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12 Great Reasons for You to Try SpeakerMatch Today

Since 2002, my friend Bryan Caplovitz over at SpeakerMatch has been helping professional and emerging professional speakers . In all those years I've never heard even one complaint about this great service. 

If you haven't had the chance to check out SpeakerMatch, now's a great time to see what it's all about!

Check out 12 great reasons why you should do this TODAY:

  • Access, an average of, 30-50 new speaking leads each month!
  • You get a professional web presence with robust, media-rich features tailored JUST for Speakers (add video, audio, images, documents, and more).
  • Receive email alerts whenever new opportunities become available.
  • You can browse all listings on your own time.
  • Screen your OWN opportunities! You decide if an engagement is right for you!
  • Pay NO additional fees or commissions on ALL bookings!
  • Work directly with decision makers!. . . No middle man.
  • Edit your profile at any time.
  • Get noticed by hundreds of meeting planners and industry professionals. We'll even list you as a "Featured Talent" in our Speaker Showcase at no additional cost.
  • FREE MARKETING and publicity: piggyback on SpeakerMatch advertising and promotions.
  • Apply online for selected opportunities! The whole process of receiving a new listing, submitting your materials, and receiving a response can be completed in a matter of MINUTES!
  • You get  analytics to see how many people have viewed your profile and specific programs.

In addition, SpeakerMatch Members receive, for FREE, a variety of continuing education opportunities. You'll receive a weekly e-newsletter of marketing tips for speakers, and at least one monthly teleseminar, with top-level industry professionals sharing their insights on the speaking business.

Check out all the details at: 

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