Email Mastermind Thanks – Start August 2022 - Screw The Commute

Email Mastermind Thanks – Start August 2022

You made a great decision investing in my EMail Mastermind

The Last Tuesday session is 7PM Eastern, Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

Zoom Link is always 

Back up Cell Phone in case of Trouble 301-346-7403 (Note: once the session starts I probably won't be able to help you, but you can be sure I'll get you squared away before the next session.)

See Assignments and Replays at the bottom of the page

Prior to the first meeting please send me:

  • Any particular goals you have
  • Ideas you have for how you want to use your email marketing and a sentence or two about what you sell.
  • Best email and phone number to reach you

For each session, PLEASE BE ON TIME and reduce your distraction to simple chaos instead of maximum chaos. hahaha

Make sure you have the ability to take notes, have gone to the bathroom, and have some beverage and snacks available, if you need them.

Also, make sure you have a good internet connection and you know how to get your microphone and webcam working on a Zoom call.

If you don't know how to do this, get in touch with me right away and myself or Larry will walk you through it.

I'll talk to you then.

Tom Antion

Default Alt Tag for this page

Session 2 Video Replay 

Assignment for Session 2

Review 4 links on email legal requirements 

Create a solo sales email – something for sale directly from the email (all sales copy is in the email. If you are selling something this type of email is mostly used for inexpensive products)
Note: This could be an ad for free webinar, free download, online course, OR paid product.

Create a solo sales email that sends people to a salesletter for details

NOTE: “Solo” means you only have one topic in the email, i.e. the entire focus of the email is concentrated to get people to do one thing.

Create a hybrid email that gives a tip on what you do and has a link to something for sale

Create an autoresponder message if someone buys the product.

Outline an ecourse (paid or free) 5 or 7 part. Just give the topic for each email. You do not need to create the entire ecourse unless you want to. Example was an ecourse on Tennis: Email #1 Serve, Email #2, Forehand, Email #3 Backhand, etc.

Here are two videos on creating autoresponders and broadcast emails. Since these are older, ignore the two changes below. Also, the look of the cart and location of some of the buttons may be slightly different:

Things you can ignore in these videos:

=> html is now ok as long as you don't try to put in fancy graphics

=> Don't bother getting Not necessary when using HTML


How to Create an Autoresponder


How to Create and Send a Broadcast

Session 3 Video Replay

Assignment Session 3

Download your ebook below and then continue to the rest of the assignment. 

List Building Ebook Cover Art

Pick your target audience

Decide and acquire your professional List Management System and learn to use it. 

Decide on and start creating your first signup incentive.

Read the “Ultimate Guide to Listbuilding”

Make your signup form

Make your Thank You Page

Pick your top 5 methods and prioritize them.

Build the structure  to implement your first method.

Session 4 Replay

Assignment for Session 4

Sign up for other marketers and note their subject lines. Find the subject line this week from someone else that grabbed you and tells us why it made you want to open the email.

Download and read the HubSpot ebook  "100 Subject Lines we actually clicked". I say some of the subject lines are too long, but it’s the best I’ve seen on breaking down subject lines.

Start looking at your bounce rate and figuring out what to do about it. (optional if you don't yet have a list)

Create a sales email with two different angles for the same product.

Sign up for Best Seller Secrets Summit 

If you are so inclined, shoot a testimonial video for this training and I'll give you a link back to your website. 

Session 5 Replay 

Assignment Session 5

Create a Backup plan

Get out a piece of paper and outline a simple funnel including your products and services.

Learn how to manually put in a contact into your database

Continue creating subject lines and catchy body copy for your products and services.

Next week give us a great subject line and first paragraph of an email for your product or service.

Session 6 Replay

Assignment Session 6

Overall Recap and Next Steps Plan of Action

When you go through this course, you'll end up knowing more about making money with email than 99 percent of the people in your industry currently sending emails. – If they are doing it consistently and you’re not, then they will take your money.

I covered everything I promised in the sales letter. Frequently I’ll write the sales letter first and then make sure I do everything I claimed in the letter.

The legalities of sending email

How to avoid the spam filters

How to get people to whitelist your emails

The tools of the trade – 

List building

How to sell with broadcasts

How to sell with Autoresponders

How to create great emails

When and how often to send

Simple funnels

Various ECourses

Opt in forms

Lead magnets

How to Increase your sales with split testing

How to track open rates, click through rates and sales per email

And, most of all, how to keep from going insane handling large amounts of email.

Gave you two books, “50 emails that made money” and “The Ultimate Guide to List Building”

Now you must go do it.

Mentor program (you get your investment in this course credited to your entry fee to the mentor program) 

and 25% discount use coupon code MASTER25

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