Roboform - Screw The Commute


Roboform password manager and form filler

I've depended on Roboform for years to: 

  • Create super hard to crack passwords
  • Remember my passwords
  • Fill out forms for me with all my info in seconds
  • Safely keep all my confidential information in secure encrypted notes.
  • Go to and log in to sites with one click.

It works on all my devices and it's considered the gold standard of military grade encrypted information security. 

Here's my affiliate link: I recommend it highly. 
Click Here for the Free Version 

Note: for the advanced features like syncing across all your devices and cloud backup  it's only $1.99 per month or $3.98 for the family plan. 

I think this is a crazy no brainer to improve your security and work speed. ...No more searching around everywhere for that password you haven't used for a while, or wasting time on continual password resets. 

Get started now!

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