. They're here with me. I see my my older son and my older daughter, my two oldest children are with my ex, who's also Brazilian. So they lived down in Brazil. But my two youngest children, I have a four year old and a and a 9 year old and a 13 year old and a 21 year old. So I've got the whole gamut of kids, but my two youngest live with me. And you know that I work out of the home here. I have an office, but the office is at my home. And it's kind of crazy cause it's actually in a separate building. It's on a second story over my garage, which is in a disconnected building from the house. And so it's actually perfect because I can work at home and still be completely separate.

[00:33:47] And I'm sorry, we have to cancel the thing you're commuting.

[00:33:53] It's a twelve foot commute. And sometimes that's too damn far and I go probably two weeks, sometimes without even setting foot in my office.

[00:34:02] Oh, my. All right. Well, then we'll keep interviewing. So what motivates you? How do you keep this rolling?

[00:34:11] You know, what motivates me is that I only do the one thing I truly love, and that is, you know, providing systems and platforms that allow other people to focus on their mastery. And I tell people that, you know, my mastery is delivering your mastery. That's that's what I really, you know, gets me excited. I enjoy that because it's my way of impacting, you know, tons of businesses and hundreds of thousands of people by the platforms that I create that serve them. And that, to me is everything, because I used to try to do too many things, Tom. And. And when I did, you know, I would get burned out and frustrated and overwhelmed. But I got to tell you, I have never met a single person in all the years that I've done coaching and consulting. I've never met a single person that was frustrated, overwhelmed, irritable. All of that when they were doing what they really loved. The people that are overwhelmed and frustrated and lack clarity and all of those little complicated, you know, words that we make up there, the people that aren't really doing the one thing they really want to be doing. They're doing all the crap that they should be paying somebody else to do. And because I operate in that that space of just doing my core strength, then that allows me to take calls on a Sunday and go to this go to the movie theater on a Wednesday. And it doesn't matter to me. It's all fluid.

[00:35:35] That's the that's the lifestyle business that everybody on here wants that's for sure and you sure built it. So thanks for coming on, man. I really appreciate. Very inspiring story.

[00:35:45] Oh, thank you, man. I appreciate you having me on. And anything I can do to help the vet community, you just let me know. It means a lot to me.

[00:35:51] Absolutely. So we'll check Membrandt.com everybody and check because I have an app for your business sets you quite apart. I mean, I kind of fell into it. The podcast people develop mine, but it was kind of what you said. I just had to throw my info into what they came up with, you know? It wasn't custom by any means other than mine might look different than people thought about it. So, yes, look at the look at Membrandt folks. And Troy. Hope you don't hope the hurricane down there in Florida misses you. Hope it misses me, too.

[00:36:28] I think we're all good. I think it's ducking around the corner on us. And and just because this is special for vets in this episode, I just want to let you know if any vets are out there that are looking to dip their toes in the entrepreneurial space and maybe looking to get some employment and learn the ropes with somebody that's been around. I'm openly employing some people right now. Always. Yeah. And I always give preference to vets first. So if somebody is, you know, just have em reach out to me at Membrandt.com. There's contact information if anybody's interested and we'll talk and see where it goes.

[00:37:04] Sounds good, man. That's awesome that you're doing it. So everybody. This is Vetrepreneurs Months at screw the commute podcast. Tell all the veterans that you know and active duty folks to listen in and hear some of these inspiring stories. And then they happen to be a vetrepreneur. Just because it's only September. Doesn't mean I won't feature them on a future episode or special episode, so. Hey, everybody. We'll catch you later. Thanks to Troy.

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