13 - Copywriting - Screw The Commute

13 – Copywriting

Screw The Commute Podcast

Tom talks Copywriting

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    Copywriting is about words that make people buy stuff. This is the #1 skill in my entire 40+ year formal business career that’s made me the most money. This is a must listen episode if you really want to increase your business income. You can even start a business doing this for others. You will learn in this episode how powerful copywriting techniques are and how important it is for you to learn them if you want to have a successful business.

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    NOTE: Complete transcript available at the bottom of the page.

    Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 013





    Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    [02:10] Tom on Copywriting

    [04:59] Why you shouldn't delegate this task

    [07:27] You don't have to be a good writer for this

    [08:48] Elements of a sales letter

    [10:56] Other things you need to know about sales letters

    [14:33] Zeigarnik technique

    [20:16] Scare tactics

    [24:25] Features and Benefits

    [28:28] Cost comparisons

    [32:45] The Reason Why technique

    [37:12] What holds people back from learning this skill

    Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

    Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page: https://screwthecommute.com/webinars

    Screw The Commutehttps://screwthecommute.com/

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business






    Tom Antion Webinarshttps://tomantionwebinars.com/

    Tom's Copywriting webinarhttp://www.onlinemeetingnow9.com/seminar/?id=rgsfwncuyv

    Internet Marketing Training Centerhttps://imtcva.org/

    Related Episodes

    Shopping Carts – https://screwthecommute.com/episodes/10-shopping-carts/

    Sheryl & Robert Rudelic – https://screwthecommute.com/episodes/12-these-entrepreneurs-work-out-of-two-homes-tom-interviews-the-rudelics/

    More Entrepreneurial Resources for Home Based Business, Lifestyle Business, Passive Income, Professional Speaking and Online Business

    I discovered a great new headline / subject line / subheading generator that will actually analyze which headlines and subject lines are best for your market. I negotiated a deal with the developer of this revolutionary and inexpensive software. Oh, and it's good on Mac and PC. Go here: http://jvz1.com/c/41743/183906

    The WordPress Ecourse. Learn how to Make World Class Websites for $20 or less. https://www.GreatInternetMarketing.com/wordpressecourse

    Build a website, wordpress training, wordpress website, web design

    Entrepreneurial Facebook Group

    Join our Private Facebook Group! One week trial for only a buck and then $37 a month, or save a ton with one payment of $297 for a year. Click the image to see all the details and sign up or go to https://www.greatinternetmarketing.com/screwthecommute/ After you sign up, check your email for instructions on getting in the group.

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    entrepreneurship distance learning school, home based business, lifestyle business

    Want The Transcript for this episode?

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    Episode 013 - Copywriting
    Copywriting and that’s not library of congress copywriting I’m talking about words that make people buy stuff. This is the number one skill in my entire 40 plus year formal business career that’s made me the most money. I was actually writing copy for flyers when I was ten years old. So, this is going to be a must listen episode if you really want to increase your business income. Hey you can even start a business doing this for others.
    Let me say right up front so I don’t scare you off with this topic. You don’t have to be a great or even good writer to put out good copy. You don’t even have to be able to spell that well. You will learn in this episode how powerful copywriting techniques are and how important it is for you to learn them if you want to have a successful business
    Episode 012 Sheryl and Robert Rudelic a Prolific couple showing us the ins and outs of working as a team at multiple homes.
    Our sponsor Copywriting 901 The Fast Track to Writing Words that Sell. This is an extremely comprehensive online course pretty much guaranteed to increase your income in more ways than one if you want it to. www.Copywriting901.com and in the show notes.

    Let’s get into the topic today and also let me remind you I have an entire complimentary webinar on this topic at tomantionwebinars.com where I go deep into five extremely powerful copywriting techniques that anyone can master in a few minutes each that can dramatically increase your sales. I’ll touch on those five in this podcast, but you’ll probably want to see examples which I have for you on the webinar.
    Plus, the webinar has three super bonus techniques for those that watch the entire thing.

    Why Copywriting?
    • To sell your products and services
    • The techniques you learn will invade all your promotional materials, all your writing and your audio and videos because you will know the subtle and some not so subtle techniques to move people to action. You couldn’t possibly afford to pay someone to create all the copy you need written. No only in the amount of money, but the delays and enormous amount of time lost waiting for others to do this for you. I’ll address that in a minute.
    • You can learn these techniques easily. They aren’t complicated at all, but there are lots of them. Bottom line is they help you get what you want.
    • It’s a skill you can make money from by writing for others in addition to selling your own stuff.
    • Reduce Refund Rates

    Shouldn’t I just delegate this?
    I get sick of people telling you to delegate everything and only do things you’re good at.
    • NO, unless you’re illiterate or have money and time to burn
    • Won’t I save time?
    • I’m not a good writer

    What I’m going to cover five techniques but there are a little over 30 that I’ll mention and we’ll have where you can get them in the show notes at screwthecommute.com
    • Zeigarnik Principle
    • Scare Tactics
    • Features / Benefits
    • Cost Comparisons
    • Reason Why Technique

    • Pre – Headlines
    • Main Headlines
    • Teasers
    • Johnson Boxes
    • Urgency / Scarcity
    • Stories
    Case Studies
    • Testimonials
    • Bonuses
    • Guarantees
    • Conviction Statements
    • P.S.
    • Calls to Action
    • FAQ’s
    • Top Ten Lists
    • Recap Paragraph
    • Signature
    • Graphics / Photos
    • Margin Notes
    • Scribbles

    • Lift Letter
    Other things to know
    • Theory of Parallel Tracks
    • Salesletter Structure
    • Salesletter Formatting
    • Video Salesletters
    • Email Salesletters
    • Super Short Copy
    • Autoresponder Selling Episode 010 Shopping Cart
    • Shopping Cart Sell Through Episode 010
    • Infographic Selling
    • Where to Find Samples
    • Headline Formulas
    http://www.KickStartHeadlines.com PC Only
    • Bunches of misc stuff, like *, horizontal lines, white space, navigation, Colombo Technique, and loads of other little details.
    Let’s get into the Techniques Zeigarnik
    • Bluma Zeigarnik Russian Psychiatrist / Psychologist
    • Human mind cannot stand unfulfilled curiosity
    • News shows
    • Subject Lines (increases open rates) Example: “I’ll never do that again”
    • Short E-mails (increases click thru rates)
    • Business Cards
    Printed Materials
    Scare Tactics
    • This sounds ominous and manipulative
    • Fear is a great motivator
    • My main goal when I speak
    • Definition: “I want you to know in no uncertain terms there are consequences of not knowing what I know or having what I’m selling.”

    Features and Benefits
    • Definition
    • My disaster story AKA “Wake ‘em Up” System
    • Copy Coach
    • Formatting

    Now let’s take those last two and we can talk just a little about the psychology of sales copy. When you combine the scare tactics or consequences with the plus side of the things you get if you had the product or service a logical person would say to themselves, “Hmmm. I don’t those bad things to happen and I certainly want those good things to happen. I should buy this.”

    Cost Comparisons
    • Beautifully Illogical
    • Apples to Oranges
    • Something good that’s expensive compared to something cheap that’s even better.

    Reason Why Technique
    • One of the most powerful of all techniques.
    • You are surrounded by this technique every day.
    • Haynes Furniture
    • Definition: “To justify a price reduction”
    • Why do we want to reduce the price?
    A. People love a sale
    B. People are greedy ***tards
    • This is so powerful I even made fun of it and it still worked.
    I had a Giant E-book Clearance Sale. I made it look like a car sale.
    Flags and dancing hotdogs and portapotties. ‘Boss said move ‘em out. The old electrons are clogging up the computer and the new ones are coming in” $9600 in half price e-books.
    Reason Why Technique exception
    You need to learn this skill. If you refuse, you are leaving enormous amounts of money on the table and either spending enormous amounts of money to get others to do it for your or it’s just not getting done at all which is another losing strategy.
    So, what holds people back from learning this skill?
    • Belief that it’s too expensive to get this education. I’ll blow that reason out of the water when you see how inexpensive my course is. I paid $4500.00 for a course Just on Headlines.
    Mine is 15 times cheaper and covers 30 times the material.

    Lack of Time – I already showed you how hiring it out will take more time every single time you need copy than taking some time now and saving a fortune of time and money forever.

    Lack of Writing Skill – none of these elements use fancy writing and once you know the concepts and rough the sales copy out, if you feel you need to, you can get inexpensive editors to go over and smooth things out for you very quickly. I suggest after you do a few and get some results, you’ll probably skip the editor.

    Bottom Line

    • It’s the number one skill that can bring the most money into your business immediately.
    • It’s not that hard to learn.
    • The time you take to learn it will pay off for the entirety of your business career.
    • It will save you tens of thousands of dollars.
    • It will most likely earn you millions of extra dollars.

    So, get busy, set some time aside to watch and take notes on the Copywriting 901 Webinar at tomantionwebinars.com
    Check the show notes at screwthecommute.com for links to everything you need.
    There’s also a “secret weapon” there for about $30 bucks it will ask you a few questions about your product and spit out tons of headlines and subheadings and It will give you it’s opinion on the best ones you should try first based on the answers you gave.

    Or if you’re ready to roll now visit copywriting901.com get a lifetime membership and start your copywriting training today. It will be one of the most powerful things you could ever do if you want to succeed big time in business.

    This has been episode lucky 13
    Next episode I’ll be interviewing superhero Barbara Cookson on what it’s like to be a superhero professional speaker who used to be sedentary and overweight.
    I can’t wait to see the great copy you learn to write!
    Catch ya on the next episode.
    Join my distance learning school: https://www.IMTCVA.org
    Join the mentor program PLUS get a FREE Scholarship to the School: https://www.GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com

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