It’s NOT 2001… you no longer have to pay
$5,000 for a website!
Take Back The Power of The Internet!
Tom Antion’s “Wordpress Website Creation” E-Course gives you the power
and freedom of building and managing your own e-commerce website without
the hassle of working with a web designer!
And my crazy Site
The times have changed and now it’s true. You too can have a powerful,
customized website in less than an hour and for as little as $20 without
hiring an expensive web designer that you have no control over.
How many ideas and products can you think of that you could sell to the world if you only had the chance to create your own websites?
If you are a speaker, author, coach, consultant or
ANYONE looking to do
business on the web, this e-course is for you. Gone are the days of
$5,000 websites (of course, you could still spend that kind of money,
but why would you?). WordPress, the premier software of blogging
professionals has the ability to create the easiest and most functional
websites on Earth. Just for you!
You can have a branded, customizable and fun website up and running in
literally minutes and be on your way to Internet success!
Hi! I’m Tom Antion.
People who know me realize just what a waste of time and money I think
web designers are. Sure, there are plenty of talented geeks out there
who are ready and willing to take your money, but I have created a video
training system that will eliminate the need for over-priced and hard to
get a hold of web designers.
In today’s fast paced Internet world, you can’t wait weeks to have your web designer make the changes you need… You need it now!
Adding your own pages, videos, MP3’s and products is how you make money on the web! With my WordPress Website Creation e-course you are in control of your Internet destiny… and managing loads of your very own website has NEVER been easier!
In a minute, I’ll show you how I created a website from scratch using
the techniques in this course.
This site now has a Google page rank of 4 and started making money in a
few days after I put it into action. But let’s take a quick look at some
of what you will learn in this video training e-course:
Pick your
customizable look for your website.
Add audio, images and more!
Create hidden pages that build your opt-in email list. This is list
building gold!
· Add powerful plug-ins to make your site do things that would take months and thousands of dollars to pay a programmer to do.
· Set your site up so the search engines love it.
Submit your posts to dozens of directories automatically!
Add clickable links to resources and affiliate products.
And much, much more!
The WordPress Website Creation E-course will give you all of the tools
and knowledge to become your own webmaster. You can build as many of
these websites as you want, over and over again, driving tons of
valuable customers to your products and services. You will be in total
But Tom, I’ve never built a website before…ever.
You are exactly the person I made this e-course for. No matter what
skill level you have with making websites, whether you have made dozens
or never touched one at all, this course will give you valuable
information on creating search engine friendly pages that will soar to
the top of the ranks. Who could benefit from having their own website?
If you are a:
Public Speaker
– you can create a web presence that is critical in getting your name
out there and attracting meeting planners.
– show your prospective clients how you have helped others with video
testimonials and show off your training.
– promoting your book on the web is critical in attracting readers and
publishers. Authors need a website more than ever!
– advertise your systems, products and services to the world. Whether
for business or personal, there are people searching the web every
moment for good advice!
Affiliate marketer
– you can’t do business at all without a website. Now you can have
hundreds of them to promote all the products people are looking for
Small business owner
– from local pizza shops to busy chiropractors, the small business
person will benefit the most from a custom website. Creating search
engine friendly websites are how the successful small business people
are reaching their customers by the millions in local search results.
Artists, bands and actors
– grab the attention of the world’s most influential people with demo
videos, MP3 downloads, bio pages and more.
Personal use
– use a WordPress website to just share family photos, keep a journal,
start a business, keep up with friends, network with like minded people
and express yourself to the fullest. A website can open the doors of
creativity and profit or do anything with it you desire!
I designed this video e-course after I created my easiest website yet… . I have hundreds of websites but with WordPress software I created the cheapest, and fastest, and best looking website I ever owned.
I added plug-ins to upload videos, I created a sales letter page where you can buy my tennis DVD and I can even collect emails to add to my database in KickStartCart.
I searched for a tennis theme, created my pages, removed the sponsored
links ($20) and published my first blog post in 30 minutes! That was
just a few months ago and I have already made great money selling my
tennis video and the site is already at a
Google page rank of 4!
This training e-course gives you the power to create the business you
want, without the expense. Included are:
65 pages of detailed step-by-step articles!
26 Camtasia screen capture videos so you can see exactly how each step
is done!
My personal Ping List of all the places I submit to so you can get
started quickly and be successful!
Plus my high level research on the exact way to set up your links for maximum
search engine positioning and you'll even be in good favor with Google
news if you do it my way.
After seeing just how easy creating WordPress sites were, I knew I was on to something. People all over the world can benefit from creating quick and easy websites for themselves and be on their way to Internet success.
My video WordPress Website Creation e-course will show you every detail
and leaves nothing out. You will also learn these WordPress secrets:
Using your hosting company software to install WordPress in one click!
How to instantly install the latest WordPress versions.
How to title your blog posts to get high Google search results!
Sponsored links or no sponsored links? Which is better?
Finding the right widgets to customize your sidebars.
Permalinks. What are they? And how can you use them to increase search
Powerful tips to build subscribers! Start to build your “fan club.”
Formatting lists to make your site look professional.
Purchasing themes that will give your site a million dollar look!
You could spend a fortune having a website built by so-called
“professionals”…. techno-geek designers that have never made a dime on
the Internet and then wait weeks to make one small change. But you no
longer have to do this. I’m giving you the control over the Internet by
teaching you the simplest method yet for building the Internet business
of your dreams.
How much would you pay for powerful training like this?
![]() This class rocks! You absolutely deliver on what you promise! Meggin McIntosh |
$97.00 (one of my best bargains ever!)
Click here to build awesome sites fast and cheap
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