Notify - Screw The Commute


Thank you for your interest in browser notifications.

This is a new “push” technology that let's us send you great deals and information.

It a very interesting technology because we don't get any identifying information from you. You allow us to send you notifications and they show up when we send them out and when your browser is open.

If we have sent you a notification when your browser isn't open, they show up next time you open the browser.

Did you Allow Notifications?

You should have seen a small pop-up notification window. Hopefully you chose to “ALLOW” notifications from us. It should have looked like this:

If you didn't see it, we have a green “Get Notification” button below. A new window will open. Click on “Allow” and we will send you notifications!

How Do I Know If It Worked?

You should have received a welcome notification if you subscribed! If not, click the green “Get Notifications” button below! Remember, you must have either a Chrome or Firefox browser on Mac OS, Windows, or an Android Device—or it won't work! No iDevices! No iPhone, no iPad!

How Do I Stop Receiving Notifications?

If you ever want to UNsubscribe, you can do it by clicking on the little gear logo in the bottom right corner in any of the notifications we send you and follow the directions.

Or, click the red “Unsubscribe Notifications” button below and follow those directions!