LAd - Screw The Commute


Welcome to the LAd page.

This is a technique I’ve been using for years to be able to put ads in front of my target audience while teaching them at the same time. There’s a quote I love from the advertising legend Howard Gossage.

“Nobody reads advertising. People read what interests them. Sometimes it’s an ad.”

If I just forced people to watch or read long ads about me and my business, how long do you think they would watch and how much attention do you think they would pay? . . . I guess they would watch and pay attention a little while if what I was showing them was, as Mr. Gossage said, “Interesting.” But certainly, if all I was doing was “advertising” to them with no value they could use for themselves, they wouldn’t hang in there very long.

How to Make a $50,000.00 Video About You and Your Business for Only Pennies on the Dollar

I perfected my Learning Ad concept using a live presentation where I would show people a video about my retreat center and joint venture program while at the same time teaching them how to make a similar video about their business.  The sample below is 45 minutes long, so you might want to come back and look at that when you have time to sit and take notes. It gives you tons of tips on doing a super great production on the cheap.

The original video without commentary

I had all kinds of tips and examples from the video on how they could get free, spectacular footage to put in their video, how to get great testimonials in a hurry from camera shy people, how to get gorgeous graphics and transitions and music for cheap or for free and probably another 30 or 40 tips from my 30 plus years producing video.

So, here’s what happened every single time I did this for the last 12 years or so. I would show a 17-minute version of a 23-minute video ad about my Retreat Center and joint venture program. Not once in the many times I’ve shown this were people bored and walking out. In fact, it was quite the opposite. They were riveted to the screen and taking copious notes.

Let me ask you. When was the last time you created an ad and people were taking notes about it while looking at it? . . . Probably never.

They got great value from my video expertise they could use to make a similar video about their company and their products and services. I got them to watch all the details of how great it is to be in my program and visit my Retreat Center.  Win-Win.

Now I’m Adding Print

So, now I’ve taken this same concept to print. I’ve created a PDF LAd about my Mentor program. It’s totally an ad about my mentor program and it’s totally me asking you to join. So, why should you read it? . . . Two reasons.

1) Throughout the document I have sections of Blue Text where I’m teaching you how to create a similar document to promote your business. I give all kinds of tips on publicity, credibility, piling on benefits of your product and a lot more and…

2) I have a checklist so you can compare my program against any training you are considering so you can get the most value out of any program you choose.  People love checklists and comparison charts and you should have them in your document.

Plus, I give you warnings about what to watch for when purchasing training, links to helpful webinars and questions to ask anyone you are considering training with.

If you follow my lead section-by-section and make a similar document for yourself, you will have a spectacular promotional piece about you, your products and services.

Another great thing when you make a promotional document for yourself is that it’s easy to update and add benefits as your business grows. Let’s say you get a great piece of publicity and get featured in a magazine. It’s easy and free to go back and edit your document with the update. Let’s say you add another great bonus to your product or service, yep…. All you have to do is slap it into the document and hit save and your document is always up to date and growing in credibility.

Hey, after all these years I’m still adding perks to my program. I just added “Podcast” training and “On Demand TV” training to my mentor program because I’m now doing it and I’m competent to teach it to you.

So, check out my LAd and grab the value for yourself while deciding if getting into my program is right for you.

Click the picture below to download your LAd